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Last active July 21, 2023 02:25
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regex serach for brackets usage
// Copyright 2020 Jim Skrentny
// Posting or sharing this file is prohibited, including any changes/additions.
// Used by permission for CS 354 Fall 2020, Deb Deppeler
// Main File: n_in_a_row.c
// This File: n_in_a_row.c
// Other Files:
// Semester: CS 354 Fall 2020
// Author: Student First Last
// Email:
// CS Login:
/////////////////////////// OTHER SOURCES OF HELP //////////////////////////////
// Persons:
// Online sources: Enumeration C reference
// Error handling in C
// Error codes reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define DEBUG false // debug flag
extern int errno; // error number of `errno.h` library
char *DELIM = ","; // delimiter characters of parsed data
// numerals representing board state validity
typedef enum {
} State;
// tokens representing the possible values the in game board
typedef enum {
EMPTY = 0, // unmarked space
X = 1, // X's user mark
O = 2 // O's user mark
} Mark;
// define custom error codes
typedef enum {
} ErrorCode;
* Retreive appropriate error message
* e: code integral matching the enum ErrorCode definitions of error message strings.
const char *getErrorMessage(ErrorCode e) {
char *m = NULL; // error message string
//! Note: order of case values must match enum declaration declaration order.
switch (e) {
case E_SIZE:
m = "Invalid board size parsed from input file";
m = "Missing filename argument";
m = "Only a single filename argument must be provided";
m = "Invalid mark parsed, the file contains invalid values";
m = "Unknown error code thrown";
return m;
// function prototype declarations:
extern void clear2DArray(int **array, int row, int column);
extern void print2DArray(int **array, int *rows, int *columns, char *delimiter);
extern void *freeNestedArrays(int **array, int row);
int get_dimensions(FILE *fp);
void getMarks(FILE *fp, int **board, int size);
int n_in_a_row(int **board, int size);
void countUserMark(int **board, int *size, int *countX, int *countO);
void toggleWinnerUser(int **board, int row, int column, bool *stateX, bool *stateO);
bool isWinHorizontal(int **board, int *size, int *line, int *middle, int *oppPairs);
bool isWinVertical(int **board, int *size, int *line, int *middle, int *oppPairs);
int isWinDiagonal(int **board, int *size, int *middle, int *oppPairs);
void throw(const char *m1, const char *m2);
* This program processes a file containing the current game state, represented as a 2D
* grid board of Xs and Os. And checks if the game state conforms to the rules of
* the Tic-Tac-Toe game.
* usage: $`./n_in_a_row <input_filename>`
* where input-filename - data representing the tic-tac-toe board.
* compilation: `gcc -Wall -m32 -std=gnu99`
* <p>
* Tic-Tac-Toe Game - Usually a 3x3 grid board, allowing players to mark (either X or O)
* on the game board, until one player wins or there are no spaces available to mark.
* Winners should get 3 of their marks "in a row" either horizontally, vertically,
* or diagonally.
* argc: command-line argument count
* argv: command-line argument value
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Verify number of input arguments
if (argc != 2) {
const char *m = (argc < 2) ? getErrorMessage(E_ARGUMENT_MISSING) : getErrorMessage(E_ARGUMENT_MULTIPLE);
throw(m, "Invalid number of filename arguments");
// open file stream
char *filename = *(argv + 1); // filename argument
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (fp == NULL) throw(strerror(errno /*ENOENT*/), "Can't open file for reading");
int **board = NULL; // 2D heap allocated array representing the game board
int size = 0; /* game board dimensions (rows & columns), total number of marks on
the board will be in the range of 0 to size x size */
State state = IN_VALID; // current board state validity
size = get_dimensions(fp); // retrieve the board size.
// validate input size value, fullfilling mathematical range: [3, 99]
if (size < 3 || size > 99) throw(getErrorMessage(E_SIZE), "");
// create board with the matching dimesions (array of array)
board = malloc(sizeof(int *) * size);
if (board == NULL) throw(strerror(errno /*ENOMEM*/), "Failed to allocated memory.");
// create nested arrays
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
*(board + i) = malloc(sizeof(int) * size);
if (*(board + i) == NULL)
throw(strerror(errno /*ENOMEM*/), "Failed to allocated memory.");
// initialize 2D array with zeros.
clear2DArray(board, size, size);
// fill in-memory board with values from the file representation of the board marks
getMarks(fp, board, size);
// print board
if (DEBUG == true) print2DArray(board, &size, &size, DELIM);
// check validity of board state
state = n_in_a_row(board, size);
/* print game board validation message - i.e. Print valid only if the input file
contains a valid board configuration, otherwise print invalid. */
switch (state) {
case VALID:
case IN_VALID:
// free up dynamically allocated memory.
board = freeNestedArrays(board, size); // free associated arrays & return NULL
// close the file.
if (fclose(fp) != 0)
throw(strerror(errno /*EBADF or other*/), "Error while closing the file");
return 0;
* Retrieves the size of the board from input file
* fp: file pointer for input file
* parsed size of board game
int get_dimensions(FILE *fp) {
char *line = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
if (getline(&line, &len, fp) == -1)
throw(strerror(errno /*EINVAL or ENOMEM*/), "Error in reading the file");
char *token = NULL;
token = strtok(line, DELIM);
int size = atoi(token); // parsed size value
line = NULL; // freeing buffer
return size;
* Parse file line by line, extracting board marks, and filling them into the in-memory board array.
* Assuming there are `size` lines where each line has `size` numbers (columns) separated by commas.
* fp: file pointer for input file
* board: address of 2D array representing the board grid
* size: number of rows and columns
void getMarks(FILE *fp, int **board, int size) {
char *line = NULL; // address of buffer containing the line text
size_t len = 0; // buffer size
char *token = NULL; // string of parsed portion
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// parse next line
if (getline(&line, &len, fp) == -1)
throw(strerror(errno /*EINVAL or ENOMEM*/), "Error while reading the file");
// Tokenize line using the delimiter character
token = strtok(line, DELIM);
// store user marks in the board array
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
//! Note: atoi() function doesn't detect errors.
Mark mark = atoi(token); // integer of parsed mark
// validate parsed marks
if (mark != EMPTY && mark != X && mark != O)
throw(getErrorMessage(E_INVALID_MARK), "");
// fill element in respective position
*(*(board + i) + j) = mark;
// continue scanning from previous successful call
token = strtok(NULL, DELIM);
line = NULL; // free up buffer
* Checks if current board state is valid.
* <p>
* A valid game board has:
* ✔ an odd size; even size boards are invalid
* ✔ either the same number Xs as Os, or 1 more X than O (at most 1 more X than O),
* since we're assuming X always moves first.
* ✔ either no winner or one winner (draw); X and O cannot both be winners
* ✔ either one winning line (i.e., row, column, or diagonal), or two winning lines
* that intersect on one mark; two parallel winning lines are invalid.
* <p>
* Where a winning line is `size` number of the same marks in a row, column, or diagonal.
* [spec] Assumming: Maximum # of line permustations possible = 2 x 99 + 2 = 200
* board: heap allocated 2D board
* size: number of rows and columns;
* Returns 1 if and only if the board is in a valid state,
* otherwise returns 0 (values corresponding to State enum).
int n_in_a_row(int **board, int size) {
// validate board size: must be odd
if (size % 2 == 0) return IN_VALID;
int countX = 0, countO = 0; // count users marks
// number of polar sides (element pairs of opposite side), excluding middle element.
int polarPairs = (size - 1) / 2;
/* middle index of lines. The middle positions are taken as reference values for
determining if there is a winning line. */
int middleIndex = ((size + 1) / 2) - 1;
// number of wins for each line configuration
int nRowWin, nColumnWin, nDiagonalWin;
nRowWin = nColumnWin = nDiagonalWin = 0; // initialize
// user winning state
bool winnerX = false, winnerO = false;
// count users marks on board
countUserMark(board, &size, &countX, &countO);
// validate proportion of marks: same number Xs as Os, or at most 1 more X than O
if (countX != countO && (countX - countO) != 1)
return IN_VALID;
/* Search for winning lines */
// row & column lines check
for (int l = 0; l < size; l++) {
// Row line check
if (isWinHorizontal(board, &size, &l, &middleIndex, &polarPairs)) {
// associate win to X and O users
toggleWinnerUser(board, l, 0, &winnerX, &winnerO);
// Column line check
if (isWinVertical(board, &size, &l, &middleIndex, &polarPairs)) {
// associate win to X and O users
toggleWinnerUser(board, 0, l, &winnerX, &winnerO);
// diagonal lines check
nDiagonalWin = isWinDiagonal(board, &size, &middleIndex, &polarPairs);
// associate win to X and O users
if (nDiagonalWin > 0)
toggleWinnerUser(board, middleIndex, middleIndex, &winnerX, &winnerO);
/* validate number of same type win (row, column, diagonal): single win for each type.
as two parallel winning lines are invalid, neither cross lines. Diagonal cannot be
parallel. */
if (nRowWin > 1 || nColumnWin > 1) return IN_VALID;
// validate winner user: X and O cannot both be winners.
if (winnerX && winnerO) return IN_VALID;
/* validate # of winning lines: either one winning line, or two winning lines
that intersect on one mark. */
if ((nRowWin + nColumnWin + nDiagonalWin) > 2) return IN_VALID;
// fallback: either no winner or one winner, with rules applied.
return VALID;
* Update user counter states to match the occurrences of each user's mark
* board: heap allocated 2D board
* size: number of elements in a line;
* countX: X user counter state
* countO: O user counter state
void countUserMark(int **board, int *size, int *countX, int *countO) {
for (int r = 0; r < *size; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < *size; c++) {
Mark element = *(*(board + r) + c);
switch (element) {
case X:
*countX = *countX + 1;
case O:
*countO = *countO + 1;
case EMPTY:
continue; // skip
* Set winner user of specified winning line
* board: heap allocated 2D array representing the game board
* row: index of row
* column: index of column
* stateX: boolean winning state of X
* stateO: boolean winning state of O
* alter the winning state of the user associated with the specified position
void toggleWinnerUser(int **board, int row, int column, bool *stateX, bool *stateO) {
Mark mark = *(*(board + row) + column);
switch (mark) {
case X:
*stateX = true;
case O:
*stateO = true;
default:; // Skip
* Check if horizontal line (row) is a winning line
* board: heap allocated 2D board
* size: number of elements in a line;
* line: index of line in the board
* middle: index of middle element in the line
* polarPairs: number of polar/opposite corresponding element pairs in a line
* validation of a line conforming to a winning state
bool isWinHorizontal(int **board, int *size, int *line, int *middle, int *polarPairs) {
// use middle line value as reference, as a common element.
int common = *(*(board + *line) + *middle);
// skip / short-circuit for empty positions
if (common == EMPTY) return false;
/* check opposite pairs on each iteration & verify equality to previous elements */
for (int i = 0; i < *polarPairs; i++) {
int *current = &*(*(board + *line) + i); // current element
// corresponding polar/opposite element in the line
int *opposite = &*(*(board + *line) + (*size - 1 - i));
/* compare current pair to previous, & current element to it's corresponding
opposite element */
if (*current != common || *current != *opposite) return false;
return true;
* Check if vertical line (column) is a winning line
* board: heap allocated 2D board
* size: number of elements in a line;
* line: index of line in the board
* middle: index of middle element in the line
* polarPairs: number of polar/opposite corresponding pairs in a line
* validation of a line conforming to a winning state
bool isWinVertical(int **board, int *size, int *line, int *middle, int *polarPairs) {
// use middle line value as reference for comparison, as a common element.
int common = *(*(board + *middle) + *line);
// skip / short-circuit for empty positions
if (common == EMPTY) return false;
/* check opposite pairs on each iteration & verify equality to previous elements */
for (int i = 0; i < *polarPairs; i++) {
int *current = &*(*(board + i) + *line); // current element
// corresponding opposite element
int *opposite = &*(*(board + (*size - 1 - i)) + *line);
/* compare current pair to previous, & current element to it's corresponding
opposite element */
if (*current != common || *current != *opposite) return false;
return true;
* Check if diagonal lines are winning lines
* board: heap allocated 2D board
* size: number of elements in a line;
* middle: index of middle element in the line
* polarPairs: number of polar/opposite corresponding pairs in a line
* number of winning diagonal lines (0, 1, or 2)
int isWinDiagonal(int **board, int *size, int *middle, int *polarPairs) {
// use center value as reference, i.e. a common element for comparison.
int common = *(*(board + *middle) + *middle);
// skip / short-circuit for empty positions
if (common == EMPTY) return false;
// the two diagonal permutation wins possible
int ddWin = true, daWin = true;
// check diagonal wins
for (int i = 0; (i < *polarPairs) && !(ddWin == false && daWin == false); i++) {
if (ddWin) {
// diagonal descending (R-to-L)
int current = *(*(board + i) + i); // current element
// corresponding polar/opposite element in the line
int o = *size - 1 - i; // opposite index
int opposite = *(*(board + o) + o);
/* compare current pair to previous, & current element to it's corresponding
opposite element */
if (current != common || current != opposite) ddWin = false;
if (daWin) {
// diagonal ascending (R-to-L)
int flipped = *size - 1 - i; // index in comparison to inverse diagonal line
int current = *(*(board + flipped) + i); // current element
// corresponding polar/opposite element in the line
int opposite = *(*(board + i) + flipped);
/* compare current pair to previous, & current element to it's corresponding
opposite element */
if (current != common || current != opposite) daWin = false;
// return number of diagonal winning lines.
return ddWin + daWin;
* Print supplied error messages and exit program with fail code 1
* m1: Main code error message
* m2: Additional custom message to be printed out along with the code error message.
void throw(const char *m1, const char *m2) {
// print messages
printf("%s. %s\n", m1, m2);
int *current = &*(*(board + *line) + i); // current element
int *current = & * ( * ( board + *line) + i);
array[1][2]; // current element
array [ 2 ] [ ];
// FIN
# resources
# Also you can always ask ChatGPT for specifics
# regex101 flavor:
# /\[.*(?!^$)([^\s]).*\]/gm
clang-format ./program.c | grep -E '^[^\/\/]*\[[^]]+\]'
echo '------------------------------'
clang-format ./program.c | grep -E '^[^/]*\[[^]]+\][^/]*$'
echo '------------------------------'
clang-format ./program.c | grep -E '^[^/]*[^[:alnum:]_]\[[^]]+\][^[:alnum:]_]'
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safizn commented Apr 16, 2023

Also the Regex could be used to search for the name of the student and check for mismatches.

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