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Last active February 25, 2019 05:20
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Run OpenFaas on Windows 10 Home Edition with Minikube and Virtualbox
# Install Virtualbox (from here)[]
# Install Kubectl, refer (here)[]
# Install Minikube, refere (here)[
# Install Helm by following instructions at (Helm)[]
# Install faas-cli, refer (here)[]
# Start Windows Powershell using Run as Administrator
# Update Path variable by adding paths to above utilities using `$env:Path += "c:\path_to_kubectl"`
# Run `minikube start` - This will download VM image and set it up in Virtualbox and kick off K8s Cluster.
# Run `& minikube docker-env | Invoke-Expression` - This means that any Docker images built will be built in your minikube, so they are readily available.
# clond faas-netes repository using `git clone`.
# repare a namespace and service account for tiller (helm server) via `kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller`
then run `kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller`
# Install tiller using `helm init --skip-refresh --upgrade --service-account tiller`
# Change directory so that you are inside the faas-netes/chart directory via cd `faas-netes/chart`
# Edit the openfaas/values.yml file so that the faasnetesd component has the configuration value imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent" set. This is what will allow us to run our local Docker images.
# Install OpenFaas using helm using `helm upgrade --install --debug --reset-values --set async=false openfaas openfaas/`
# Use the command that is given in the output to wait until OpenFaas is up and running.
Run a Openfaas function on Kubernetes,
# Create a new function using `faas-cli new --lang go hello`
# Use faas-cli to build the function which essentially builds the Docker image (note, this will wind up on your minikube VM) using `faas-cli build -f hello.yml`
# Note the Url for OpenFaas gateway which will be http://`$(minikube ip)`:31112.
# Deploy the function to OpenFaas using `faas-cli deploy -f hello.yml --gateway <url>`.
# Test the function using `echo test | faas-cli invoke hello --gateway <url>`.
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