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Created March 30, 2015 21:17
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  • Save safiire/66746adc460abad3a429 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save safiire/66746adc460abad3a429 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NES sound demo from my blog post.
; Create an iNES header
.ines {"prog": 1, "char": 0, "mapper": 0, "mirror": 0}
; Include all the symbols in the nes library
.inc <nes.sym>
; Open the prog section bank 0
.segment prog 0
; Structure to keep track of input
.org $0000
.scope controller_state
.space b 1
.space a 1
; Setup the interrupt vectors
.org $FFFA
.dw vblank
.dw reset
.dw irq
; Here is our code entry point
.org $C000
.scope reset
sei ; SEt Interrupt (Disables them)
cld ; CLear Decimal Mode
ldx #$ff
txs ; Set the stack pointer
ldx #$00
stx nes.ppu.control
stx nes.ppu.mask ; Disable Vblank & Rendering
jsr zero_apu ; Zero all APU registers
; We need to wait for at least 2 Vblanks to happen
; before we know the PPU has stabilized at startup
; Here we wait for the first one.
bit nes.ppu.status
bpl wait_vblank1
; Before we wait for the second vblank, lets
; zero all of the working RAM $0 to $800
; The $200s are sprite OAM, and should be set to $ff
lda #$00
sta $00, x
sta $100, x
sta $300, x
sta $400, x
sta $500, x
sta $600, x
sta $700, x
lda #$ff
sta $200, x
bne clear_ram
; Now wait for the second vblank
bit nes.ppu.status
bpl wait_vblank2
jsr initialize
jmp forever
; Initialize everything
.scope initialize
; Enable pulse1 and pulse2 in the APU
lda #%00000011
sta nes.apu.channel_enable
; Initialize the controller states
lda #$00
sta controller_state.a zp
sta controller_state.b zp
; Reenable interrupts, Turn Vblank back on
lda #%10000000
sta nes.ppu.control
; VBlank is called 60 times per second
.scope vblank
jsr read_input
; IRQ, we are not using
.scope irq
; Zero all the APU registers
.scope zero_apu
lda #$00
ldx #$00
sta $4000, x
cpx $18
bne loop
; Read input from controller 1
.scope read_input
lda #$01 ; strobe joypad
sta nes.controller1
lda #$00
sta nes.controller1
; Handle Button A
lda nes.controller1
and #$01
beq update_a_state
; A is pressed, but did it just change to being pressed now?
ldx controller_state.a zp
bne update_a_state
; do the thing A does
jsr play_a440
sta controller_state.a zp
; Handle Button B
lda nes.controller1
and #$01
beq update_b_state
; B is pressed, but did it just change to being pressed now?
ldx controller_state.b zp
bne update_b_state
; Do the thing B does
jsr play_a220
sta controller_state.b zp
;; This will play an A 220hz note
;; On the pulse1 generator
.scope play_a220
lda #%10011111
sta nes.apu.pulse1.control
lda #%11111011
sta nes.apu.pulse1.ft
lda #%11111001
sta nes.apu.pulse1.ct
;; This will play an A 220hz note
;; On the pulse2 generator
.scope play_a440
lda #%10011111
sta nes.apu.pulse2.control
lda #%11111101
sta nes.apu.pulse2.ft
lda #%11111000
sta nes.apu.pulse2.ct
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