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Created October 25, 2022 08:04
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Running a simulation of ATP
import random
import heapq
from collections import deque
# mapping of (queue, arrival_rate)
queue_rate = {'050_normal': 1.0, '030_fast': 5.0}
total_rate = sum(dict.values(queue_rate))
# mapping of (queue, mean service time)
queue_size = {'050_normal': 1.0, '030_fast': 0.1}
# list of workers and their respective queues
workers_mapping = [['050_normal'], ['050_normal'], ['030_fast']]
class Job(object):
def __init__(self, t):
self.queue_name = self.select_queue()
self.size = self.select_size()
self.created_t = t
def select_queue(self):
population = list(queue_rate)
# queue weight is queue rate / sum of every rates
weights = map(lambda x: x / total_rate, dict.values(queue_rate))
return random.choices(population, weights = weights, k = 1)[0]
def select_size(self):
return random.weibullvariate(queue_size[self.queue_name], 1.5)
class Queue(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.deque = deque() = name
def append(self, job):
def pop(self):
return self.deque.popleft()
def len(self):
return len(self.deque)
class Worker(object):
# queues are passed by priority, in a resque fashion
def __init__(self, sim_name, queues):
self.busy = False
self.queues = queues
self.in_flight = None
self.sim_name = sim_name
def pop(self):
for q in self.queues:
if q.len() > 0:
return q.pop()
return None
def job_done(self, t):
print("%f,%f,%f,%s,%s"%(t, t - self.in_flight.created_t, t - self.in_flight.created_t - self.in_flight.size, self.sim_name, self.in_flight.queue_name))
next_job = self.pop()
if next_job != None:
self.in_flight = next_job
return [(t + next_job.size, self.job_done)]
self.in_flight = None
self.busy = False
return None
def start(self, job):
assert(not self.busy)
self.busy = True
self.in_flight = job
def can_host(self, job):
queue_names = list(map(lambda q:, self.queues))
return job.queue_name in queue_names
def find_idle_worker(workers):
for w in workers:
if not w.busy:
return w
return None
def find_queue(queues, name):
for q in queues:
if name ==
return q
print("could not find name '%s' in queues:%a"%(name, list(queues)))
class Client(object):
def __init__(self, queues, workers):
self.queues = queues
self.workers = workers
def generate(self, t):
job = Job(t)
next_t = t + random.weibullvariate(1.0 / total_rate, 1.5)
elligible_workers = list(filter(lambda w: w.can_host(job), self.workers))
queue = find_queue(self.queues, job.queue_name)
idle_worker = find_idle_worker(elligible_workers)
if idle_worker == None:
return [(next_t, self.generate)]
return [(next_t, self.generate), (t + job.size, idle_worker.job_done)]
def sim_loop(max_t, client):
t = 0.0
q = [(t, client.generate)]
while len(q) > 0 and t < max_t:
(t, call) = heapq.heappop(q)
new_events = call(t)
if new_events is not None:
def make_worker(mapping, queues):
name = "+".join(mapping)
worker_queues = list(filter(lambda q: in mapping, queues))
return Worker(name, worker_queues)
def run_sims(max_t):
queues = list(map(lambda q: Queue(q), dict.keys(queue_rate)))
workers = list(map(lambda m: make_worker(m, queues), workers_mapping))
client = Client(queues, workers)
sim_loop(max_t, client)
# higher max_t are better for precision, but they're slower to run
d = read.table("results.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)
gg = ggplot(d, aes(q_time, colour=worker)) +
geom_freqpoly() +
scale_y_log10() +
ylab("Count") +
xlab("Queue Time (s)")
ggsave("poly.png", dpi=100, width=8, height=5)
echo "runing the simulation"
python3 > results.csv
echo "plotting the graph"
Rscript plot.R 2> /dev/null
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