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Created December 8, 2019 11:38
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module Day8 where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Util
count :: (Ord k, Num a) => [k] -> M.Map k a
count xs = M.fromListWith (+) $ zip xs (repeat 1)
run :: IO ()
run = do
inp <- map (map digitToInt . T.unpack) <$> readInput "day8" (T.chunksOf (25 * 6))
print $ part1 inp
mapM_ print $ part2 inp
part1 :: [[Int]] -> Int
part1 i =
let m = minimumBy (comparing (fetch 0)) $ map count i
(ones, twos) = (fetch 1 m, fetch 2 m)
in ones * twos
fetch :: Ord k => k -> M.Map k Int -> Int
fetch k m = fromMaybe 0 $ M.lookup k m
part2 i =
map catMaybes
. chunk 25
. map (getFirst . mconcat)
. transpose
$ map (map frobnicate) i
frobnicate 2 = First Nothing
frobnicate x = First $ Just x
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