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Created September 24, 2012 08:05
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//Define an Observer class
function Observer(name, updateFn) { = name;
this.updateFn = updateFn;
//Create an instance of Observer class
observerObj = new Observer("observer1", function(msg) { console.log(msg); });
//Create an instance of the Subject and provide the observer object
tObject = new Twitter("sagarganatra",observerObj);
* Define a generic class Subject with two methods
* 'addObserver' and 'notifyObserver'
function Subject() {
this.observerList = [];
Subject.prototype.addObserver = function(observerObj) {
Subject.prototype.notifyObserver = function(msg) {
for (var i = 0, length = this.observerList.length; i < length; i++) {
* Define a Twitter class which extends the Subject class
function Twitter(handlerName,observerObj) {
//Call the parent class - Subject;
//Handler name is the username for which tweets has to be retrieved
this.handlerName = handlerName;
//add the observer object
//fetch the status messages
Twitter.prototype = Object.create(Subject.prototype);
//Define the init method that will fetch the status messages
Twitter.prototype.init = function() {
parent = this;
url: '' + parent.handlerName + '.json?callback=?',
success: function(data) {
//iterate over the list of tweets
var message = value.text;
//ignore the reply messages i.e. messages that start with '@'
if(message[0] != '@')
//Check whether the status message contains a link
if((index=message.indexOf('http://')) > 0)
substr1 = message.substr(index);
nextIndex = substr1.indexOf(' ');
substr2 = (nextIndex > 0)? substr1.substr(0,substr1.indexOf(' ')):substr1.substr(0);
pos1 = message.indexOf(substr2);
pos2 = pos1 + substr2.length;
newMessage = [message.slice(0,pos1),'<a href='+ substr2+ ' target="_blank" >' + substr2 + '</a>',message.slice(pos2)].join('');
//notify the Observer of the new message
else {
//if there is an error, throw an Error message
error: function(data) {
dataType: 'json'
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