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Created July 7, 2015 14:46
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/*jshint node:true, laxcomma:true */
* Flush stats to graphite (
* To enable this backend, include 'graphite' in the backends
* configuration array:
* backends: ['dataloop']
* This backend supports the following config options:
* graphiteHost: Hostname of graphite server.
* graphitePort: Port to contact graphite server at.
var net = require('net');
// this will be instantiated to the logger
var l;
var debug;
var flushInterval;
var graphiteHost;
var graphitePort;
var flush_counts;
// prefix configuration
var globalPrefix;
var prefixCounter;
var prefixTimer;
var prefixGauge;
var prefixSet;
var globalSuffix;
var prefixStats;
var globalKeySanitize = true;
// set up namespaces
var legacyNamespace = true;
var globalNamespace = [];
var counterNamespace = [];
var timerNamespace = [];
var gaugesNamespace = [];
var setsNamespace = [];
var graphiteStats = {};
var post_stats = function graphite_post_stats(statString) {
var last_flush = graphiteStats.last_flush || 0;
var last_exception = graphiteStats.last_exception || 0;
var flush_time = graphiteStats.flush_time || 0;
var flush_length = graphiteStats.flush_length || 0;
if (graphiteHost) {
try {
var graphite = net.createConnection(graphitePort, graphiteHost);
graphite.addListener('error', function(connectionException){
if (debug) {
graphite.on('connect', function() {
var ts = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
var ts_suffix = ' ' + ts + "\n";
var namespace = globalNamespace.concat(prefixStats).join(".");
statString += namespace + '.graphiteStats.last_exception' + globalSuffix + last_exception + ts_suffix;
statString += namespace + '.graphiteStats.last_flush' + globalSuffix + last_flush + ts_suffix;
statString += namespace + '.graphiteStats.flush_time' + globalSuffix + flush_time + ts_suffix;
statString += namespace + '.graphiteStats.flush_length' + globalSuffix + flush_length + ts_suffix;
var starttime =;
graphiteStats.flush_time = ( - starttime);
graphiteStats.flush_length = statString.length;
graphiteStats.last_flush = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
} catch(e){
if (debug) {
graphiteStats.last_exception = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
var flush_stats = function graphite_flush(ts, metrics) {
var ts_suffix = ' ' + ts + "\n";
var starttime =;
var statString = '';
var numStats = 0;
var key;
var timer_data_key;
var counters = metrics.counters;
var gauges = metrics.gauges;
var timers = metrics.timers;
var sets = metrics.sets;
var counter_rates = metrics.counter_rates;
var timer_data = metrics.timer_data;
var statsd_metrics = metrics.statsd_metrics;
// Sanitize key for graphite if not done globally
function sk(key) {
if (globalKeySanitize) {
return key;
} else {
return key.replace(/\s+/g, '_')
.replace(/\//g, '-')
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z_\-0-9\.]/g, '');
for (key in counters) {
var value = counters[key];
var valuePerSecond = counter_rates[key]; // pre-calculated "per second" rate
var keyName = sk(key);
var namespace = counterNamespace.concat(keyName);
if (legacyNamespace === true) {
statString += namespace.join(".") + globalSuffix + valuePerSecond + ts_suffix;
if (flush_counts) {
statString += 'stats_counts.' + keyName + globalSuffix + value + ts_suffix;
} else {
statString += namespace.concat('rate').join(".") + globalSuffix + valuePerSecond + ts_suffix;
if (flush_counts) {
statString += namespace.concat('count').join(".") + globalSuffix + value + ts_suffix;
numStats += 1;
for (key in timer_data) {
var namespace = timerNamespace.concat(sk(key));
var the_key = namespace.join(".");
for (timer_data_key in timer_data[key]) {
if (typeof(timer_data[key][timer_data_key]) === 'number') {
statString += the_key + '.' + timer_data_key + globalSuffix + timer_data[key][timer_data_key] + ts_suffix;
} else {
for (var timer_data_sub_key in timer_data[key][timer_data_key]) {
if (debug) {
statString += the_key + '.' + timer_data_key + '.' + timer_data_sub_key + globalSuffix +
timer_data[key][timer_data_key][timer_data_sub_key] + ts_suffix;
numStats += 1;
for (key in gauges) {
var namespace = gaugesNamespace.concat(sk(key));
statString += namespace.join(".") + globalSuffix + gauges[key] + ts_suffix;
numStats += 1;
for (key in sets) {
var namespace = setsNamespace.concat(sk(key));
statString += namespace.join(".") + '.count' + globalSuffix + sets[key].size() + ts_suffix;
numStats += 1;
var namespace = globalNamespace.concat(prefixStats);
if (legacyNamespace === true) {
statString += prefixStats + '.numStats' + globalSuffix + numStats + ts_suffix;
statString += 'stats.' + prefixStats + '.graphiteStats.calculationtime' + globalSuffix + ( - starttime) + ts_suffix;
for (key in statsd_metrics) {
statString += 'stats.' + prefixStats + '.' + key + globalSuffix + statsd_metrics[key] + ts_suffix;
} else {
statString += namespace.join(".") + '.numStats' + globalSuffix + numStats + ts_suffix;
statString += namespace.join(".") + '.graphiteStats.calculationtime' + globalSuffix + ( - starttime) + ts_suffix;
for (key in statsd_metrics) {
var the_key = namespace.concat(key);
statString += the_key.join(".") + globalSuffix + statsd_metrics[key] + ts_suffix;
if (debug) {
l.log("numStats: " + numStats);
var backend_status = function graphite_status(writeCb) {
for (var stat in graphiteStats) {
writeCb(null, 'graphite', stat, graphiteStats[stat]);
exports.init = function graphite_init(startup_time, config, events, logger) {
debug = config.debug;
l = logger;
graphiteHost = '';
graphitePort = 2003;
config.graphite = config.graphite || {};
globalPrefix = 'fingerprint';
prefixCounter = config.graphite.prefixCounter;
prefixTimer = config.graphite.prefixTimer;
prefixGauge = config.graphite.prefixGauge;
prefixSet = config.graphite.prefixSet;
globalSuffix = config.graphite.globalSuffix;
legacyNamespace = false;
prefixStats = config.prefixStats;
// set defaults for prefixes & suffix
globalPrefix = globalPrefix !== undefined ? globalPrefix : "stats";
prefixCounter = prefixCounter !== undefined ? prefixCounter : "counters";
prefixTimer = prefixTimer !== undefined ? prefixTimer : "timers";
prefixGauge = prefixGauge !== undefined ? prefixGauge : "gauges";
prefixSet = prefixSet !== undefined ? prefixSet : "sets";
prefixStats = prefixStats !== undefined ? prefixStats : "statsd";
legacyNamespace = legacyNamespace !== undefined ? legacyNamespace : true;
// In order to unconditionally add this string, it either needs to be
// a single space if it was unset, OR surrounded by a . and a space if
// it was set.
globalSuffix = globalSuffix !== undefined ? '.' + globalSuffix + ' ' : ' ';
if (legacyNamespace === false) {
if (globalPrefix !== "") {
if (prefixCounter !== "") {
if (prefixTimer !== "") {
if (prefixGauge !== "") {
if (prefixSet !== "") {
} else {
globalNamespace = ['stats'];
counterNamespace = ['stats'];
timerNamespace = ['stats', 'timers'];
gaugesNamespace = ['stats', 'gauges'];
setsNamespace = ['stats', 'sets'];
graphiteStats.last_flush = startup_time;
graphiteStats.last_exception = startup_time;
graphiteStats.flush_time = 0;
graphiteStats.flush_length = 0;
if (config.keyNameSanitize !== undefined) {
globalKeySanitize = config.keyNameSanitize;
flushInterval = config.flushInterval;
flush_counts = typeof(config.flush_counts) === "undefined" ? true : config.flush_counts;
events.on('flush', flush_stats);
events.on('status', backend_status);
return true;
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