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Last active May 14, 2018 19:31
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module Control.Monad.Aff.ProBus where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Aff (Error, forkAff)
import Control.Monad.Aff.Bus (BusR, BusR', BusRW, BusW, BusW')
import Control.Monad.Aff.Bus as Bus
import Control.Monad.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.AVar (AVAR)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (class MonadEff, liftEff)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (forever)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
newtype ProBus i o = ProBus (Tuple (BusW i) (BusR o))
:: forall a b c d m eff
. MonadAff (avar :: AVAR | eff) m
=> (a -> b)
-> (c -> d)
-> ProBus b c
-> m (ProBus a d)
dimapM a2b c2d (ProBus (Tuple busBIn busCOut)) = do
busCOut' <- busMapM c2d busCOut
busBIn' <- busCmapM a2b busBIn
pure $ ProBus $ Tuple busBIn' busCOut'
:: forall m eff r a b
. MonadAff (avar :: AVAR | eff) m
=> (a -> b)
-> BusR' r a
-> m (BusR' r b)
busMapM f bIn = do
newB <- liftAff $ Bus.make
liftAff $ void $ forkAff $ forever do
x <- bIn
Bus.write (f x) newB
pure $ (unsafeCoerce :: BusRW b -> BusR' r b) newB
:: forall m eff r a b
. MonadAff (avar :: AVAR | eff) m
=> (b -> a)
-> BusW' r a
-> m (BusW' r b)
busCmapM f bIn = do
newB <- liftAff $ Bus.make
liftAff $ void $ forkAff $ forever do
x <- newB
Bus.write (f x) bIn
pure $ (unsafeCoerce :: BusRW b -> BusW' r b) newB
:: forall m eff i o
. MonadEff (avar :: AVAR | eff) m
=> m (Tuple (ProBus i o) (ProBus o i))
make = do
Tuple busInR busInW <- liftEff $ Bus.split <$> Bus.make
Tuple busOutR busOutW <- liftEff $ Bus.split <$> Bus.make
let proIO = ProBus $ Tuple busInW busOutR
let proOI = ProBus $ Tuple busOutW busInR
pure $ Tuple proIO proOI
:: forall m i o eff
. MonadAff (avar :: AVAR | eff) m
=> i
-> ProBus i o
-> m Unit
input i (ProBus (Tuple bIn bOut)) =
liftAff $ Bus.write i bIn
:: forall m i o eff
. MonadAff (avar :: AVAR | eff) m
=> ProBus i o
-> m o
output (ProBus (Tuple bIn bOut)) =
liftAff $ bOut
:: forall m i o eff
. MonadAff (avar :: AVAR | eff) m
=> Error
-> ProBus i o
-> ProBus o i
-> m Unit
kill err bIO bOI = do
killIn bIO
killIn bOI
killIn :: forall i' o' . ProBus i' o' -> m Unit
killIn (ProBus (Tuple bIn bOut)) =
liftAff $ Bus.kill err bIn
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