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Created April 7, 2010 07:11
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module Randexp
#r "..//Dependencies//FSharp.PowerPack.dll"
open System
open LazyList
type Lang = LazyList<String>
let (.|.) (h:Lazy<_>) (t:Lazy<_>)= LazyList.delayed <| fun()-> LazyList.consDelayed (h.Value) <| fun () -> t.Value
let rec alt (xs:Lang) (ys:Lang) :Lang=
match (xs,ys) with
LazyList.Cons(x,xt) ,LazyList.Cons(y,yt) -> match compare (String.length x, x) (String.length y, y) with
-1 -> lazy(x) .|. lazy(alt xt ys)
|0 ->lazy(x) .|. lazy(alt xt yt)
|1 -> lazy(y) .|. lazy(alt xs yt)
|(xs, ys) -> LazyList.append xs ys
let rec cat xs ys = match (xs,ys) with
LazyList.Cons(x,xt) ,LazyList.Cons(y,yt) -> lazy (x+y) .|. lazy(alt (cat (LazyList.cons x LazyList.empty) yt) (cat xt ys))
| _ ,_ -> LazyList.empty
let rec clo= function LazyList.Nil -> LazyList.cons "" LazyList.empty
| LazyList.Cons("",xs)-> clo xs
| xs -> lazy("") .|. lazy(cat xs (clo xs))
type StkSym = P of Lang // Primary ::= letter | "()" | "(" A ")"
| C of Lang // Catenation ::= P | P "*" | C C
| A of Lang // Alternation ::= C | A "|" A
| L // "("
type Stack = StkSym LazyList // head of list is top of stack
let isAlpha=Char.IsLetter
let rec parse (stack: Stack) (s:char LazyList) : Lang=
match stack,s with
LazyList.Cons(P(x),z) , LazyList.Cons('*',s)-> parse ((lazy(C(clo x))) .|. lazy(z)) s
|LazyList.Cons(P(x),z) , s -> parse (lazy(C(x)) .|. lazy(z)) s
|LazyList.Cons(C(y), LazyList.Cons( C(x),z)) ,s -> parse (lazy(C(cat x y)) .|. lazy(z)) s
|LazyList.Cons(C(x),z) , LazyList.Cons('|',s) -> parse (lazy(A(x)) .|. lazy(z)) s
|LazyList.Cons(C(x),z) , (LazyList.Cons(')',_) as s) -> parse (lazy(A(x)) .|. lazy(z)) s
|LazyList.Cons(C(x),z) , (LazyList.Nil as s) -> parse (lazy (A(x)) .|. lazy(z)) s
|LazyList.Cons(A(y),LazyList.Cons(A(x),z)), s -> parse (lazy(A(alt x y)) .|. lazy(z)) s
|LazyList.Cons(A(x),LazyList.Cons(L,z)), LazyList.Cons(')',s) -> parse (lazy(P(x)) .|. lazy(z)) s
|LazyList.Cons(L,z), LazyList.Cons(')',s) -> parse (lazy(P(LazyList.cons "" empty)) .|. lazy(z)) s
|z, LazyList.Cons('(',s) -> parse (LazyList.cons L z) s
|z, LazyList.Cons(c,s) when isAlpha c-> parse (LazyList.cons (P(LazyList.cons (new String([|c|])) <| LazyList.empty)) z) s
|LazyList.Cons(A(x),LazyList.Nil), LazyList.Nil ->x
|_, s -> raise(Exception())
let enum s = parse LazyList.empty s
let test =LazyList.toArray <| LazyList.take 1000 (enum (LazyList.ofArray ("(b|ab*a)*".ToCharArray())))
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sadache commented Apr 7, 2010

I had to insert lazyness everywhere (not only using LazyLists) to have it functioning for 1000 generated example. With all of that, still Haskell's version is far more performant and concise in the same time.
Probably I have to drop the lazy implementation and try to implement it otherwise (maybe by fully constructing Regex grammer?)

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