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Last active December 23, 2021 16:40
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Bottle CSS importing
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/style.css">
<title>{{title or 'No title'}}</title>
%# ここにrebaseしたテンプレートが入る。この場合make_table.tplの内容がここに入る。
%#template for editing a task
%#the template expects to receive a value for "no" as well a "old", the text of the selected ToDo item
<p>Edit the task with ID = {{no}}</p>
<form action="/edit/{{no}}" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="task" value="{{old[0]}}" size="100" maxlength="100">
<select name="status">
<input type="submit" name="save" value="save">
<a href="/show/{{no}}">Back</a>
%#template to generate a HTML table from a list of tuples (or list of lists, or tuple of tuples or ...)
% rebase('base.tpl', title='Page Title')
<p>The ssssopen items are as follows:</p>
<a href="/new">New Todo</a>
<table border="1">
%for row in rows:
%for col in row:
<a href="/show/{{row[0]}}">Show</a>
<p>Add a new task to the ToDo list:</p>
<form action="/new" method="POST">
<input type="text" size="100" maxlength="100" name="task">
<input type="submit" name="save" value="save">
<a href='/'>Back</a>
Task: {{item[0]}}
<a href="/edit/{{no}}">Edit</a>
<a href="/delete/{{no}}">Delete</a>
<a href="/">Back</a>
p {
color: red;
import sqlite3
from bottle import route, run, debug, template, request, static_file, error
def hello():
hello = 'Hello World!!!!'
return hello
def todo_list():
# データベースに接続
conn = sqlite3.connect('todo.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# データベースにSQLのクエリを投げて問い合わせ todo テーブル
c.execute("SELECT id, task FROM todo WHERE status LIKE '1'")
# 結果をresultに入れる c.fetchall() は Tupleを返す
result = c.fetchall()
# データベースの接続を終了する
# resultをmake_table.tplを使って表示する
output = template('make_table', rows=result)
# response としてoutputを返す
return output
@route('/new', method='GET')
def new_item():
return template('new_task.tpl')
@route('/new', method='POST')
def create_item():
# 前後の空白を除去 str.strip()
new = request.POST.task.strip()
# データベースに接続
conn = sqlite3.connect('todo.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# SQLをDBに発行
c.execute("INSERT INTO todo (task,status) VALUES (?,?)", (new, 1))
# テーブルの最後のIDを取得
new_id = c.lastrowid
# データベースの変更を確定 commit
# データベースの接続を終了
return '<p>The new task was inserted into the database, the ID is %s</p><a href="/">Back</a>' % new_id
@route('/edit/<no:int>', method='GET')
def edit_item(no):
# 編集画面を表示
# データベース接続
conn = sqlite3.connect('todo.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# DBにSQL発行 id が no なレコード
c.execute("SELECT task FROM todo WHERE id LIKE ?", (str(no),) )
# 1件だけ取得 c.fetchone()
cur_data = c.fetchone()
return template('edit_task', old=cur_data, no=no)
@route('/edit/<no:int>', method='POST')
def update_item(no):
# 変更処理
edit = request.POST.task.strip()
status = request.POST.status.strip()
if status == 'open':
status = 1
status = 0
conn = sqlite3.connect('todo.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("UPDATE todo SET task = ?, status = ? WHERE id LIKE ?", (edit, status, no))
return '<p>The item number %s was successfully updated</p><a href="/show/%s">Back</a>' % (no, no)
def delete_item(no):
conn = sqlite3.connect('todo.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("DELETE FROM todo WHERE id LIKE ?", (str(no),))
return '<p>The item number %s was successfully deleted</p><a href="/">Back</a>' % no
def show_item(item):
conn = sqlite3.connect('todo.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT task FROM todo WHERE id LIKE ?", (item,))
result = c.fetchall()
if not result:
return 'This item number does not exist!'
return template('show_task', item=result[0], no=item)
# return 'Task: %s' % result[0]
def help():
return static_file('help.html', root='.')
def show_json(json):
conn = sqlite3.connect('todo.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT task FROM todo WHERE id LIKE ?", (json,))
result = c.fetchall()
if not result:
return {'task': 'This item number does not exist!'}
return {'task': result[0]}
def mistake403(code):
return 'The parameter you passed has the wrong format!'
def mistake404(code):
return 'Sorry, this page does not exist!'
def server_static(filepath):
return static_file(filepath, root='static')
# Webサーバーを立ち上げて待機する
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