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Last active February 18, 2021 12:13
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git checkout -
moves to the previous branch where you were before.
git diff
see the difference between branches
git branch -m test
In order to rename a current branch
git branch -D headtestbracnh
Hard deleting the branch
git commit --amend
git amend is useful for changing the commit message or changing your last commit files changes, rewrite history.
Don't do this on the master. do it somewhere on your local branch, because it will rewrite the history again can cause conflict.
This command will create another commit
git commit --amend -m "message of my commit changed "
applies message
git commit --amend -am "message"
replaces another commit, the last commit is orphaned, applies message, and adds new files.
There three types of reset. --hard, --soft, --mixed. git reset defaults to --mixed.
git reset commands deafults to --mixed.
Easy explanation:
Given: - A - B - C (master)
git reset --soft A and you will see B and C's stuff in green (staged and ready to commit)
git reset --mixed A (or git reset A) and you will see B and C's stuff in red (unstaged and ready to be staged (green) and then committed)
git reset --hard A and you will no longer see B and C's changes anywhere (will be as if they never existed)
git reset HEAD
git status -s
if you dont want changes, go back but does not cleanup. unstaging the chnages. This before adding changes (for commits does not apply).
How do I get my repo back to the state it was in before I started making changes without losing my changes?
git reset info.txt
unstage info.txt removing file from being staged, untrack the file.
git reset b5cd69e
unstaging commited code, back to where it was before.
By reseting we can make chnages on local repo, we dont lose here anything. We are going back but we are not deleting or cleaning.
git reset --soft HEAD^
undo last commit
git reset --hard
The “git reset –hard” operation is considered the most effective operation if you wish to entirely get rid of your last commit. It means that when you perform this operation, the head of your file will change, i.e., it will no longer be pointing to your last commit.
Not only this, but it will also clear out your last commit from your index and even change your current working directory.
what it does head reseted to last commit where it was before, your changes will be lost will start from begining.
git reset [commit]
git reset c9f17d2 --hard
head will be c9f17d2 at your branch, bracnh will be back to here (c9f17d2)
git reset --soft HEAD~1
If you do find yourself in the situation where you’ve accidentally committed some messy code,
you can do a “soft” reset. This means that the code appears as if it has not been committed yet.
Then you can tidy up your code in your IDE before making a cleaner commi.
ele bil bir commit dala qaytarir
git reset --soft HEAD~2
takes back 2 commits before does not clean your code.
git reset --hard HEAD~1
This type of reset essentially erases your last commit.
You should be very careful about performing hard resets, especially if you push your branch, as there is no way to restore your commit
git clean -x -d -i
removes file in interactive mode.
git stash
add changes to stash
git stash list
to see all the changes
git stash pop
get last stash , applies the changes and removes the files from the stash
git stash apply
applies the changes and leaves a copy in the stash
----Revert ---
git revert [commit]
undo the commit and creates a new commit.
Ultimately main reason to do this to have linear commit history.
To make look like we never made of branch history. Keeps our commit any more ordered fashion.
one solid linear history.
git checkout -b Reabase1
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge Reabase1
git log --oneline
shows git history of all commits that is only reachable ones.
git log --pretty=oneline
shows entire commit
git log --all --grep='loca*'
finds all commits regarding to the given message
git log --author="Sabuhi"
get all logs from author Sabuhi
git reflog
git log -p
git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
git log --oneline --graph --decorate
decorate the logs
git reflog HEAD@{100}
logs from 100 to end
git reflog HEAD@{3.days.ago}
git reflog HEAD@{2.weeks.ago}
git reflog master
git difftool HEAD@{4} HEAD@{5}
git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all
git gc --prune=now
Garbage collector for git history
git merge master
While merging branch, if you face conflict then mergetool will be superman for you
git mergetool
git difftoll [commmit] [ commmit]
git difftool HEAD@{1.min.ago} HEAD@{}
----Config && ALias----
git config --global -e
Global config for your git.
git config --global --list
To get your current config list
git config --global alias.onelinegraph 'log --oneline --graph --decorate'
setting config
git config --global alias.expireunreachablenow 'reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all'
setting config
git config --global alias.gcunreachable 'gc --prune=now'
Two types of tags: lightweight and annotated tags
a lightweight tag is like a bookmark to a specific place that you'd want to use if you want to get back to that spot and an annotated tag allows you to make a tag that you can put your information about who did it what all the state of the thing was when it was done.
git tag
gets all tags
git checkout tag_name
checkout to the tag_name
git tag mytag
this lightweight tag
git tag -a onmasterannotatde -m "say this"
this one is annotated tag
git show onmasterannotatde
show commits on a specific tag
git tag -d tag_name
To delete a tag
git push --tags
To push all your tags
git push origin :tag_name
to delete tag on remote
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