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Created April 9, 2013 15:53
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Public Function GetSubjectNodeByPath(ByVal fullPath As String, _
Optional delimChar As String = "\") _
As SubjectNode
' This function returns the Test SubjectNode object
' corresponding to the lowest level of a path.
' The path format is:
' If a backslash is not used as the folder delimiter, any other
' character can be passed in the delimChar arguement.
Dim TreeMgr As TreeManager
Dim SubjRoot As SubjectNode
Dim SubNode As SubjectNode
Dim Trees As List
Dim CurrentSubName As String
On Error GoTo GetSubjectNodeByPathErr
' Get the list of subject root nodes from the tree manager.
' There is only one item in this list.
'tdc is the global TDConnection object.
CurrentSubName = "Set TreeMgr = tdc.TreeManager"
Set TreeMgr = tdc.TreeManager
' Use TreeManager.RootList to get the Subject root.
Set Trees = TreeMgr.RootList(TDOLE_SUBJECT)
' Get the name of the subject tree root in your project.
CurrentSubName = Trees.Item(1)
' Use TreeManager.TreeRoot to get the root node object
' from the tree manager by name.
Set SubjRoot = TreeMgr.TreeRoot(CurrentSubName)
' If fullPath is empty string, return the root.
If Len(fullPath) = 0 Then
Set GetSubjectNodeByPath = SubjRoot
Exit Function
End If
' Trim the fullPath and strip leading and trailing delimiters.
fullPath = Trim(fullPath)
Dim pos%, ln%
pos = InStr(1, fullPath, delimChar)
If pos = 1 Then
fullPath = Mid(fullPath, 2)
End If
pos = InStr(fullPath, CurrentSubName)
If pos = 1 Then
fullPath = Mid(fullPath, Len(CurrentSubName) + 2)
End If
ln = Len(fullPath)
pos = InStr(ln - 1, fullPath, delimChar)
If pos > 0 Then
fullPath = Mid(fullPath, 1, ln - 1)
End If
' Set up to walk the tree.
Set SubNode = SubjRoot
' Split the path into individual node names.
Dim subjectArray() As String
subjectArray = Split(fullPath, delimChar)
' If path is not directly under root then
' walk down path.
If LBound(subjectArray) < UBound(subjectArray) Then
Dim idx%
' Debug.Print LBound(subjectArray), UBound(subjectArray)
For idx = LBound(subjectArray) To UBound(subjectArray) - 1
CurrentSubName = subjectArray(idx)
' Debug.Print SubjRoot.Name & delimChar & CurrentSubName
' Use SubjectNode.FindChildNode to get a specifed node.
Set SubNode = SubjRoot.FindChildNode(CurrentSubName)
Set SubjRoot = SubNode 'for next loop
Next idx
End If 'lbound < ubound
' Get the last node.
CurrentSubName = subjectArray(UBound(subjectArray))
Debug.Print SubjRoot.Name & delimChar & CurrentSubName
Set SubNode = SubjRoot.FindChildNode(CurrentSubName)
' Debug.Print subNode.Name
' Return the last node.
Set GetSubjectNodeByPath = SubNode
Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
Dim errmsg$
errmsg = "Error processing " & vbCrLf & fullPath _
& vbCrLf & "near " & CurrentSubName
Set GetSubjectNodeByPath = Nothing
ErrHandler err, "GetSubjectNodeByPath", errmsg, NON_FATAL_ERROR
End Function
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