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Created April 9, 2013 16:01
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Getting subject nodes
Public Sub SubjectList()
Dim TreeMgr As TreeManager
Dim SubjRoot As SubjectNode
Dim ChildNode As SubjectNode
Dim GrandChildNode As SubjectNode
Dim LeafNode As SubjectNode
Dim RootName As String
Dim Trees As List
Dim i%
' Use TreeManager.TreeRoot to get the list of subject
' root nodes from the tree manager.
' There is only one item in this list.
'tdc is the global TDConnection object.
Set TreeMgr = tdc.TreeManager
Set Trees = TreeMgr.RootList(TDOLE_SUBJECT)
' Get the name of the subject tree root in your project.
RootName = Trees.Item(1)
' Get the SubjectNode root node object from the
' tree manager by name.
Set SubjRoot = TreeMgr.TreeRoot(RootName)
Debug.Print "Root node : Name = " & _
& ", Depth = " & SubjRoot.DepthType _
& ", Path = " & SubjRoot.Path
' Root node : Name = Subject, Depth = 2, Path = Subject
For i = 1 To SubjRoot.Count
Debug.Print SubjRoot.Child(i).name
Next i
' Flight Reservation
' Profiling
' Itinerary
' Compiled Modules
' Cruises
' Mercury Tours Site
' f1
' BPT Resources
' alexk
Debug.Print "------------------------"
' Get any child node for example. We'll just take the first.
Set ChildNode = SubjRoot.Child(1)
Debug.Print "Child node: Name = " & _
& ", Depth = " & ChildNode.DepthType _
& ", Path = " & ChildNode.Path
' Child node: Name = Flight Reservation, Depth = 2, _
Path = Subject\Flight Reservation
For i = 1 To ChildNode.Count
Debug.Print ChildNode.Child(i).name
Next i
' Flight Finder
' Select Flight
' Book Flight
' Flight Confirmation
' Flight Cost
Debug.Print "------------------------"
' Get a node one level down.
Set GrandChildNode = ChildNode.Child(1)
Debug.Print "GrandChild : Name = " & _
& ", Depth = " & GrandChildNode.DepthType _
& ", Path = " & GrandChildNode.Path
' GrandChild : Name = Flight Finder, Depth = 1, _
Path = Subject\Flight Reservation\Flight Finder
For i = 1 To GrandChildNode.Count
Debug.Print GrandChildNode.Child(i).name
Next i
' Son of Flight Finder.
If GrandChildNode.Count > 0 Then _
Set LeafNode = GrandChildNode.Child(1)
' The "Son of Flight Finder" node is not part of the
' demonstration project. It was added for this example,
' so if you run this code on your site, the routine will exit here.
If LeafNode Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Debug.Print "LeafNode : Name = " & _
& ", Depth = " & LeafNode.DepthType _
& ", Path = " & LeafNode.Path
' LeafNode : Name = Son of Flight Finder, Depth = 0, _
Path = Subject\Flight Reservation\Flight Finder\Son of Flight Finder
End Sub
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