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Last active July 27, 2019 20:49
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from typing import Dict, Any
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import nltk
import pandas as pd
from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import random, re #re helps with the text formating
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import string
lyrics_words_by_user = input("Enter One keyword for lyrics:")
#the first task would be to take a keyword or a set of keywords that will be used in the genration
of lyrics
word_tokenized = word_tokenize(lyrics_words_by_user)
#Now that we have the keywords, lets scrap data that are related to the keywords
url = '' + str(word_tokenized)
response = get(url)
html_soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
#These keywords will be used to download the lyrics that are related to them
song_lyrics = html_soup.find_all('',class_ = 'lyric-body')
for i in song_lyrics:
for j in i:
j = str(j)
cleaner = re.compile('<.*?>')
j = re.sub(cleaner, '', j)
j.replace(',', '')
j.replace(')', '')
j.replace('(', '')
appendFile = open('lyrics1.txt', 'a')
#the lyrics will be stored in the file that will be used to train the next set of lyrics that rhyme
def testMarkov(startword):
LyricsLib = {}
addToLib('lyrics1.txt', LyricsLib)
return makeLyrics(startword, LyricsLib)
def addToLib(filename, currLib):
f = open(filename,'r') #opens the lyrics file that is being added everytime
words = re.sub("\n", "\n",' ')
curr= 0
while curr < len(words) - 1:
#looping through all the words including \n in this song
currWord = words[curr].lower()
nextWord = words[curr + 1].lower()
if currWord in currLib.keys():
#Checks if the word is a new word
if nextWord in currLib[currWord].keys():
#if we have seen the sequence than currWord -> nextWord before
currLib[currWord][nextWord] += 1
#Havent seen the sequence
currLib[currWord][nextWord] = 1
#I haven't seen this word
currLib[currWord] = {nextWord: 1}
curr += 1
#Change counts to percentages values
for key in currLib.keys():
#for each word
keyTotal = 0
TwoDarray = 0
for probKey in currLib[key].keys():
keyTotal += currLib[key][probKey]
for probKey in currLib[key].keys():
currLib[key][probKey] = currLib[key][probKey]/keyTotal
print('\n', currLib)
return currLib
def makeLyrics(startword, probDict): #set of lyrics and start words as paratmeters
lyrics, curr, wc = '', startword, 0
while wc < 50:
lyrics += curr + ' '
curr = markov_next(curr, probDict)
wc += 1
return lyrics
#Hidden Markov Model
def markov_next(currword, probDict):
#Either returns a random word if it is novel or finds probabiliticly
if currword not in probDict.keys():
return random.choice(list(probDict.keys()))
wordprobs = probDict[currword]
randProb = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
currProb = 0.0
for key in wordprobs:
currProb += wordprobs[key]
if randProb <= currProb:
return key
return random.choice(probDict.keys())
corpus = open('lyrics1.txt', "r")
words = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(inputfile)
count = set(words)
dict = nltk.FreqDist(words)
#Input of the user
compare = testMarkov(lyrics_words_by_user)
#compare_tokenized = word_tokenized(compare)
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The code below can be divided in three steps. The first step was to generate a corpus that is attached to repository. I used Beautifulsoup Python library to scrap the relevant lyrics based on the keyword given by the user. The keyword tells us what the
subject of the automatic generated lyrics required by the user. The purpose of attaching an online repository was to always include the relevant keyword details in case nothing relevant already available in the corpus. The second step was to remove all the noise that came along with the data extracted from to be able to process it properly. The third step includes the corpus to be trained on the Hidden Markov Model to predict the output. We also tracked the sequence of the current words so that they are not repeated in the next iterative process. The results show lyrics generated based on the keyword given that are both meaningful and rhythmic. Though a lot more can be done to give the literature and work that is already available on the subject but I’ve limited the work according to the scope of the project. The complete code with corpus can be provided on request to the author.

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