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Forked from paulvictor/Try2.purs
Last active April 12, 2019 14:09
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Using a dictionary to decide a runtime implementation
module Try2 where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (forever)
import Data.Tuple (uncurry)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Class.Console (logShow)
import Global (readFloat)
import Math (pi)
import Utils (Readline, _rl, question, unsafeCoerce)
type ToDefine r = { area :: r -> Number, get :: Readline -> Aff r }
data Shape r = Circle (ToDefine r) | Rectangle (ToDefine r)
type Radius = Number
type Width = Number
type Height = Number
circleImplementation :: Shape Radius
circleImplementation =
Circle $
{ area: \r -> pi * r * r
, get: \rl -> readFloat <$> question rl "Enter the radius "
rectangleImplementation :: Shape (Width /\ Height)
rectangleImplementation =
Rectangle $
{ area: uncurry (*)
, get:
\rl ->
<$> (readFloat <$> question rl "Enter the Width ")
<*> (readFloat <$> question rl "Enter the Height ")
calculateAreaAfterAskingParams :: ∀ r. Readline -> Shape r -> Aff Number
calculateAreaAfterAskingParams rl =
genericUseTodefine $ calculateAreaAfterAskingParams_ rl
-- This function is independent of whether its a circle or rectangle
calculateAreaAfterAskingParams_ :: ∀ r. Readline -> ToDefine r -> Aff Number
calculateAreaAfterAskingParams_ rl { area, get } =
area <$> get rl
genericUseTodefine :: ∀ a r. (ToDefine r -> a) -> Shape r -> a
genericUseTodefine f = f <<< unwrapShape
unwrapShape = case _ of
(Circle r) -> r
(Rectangle r) -> r
main :: Effect Unit
main = void $ launchAff do
rl <- liftEffect _rl
forever do
question rl "What shape will you work on ? " >>= ( case _ of
-- Take the decision on the right dictionary to use
"Circle" -> calculateAreaAfterAskingParams rl circleImplementation
"Rectangle" -> calculateAreaAfterAskingParams rl rectangleImplementation
_ -> unsafeCoerce unit ) >>= logShow
module Try3 where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (forever)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Class.Console (logShow)
import Global (readFloat)
import Math (pi)
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Utils (Readline, _rl, question, unsafeCoerce)
data Circle = Circle Number
data Rectangle = Rectangle (Number /\ Number)
class Shape a where
get :: Readline -> Aff a
area :: a -> Number
instance circleShape :: Shape Circle where
get rl = (Circle <<< readFloat) <$> question rl "Enter the radius"
area (Circle r) = pi * r * r
instance rectShape :: Shape Rectangle where
get rl = map Rectangle $
<$> (readFloat <$> question rl "Enter the height")
<*> (readFloat <$> question rl "Enter the width")
area (Rectangle (w /\ h)) = w * h
getAreaAfterReadingParams :: ∀ a . Shape a ⇒ Proxy a -> Readline → Aff Number
getAreaAfterReadingParams proxy rl = (area :: a -> Number) <$> get rl
main :: Effect Unit
main = void $ launchAff do
rl <- liftEffect _rl
forever do
question rl "What shape will you work on ? " >>= ( case _ of
-- Take the decision on the right dictionary to use
"Circle" -> getAreaAfterReadingParams (Proxy :: Proxy Circle) rl
"Rectangle" -> getAreaAfterReadingParams (Proxy ::Proxy Rectangle) rl
_ -> unsafeCoerce unit ) >>= logShow
module Try4 where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (forever)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Class.Console (logShow)
import Global (readFloat)
import Math (pi)
import Utils (Readline, _rl, question, unsafeCoerce)
data Circle = Circle Number
data Rectangle = Rectangle (Number /\ Number)
class Shape a where
get :: Readline -> Aff a
area :: a -> Number
instance circleShape :: Shape Circle where
get rl = (Circle <<< readFloat) <$> question rl "Enter the radius"
area (Circle r) = pi * r * r
instance rectShape :: Shape Rectangle where
get rl = map Rectangle $
<$> (readFloat <$> question rl "Enter the height")
<*> (readFloat <$> question rl "Enter the width")
area (Rectangle (w /\ h)) = w * h
getAreaAfterReadingParams :: ∀ a . Shape a ⇒ a -> Readline → Aff Number
getAreaAfterReadingParams _ rl = (area :: a -> Number) <$> get rl
main :: Effect Unit
main = void $ launchAff do
rl <- liftEffect _rl
forever do
question rl "What shape will you work on ? " >>= ( case _ of
-- Take the decision on the right dictionary to use
"Circle" -> getAreaAfterReadingParams dummyCircle rl
"Rectangle" -> getAreaAfterReadingParams dummyRect rl
_ -> unsafeCoerce unit ) >>= logShow
dummyCircle = Circle 0.0
dummyRect = Rectangle (0.0 /\ 0.0)
module Try5 where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (forever)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Class.Console (logShow)
import Global (readFloat)
import Math (pi)
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Utils (Readline, _rl, question, unsafeCoerce)
data Circle = Circle Number
data Rectangle = Rectangle (Number /\ Number)
class CircleOrRect a where
circleOrRect :: forall r. a -> (Circle -> r) -> (Rectangle -> r) -> r
instance circleCircleOrRect :: CircleOrRect Circle where
circleOrRect c onCircle _ = onCircle c
instance rectangleCircleOrRect :: CircleOrRect Rectangle where
circleOrRect c _ onRectangle = onRectangle c
class HasGet a where
get :: Proxy a -> Readline -> Aff a
class HasArea a where
area :: a -> Number
instance circleHasGet :: HasGet Circle where
get _ rl = (Circle <<< readFloat) <$> question rl "Enter the radius"
instance circleHasArea :: HasArea Circle where
area (Circle r) = pi * r * r
instance rectangleHasGet :: HasGet Rectangle where
get _ rl = map Rectangle $
<$> (readFloat <$> question rl "Enter the height")
<*> (readFloat <$> question rl "Enter the width")
instance rectangleHasArea :: HasArea Rectangle where
area (Rectangle (w /\ h)) = w * h
_Circle :: Proxy Circle
_Circle = Proxy
_Rectangle :: Proxy Rectangle
_Rectangle = Proxy
:: ∀ a
. HasGet a
⇒ HasArea a
⇒ CircleOrRect a
⇒ Proxy a -> Readline → Aff Number
getAreaAfterReadingParams p rl = do
shape <- get p rl
logShow $ circleOrRect shape (const "circle") (const "rect")
pure $ area shape
main :: Effect Unit
main = void $ launchAff do
rl <- liftEffect _rl
forever do
question rl "What shape will you work on ? " >>= ( case _ of
-- Take the decision on the right dictionary to use
"Circle" -> getAreaAfterReadingParams _Circle rl
"Rectangle" -> getAreaAfterReadingParams _Rectangle rl
_ -> unsafeCoerce unit ) >>= logShow
const readline = require('readline');
exports._rl = function(){
return readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
exports._question = function(rl){
return function(q){
return function(c){
return function(err, succ){
rl.question(q, function(ans){
return function(ce, cancErr, cancSucc){
exports.unsafeCoerce = function(x){
return x;
module Utils where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, Canceler(..))
import Effect.Aff.Compat (EffectFnAff(..), fromEffectFnAff)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
foreign import data Readline :: Type
foreign import _rl :: Effect Readline
foreign import _question :: Readline -> String -> Canceler -> EffectFnAff String
question :: Readline → String → Aff String
question rl s = fromEffectFnAff $ _question rl s mempty
foreign import unsafeCoerce :: forall a b. a -> b
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