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Last active October 26, 2018 03:09
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Challenge: 10.25.2018 - Longest Word
import re, cProfile
# --------------------------------- CHALLENGE CONTEXT -------------------------------------- #
# Have the function LongestWord(sen) take the sen parameter being passed and return the
# largest word in the string. If there are two or more words that are the same length,
# return the first word from the string with that length. Ignore punctuation and assume
# sen will not be empty.
# Sample Test Cases
# Input:"fun&!! time"
# Output:"time"
# Input:"I love dogs"
# Output:"love"
# --------------------------------- PROCESS WIREFRAME -------------------------------------- #
# 1. Need to find length of each word in sentence
# 1a. To accomplish, we break apart the sentence on each space (" ") character;
# resulting in an array of words as array elements
# 2. Special characters can't count toward word length/count; ergo, special characters
# must be removed
# 2a. Use regular expression (regex) to remove unwanted special characters from full sentence
# 3. Need to determine the longest word in the sentence
# 3a. Sort the array by element length (longest to shortest)
# 4. Extract the longest word in the array
# 4a. At this point, because we have already sorted the array (longest to shortest), the first
# element in the array will be the longest word. Simply return the first element.
# --------------------------------- PROPOSED SOLUTION -------------------------------------- #
def LongestWord ( sen ) :
# Profiler: 320 function calls in 0.002 seconds
# 1. Remove all special characters from entire sentence
# 1a. This could be done on "w" for each iterated word; however, this wouldn't be optimal as
# we can call it once instead to save gas
# 2. Split sentence by space character (' ') to create list/array of each separate word
# 3. Sort the list/array based on length of element value (largest to smallest) using lambda function
# 4. "[0:1]" select the first in the list
return sorted(re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', '', sen).split(' '), key=lambda item: (-len(item), item))[0:1]
# --------------------------------- ALTERNATE SOLUTIONS ------------------------------------ #
def LongestWord_sortrev ( sen ) :
# Profiler: 232 function calls in 0.003 seconds
# 1. Remove all special characters from entire sentence
# 1a. This could be done on "w" for each iterated word; however, this wouldn't be optimal as
# we can call it once instead to save gas
# 2. Split sentence by space character (' ') to create list/array of each separate word
# 3. Sort the list/array based on length of element value (largest to smallest)
# 4. "[0:1]" select the first in the list
return sorted(re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', '', sen).split(' '), key=len, reverse=True)[0:1]
def LongestWord_wordreg ( sen ) :
# Profiler: 352 function calls in 0.003 seconds
# 1. Split sentence based on space character (' ') to create list/array of each word
# 2. Remove all special characters from each word in sentence, iterated with list comprehension
# 3. Sort the list/array based on length of element value (largest to smallest)
# 4. "[0:1]" select the first in the list
return sorted([ re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]', '', word) for word in sen.split(' ') ], key=len, reverse=True)[0:1]
# ------------------------------------ TEST SCENARIOS -------------------------------------- #
# Test method definition to test LongestWord definition. Pass multiple sentences to
# function to test output/logic.
def test_LongestWord () :
sentences = [ "()this#@ !#@is#!! !@#!#@%%$@#*^my$ sentence sentense!"
,"Hello World"
,"This is a sentence with multiple spaces."
,"My brother has 3 dogs."
,"There... was a racoon in my trash can yesterday!"
,"The Trash Panda was eating left-over lasagna."
# Iterate over each sentence in the list of sentences to test
for sentence in sentences :
# Pass the sentence to the LongestWord() function, and format the printed output
print( "%s - %s" % ( LongestWord( sentence ), sentence ) )
# --------------------------------- MAIN EXECUTION BLOCK ----------------------------------- #
# Profile the current setup 'test_LongestWord()' )
# keep this function call here, where "input()" is user input to create custom sentence
print( LongestWord( input() ) )
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