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Created June 9, 2023 17:34
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  • Save sadimanna/b8252db82718dbd7b82bd1d760552f03 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Set the paths for Folder A, train folder, val folder, and test folder
set "base_path=C:\Users\ISI_UTS\Siladittya\MIDA2023"
set "image_folder_path=%base_path%\images"
set "train_image_path=%base_path%\train_images"
set "val_image_path=%base_path%\val_images"
set "test_image_path=%base_path%\test_images"
REM Create the train, val, and test folders if they don't exist
mkdir "%train_image_path%"
mkdir "%val_image_path%"
mkdir "%test_image_path%"
REM Clear the train, val, and test folders if they are not empty
del /q "%train_image_path%\*"
del /q "%val_image_path%\*"
del /q "%test_image_path%\*"
REM Define the percentage split for train, val, and test (adjust as needed)
set "train_split=25"
set "val_split=50"
set "test_split=100"
REM Move files from Folder A to the train, val, and test folders
for %%f in ("%image_folder_path%\*") do (
set /a "rand_num=!random! %% 100"
if !rand_num! lss %train_split% (
move "%%~ff" "%train_image_path%\"
) else if !rand_num! lss %val_split% (
move "%%~ff" "%val_image_path%\"
) else (
move "%%~ff" "%test_image_path%\"
echo Files divided into train, val, and test splits successfully!
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