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Created February 2, 2010 13:20
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module Space.Rovers
open System
type Direction= N | E | S | W
let direction= function 'N' ->N |'E'->E |'S'->S |'W'->W
|_-> raise (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException())
let swap (x,y)=(y,x)
let rec neighbours = function N -> (W,E)
| E -> (N,S)
| S -> neighbours N |> swap
| W -> neighbours E |> swap
type RoverState=Position*Direction
and Position= int*int
let move state= let ((x,y),direction)=state in
match direction with N -> (x,y+1) |E-> (x+1,y)
|S -> (x,y-1) |W-> (x-1,y)
let execute state= let (position,direction)=state
let left,right= neighbours direction in
function 'R' -> (position,right)
|'L' -> (position,left)
|'M' -> ( move state,direction)
| _ -> raise (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException())
let executeM initialState commands= List.fold execute initialState commands
let rec batchExecute = let parseC= Char.ToString >> Int32.Parse
let parsInit s= ((parseC(List.nth s 0 ), parseC(List.nth s 1 )),direction(List.nth s 2))
function s::commands::tail -> executeM (parsInit s) commands :: batchExecute tail
|_ -> []
let executeString (s:String)= let lines=s.Replace(" ","").Split('\n')
in batchExecute [for line in lines -> [for c in line -> c]]
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