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Created September 11, 2012 09:26
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Regular Expressions in C
* file : regex.match.1.c
* author : John Saxon (09-Mar-2010)
* revision : $Rev$
* this program is to demonstrate how to use the POSIX regular
* expression functions (defined in regex.h).
* this particular program shows you how to simply say whether
* a give string (argv[1]) is a match for a given regular
* expression pattern (argv[2]). So basicllay it returns a
* yes or no answer.
#include <regex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
main(int argc, char **argv)
* Usage: prog string regex
* so should have 3 argsuments (inc. program name)
if(argc == 3) /* so should have 3 argsuments (inc. program name) */
int status;
/* compiled regex object (well not really an object ...) */
regex_t regex;
/* compile a regular expression */
status = regcomp(&regex, argv[2], REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB);
if(status == 0) /* success ? */
/* match the string to the regular expression */
status = regexec(&regex, argv[1], (size_t) 0, NULL, 0);
/* output result */
"match: %c;\n",
/* a bit of a ternary op here *
* if(!failed) return 'y'; else return 'n'; */
status != REG_NOMATCH ? 'y' : 'n'
else /* fail */
/* space for an error message */
char err[50];
/* get the error message */
regerror(status, &regex, err, (size_t) sizeof(err));
/* print the error message */
printf("error: %s\n", err);
/* free the compiled regular expression */
/* called incorrectly */
/* print usage */
printf("Usage:\n\t%s str pattern\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
* file : regex.match.2.c
* author : John Saxon (09-Mar-2010)
* revision : $Rev$
* this program is to demonstrate how to use the POSIX regular
* expression functions (defined in regex.h).
* this particular program shows you how to not only say whether
* a string (argv[1]) is a match for a regular expression
* pattern (argv[2]); but allows to create backreferences.
* a back reference stores the part of the string matched by the
* regular expression inside round parentheses.
#include <regex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
main(int argc, char **argv)
* Usage: prog string regex
* so should have 3 argsuments (inc. program name)
if(argc == 3) /* so should have 3 argsuments (inc. program name) */
int status;
/* compiled regex object (well not really an object ...) */
regex_t regex;
/* compile a regular expression */
status = regcomp(&regex, argv[2], REG_EXTENDED);
if(status == 0) /* success ? */
/* regex matches (+1 so to add a final object to it)*/
regmatch_t matches[regex.re_nsub + 1];
/* match the string to the regular expression */
status = regexec(&regex, argv[1], regex.re_nsub + 1, matches, 0);
/* output result */
"match: %c;\n",
/* a bit of a ternary op here *
* if(!failed) return 'y'; else return 'n'; */
status != REG_NOMATCH ? 'y' : 'n'
/* does the regex have any backreferences *
* and did it match to the string */
if(regex.re_nsub > 0 && status != REG_NOMATCH)
int i; /* iterator */
/* for each reference ... */
for(i = 0; i <= regex.re_nsub; i++)
/* is this the last back reference? */
if(matches[i].rm_so == -1)
/* leave loop */
/* get the length of the backreference */
int length = matches[i].rm_eo - matches[i].rm_so;
/* to store the string itself */
char match[length];
/* copy the substring from argv[1] */
argv[1] + matches[i].rm_so,
/* add the trailing NULL */
match[length] = '\0';
/* print the match itself, with offsets */
"%d %d %s;\n",
(int) matches[i].rm_so,
(int) matches[i].rm_eo,
else /* fail */
/* space for an error message */
char err[50];
/* get the error message */
regerror(status, &regex, err, (size_t) sizeof(err));
/* print the error message */
printf("error: %s\n", err);
/* free the compiled regular expression */
/* called incorrectly */
/* print usage */
printf("Usage:\n\t%s str pattern\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
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