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sadid /
Created October 7, 2020 16:26
The keybase proof

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am sadid on github.
  • I am sadid ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAX3FigvhgcG3fh4XnLXz4RQKveTB7FOCxQiz8621m7oQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

sadid / gist:245ce213d0cf049975bb
Created January 10, 2016 20:28 — forked from drkarl/gist:739a864b3275e901d317
Ask HN: Best Linux server backup system?

Linux Backup Solutions

I've been looking for the best Linux backup system, and also reading lots of HN comments.

Instead of putting pros and cons of every backup system I'll just list some deal-breakers which would disqualify them.

Also I would like that you, the HN community, would add more deal breakers for these or other backup systems if you know some more and at the same time, if you have data to disprove some of the deal-breakers listed here (benchmarks, info about something being true for older releases but is fixed on newer releases), please share it so that I can edit this list accordingly.

  • It has a lot of management overhead and that's a problem if you don't have time for a full time backup administrator.