An example of a directed force layout made in D3.js adapated from Mike Bostock's examples Mobile Patent Suits and Sticky Force Layout. This is a dependency diagram of the propositions from Book I of Euclid's Elements. Proposition A depends on proposition B if and only if proposition B needs to be invoked in order to prove proposition A. The dependence of the first book's 48 propositions on the definitions, common notions, and postulates given by Euclid at the beginning of the book is not shown in this diagram. To see a full dependency diagram for Book I, albeit non-interactive, take a look at Thomson Nguyen's diagram.
Click on a node to drag it and read the statement of the corresponding proposition. Propositions colored red depend on the selected (blue) proposition. Follow the link to read a proof of the proposition at David Joyce's online edition of the Elements. Double click the node to clear the selection.
The proposition text comes from David Joyce's online edition of Euclid's Elements. Read the full text here. Inspiration for this project comes from serving as a TA for David Jabon's history of mathematics course taught during the summer 2017 session of the University of Chicago's SESAME Program.