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Created February 2, 2010 13:44
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namespace TTest
using CircularList;
using WithCompus = Char;
//using RobotState = Tuple<IEnumerable<char>, Position>;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
WithCompus meWithCompusToNorth = 'N';
var initial=new RobotState(meWithCompusToNorth, new Position(1, 2));
Console.WriteLine(initial.Do(new List<char> { 'L','M','L','M','L','M','L','M','M' },new Position(5,5)).Item2.Y);
public class RobotState : Tuple<char, Position>
public RobotState(WithCompus compus, Position position) : base(compus, position) { }
public RobotState Advance()
switch (this.Item1){
case 'N': return new RobotState(Item1,Item2.Advance(onY:1));
case 'S': return new RobotState(Item1,Item2.Advance(onY:-1));
case 'E': return new RobotState(Item1, Item2.Advance(onX: 1));
case 'W': return new RobotState(Item1, Item2.Advance(onX: -1));
default: return this;
public RobotState TurnRight(){
return new RobotState(this.Item1.TurnClockwise(), Item2);
public RobotState TurnLeft()
return new RobotState(this.Item1.TurnCounterClockwise(), Item2);
public struct Position{
public readonly int X,Y;
public Position(int x, int y){ this.X = x; this.Y = y; }
public Position Advance(int onX=0,int onY=0){ return new Position(X + onX, Y + onY); }
namespace CircularList
using TWTest;
public static class CompusExtensions
static List<char?> directionsClockwise = new List<char?> { 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W' };
static public char TurnClockwise(this char direction)
return directionsClockwise.ElementAtOrDefault(directionsClockwise.IndexOf(direction) + 1) ?? directionsClockwise.First().Value;
static public char TurnCounterClockwise(this char direction)
return directionsClockwise.ElementAtOrDefault(directionsClockwise.IndexOf(direction) -1) ?? directionsClockwise.Last().Value;
static public class RobotStateExtensions
static public RobotState Do(this RobotState state,char command)
switch (command)
case 'M': return state.Advance();
case 'R': return state.TurnRight();
case 'L': return state.TurnLeft();
default: return state; //do nothing on unknown command, you can log here...
static public RobotState InBoundsOrNull(this RobotState state, Position bounds)
return (state.Item2.X > bounds.X || state.Item2.Y > bounds.Y) || (state.Item2.X <0 || state.Item2.Y <0) ? null : state;
static public RobotState Do(this RobotState initialState, IEnumerable<char> commands,Position bounds)
return commands.Aggregate(initialState, (s, command) => s.Do(command).InBoundsOrNull(bounds) ?? s);
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