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Last active August 3, 2023 12:15
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The REPL session from London Clojure Dojo on 1st Aug 2023 helping us understand chunking and its potential gotchas.
(ns chunking
"This is the REPL session a group of us played with at the London Clojure Dojo on
1st August 2023 with the aim of understanding chunking and its potential gotchas.")
;; Many of Clojure's core functions such as `map`, `filter`, `take` and `drop` produce
;; lazy sequences. The elements of a lazy sequence are only evaluated or "realized" as
;; needed. Although it appears each element is evaluated one at a time, since Clojure 1.1,
;; evaluation is "chunked" such that elements are evaluated 32 at a time, a performance
;; optimisation based on the fact that Clojure's immutable data structures are a so-called
;; "trie" with 32 children per node.
;; This demonstrates chunking by introducing a `println` side effect in a mapping function.
;; Rather than printing out 40 times as a result of the `drop` before producing elements,
;; two chunks of 32 are printed first before any element is produced. This is repeated after
;; the 64th element, followed by a final chunk of 4 after the 96th element to complete the 100.
(drop 40 (map (fn [x] (println "\n; out:" x) x) (range 100)))
;; This demonstrates what at first glance is unexpected behaviour. One might expect the
;; `for` to produce a steady stream of elements resulting in similar behaviour to the
;; example above. In fact, in this example the `for` pulls from more than one sequence, each
;; of which is independently chunked, the result being that chunks of a maximum of three
;; elements (the `y`) are produced. Depending on the scenario, this can lead to unexpected
;; greedy evaluation which can have an *adverse* effect on performance.
(drop 40 (for [x (range 30)
y (range 3)]
(println "\n; out:" {:x x, :y y})
;; Same code but using `map` rather than `for` to demonstrate that the outcome is a function
;; of chunking rather than how `for` works.
(drop 40 (mapcat
(fn [x]
(map #(do (println "\n; out:" {:x x, :y %}) x) (range 3)))
(range 100)))
;; We searched for ways to remove the chunking behaviour if necessary and found this
;; suggestion of a function called `seq1` from Michael Fogus reproduced on Stackoverflow:
;; The ability to control chunking in Clojure has been discussed in the past but rejected.
(defn seq1 [#^clojure.lang.ISeq s]
(reify clojure.lang.ISeq
(first [_] (.first s))
(more [_] (seq1 (.more s)))
(next [_] (let [sn (.next s)] (and sn (seq1 sn))))
(seq [_] (let [ss (.seq s)] (and ss (seq1 ss))))
(count [_] (.count s))
(cons [_ o] (.cons s o))
(empty [_] (.empty s))
(equiv [_ o] (.equiv s o))))
;; Using `seq1` produces the now easy to grok printing of 40 elements followed by an
;; interleaved printing and evaluation, one at a time.
(drop 40 (map (fn [x] (println "\nout:" x) x) (seq1 (range 100))))
;; An even more beautiful lispy function to stop chunking by Stuart Sierra:
(defn unchunk [s]
(when (seq s)
(cons (first s)
(unchunk (next s))))))
;; The function `unchunk` produces the same result as `seq1`.
(drop 40 (map (fn [x] (println "\nout:" x) x) (unchunk (range 100))))
;; Then we took a detour trying to understand how the function `realized?` works.
;; I'll let the results speak for themselves...
(def r (unchunk (range 60)))
(realized? r) ; false
(take 1 (drop 40 r)) ; (40)
(realized? r) ; true
;; The clojure docs for `realized?` shows the following working but for us it threw an error:
;; Execution error (ClassCastException).
;; class clojure.lang.LongRange cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.IPending
(realized? (range 5))
;; So we tried `realized?` with a plain `(range)` which worked!
;; Note that it's immediately realized, unlike an unchunked `range`.
(def r2 (range))
(realized? r2) ; true
;; We then looked at the types and learned that not all ranges are the same
(type (range 5)) ; clojure.lang.LongRange
(type (range)) ; clojure.lang.Iterate
(type (unchunk (range 60))) ; clojure.lang.LazySeq
;; And by looking at the parent classes we find that clojure.lang.LongRange doesn't inherit
;; from clojure.lang.IPending, whereas clojure.lang.Iterate and clojure.lang.LazySeq do,
;; hence the behaviour of `realized?`.
(ancestors clojure.lang.LongRange)
(ancestors clojure.lang.Iterate)
(ancestors clojure.lang.LazySeq)
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