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Created November 12, 2020 21:05
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-------------------------- MODULE LessDullReservation --------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets
VARIABLE reservations
Coaches == { "A", "B" }
SeatNumbers == 1..10
Seats == Coaches \X SeatNumbers
70PercentTrainOccupation == (70 * Cardinality(Seats)) \div 100
Reserve == /\ Cardinality(UNION reservations) < 70PercentTrainOccupation
/\ \E singleSeat \in Seats: reservations' = reservations \union {{singleSeat}}
Init == reservations = {}
Next == Reserve
TypeCheck == reservations \in SUBSET SUBSET Seats
AtMost70PercentTrainOccupation == Cardinality(UNION reservations) <= 70PercentTrainOccupation
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