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Last active July 13, 2021 19:15
Gift Cards Breakage Analysis & Forecasting
## Breakage Analysis & Forecasting
This involves taking a life cycle of a card and calculating how much money is left on the card post expiry.
The goal is to take ALL the cards where we get breakage and calculate the breakage.
Based on the breakage from past years, we need the ability to “forecast” the breakage for future.
Factors adding to the complexity but not limited to these are:
* Type of card - Open / Closed / Semi Closed Loop
* Categories of cards – fashion dining etc.
* Denomination of cards
* Volume of cards and their transactions
* Revenue calculation based on contract with Meta Bank and other contracts
### CARD
GiftCardID MerchantID CardCategory CardType CardValue ExpiryDate
GC1 M1 Dining Open Loop $20 12-12-2020
GC2 M1 Recreation Closed Loop $10 07-31-2020
GC3 M2 Spa/Saloon Semi Closed Loop $50 07-27-2020
GC4 M3 Clothing Semi Closed Loop $200 07-25-2020
Customer Card PurchaseDate
C1 GC1 01-01-2020
C1 GC2 01-01-2020
C2 GC2 02-01-2020
C3 GC3 05-29-2020
C2 GC4 05-29-2020
TxID Customer Card Redeemed Redemption Date
T1 C1 GC1 $5 05-01-2020
T2 C1 GC2 $10 07-01-2020
T3 C2 GC2 $6 07-25-2020
T4 C2 GC4 $150 07-25-2020
Status @ Today = Jul 28
### Current Status
Customer Status
C1 GC1: $15, GC2: $0
C2 GC2: $4, GC4: -$50 (Breakage)
C3 GC3: -$50 (Breakage)
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