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Sample PRD

Product Requirements Document (PRD): User Profile Enhancement for SocialConnect


Objective: To enhance the user profile experience by adding new features and improving the existing ones.

Background: With the market trend shifting towards more personalized user experiences, it's essential for SocialConnect to improve its user profiles to increase user engagement and satisfaction.

Features & Requirements

2.1. Profile Picture Update

User Interface (UI):

  • Add a "Change Profile Picture" button on the user's profile page.
  • Allow users to upload a new profile picture by clicking the button.

User Experience (UX):

  • Upon selecting the "Change Profile Picture" button, users should be prompted to upload an image from their device.
  • After uploading, display a preview of the new picture before confirming the change.

2.2. Bio Editing

User Interface (UI):

  • Add an "Edit Bio" button on the user's profile page.
  • Enable users to edit their profile bio by clicking the button.

User Experience (UX):

  • When the "Edit Bio" button is clicked, open a text input field where users can modify their bio.
  • Provide a character counter to limit the bio to 160 characters.

User Stories

Story: As a registered user, I want to be able to change my profile picture easily so that I can keep my profile up-to-date and more personalized.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The "Change Profile Picture" button is visible on my profile page.
  2. I can successfully upload a new profile picture from my device.
  3. I see a preview of the new picture before confirming the change.

Story: As a user, I want to edit my profile bio to share more about myself with others.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The "Edit Bio" button is visible on my profile page.
  2. Clicking the button opens a text input field where I can modify my bio.
  3. A character counter is provided, and I can edit my bio within the 160-character limit.

Mockups and Design

[Insert mockup images of the new profile picture upload and bio editing features here.]


  • Collaborate with the design team to create the user interface for the profile picture update and bio editing features.
  • Ensure that the image upload functionality is in line with our existing image handling systems.

Metrics & Success Criteria

Profile Picture Update:

  • Metric Name: User Engagement
  • Measurement: Increase in the number of users changing their profile pictures.
  • Significance: A higher engagement rate indicates that users find value in the feature.

Bio Editing:

  • Metric Name: User Satisfaction
  • Measurement: User feedback and surveys.
  • Significance: Positive feedback and a higher satisfaction score indicate that users appreciate the ability to edit their bios.


  • Research & Design: 2 weeks
  • Development: 4 weeks
  • Testing & QA: 2 weeks
  • Rollout & User Communication: 1 week

Test Cases

  1. User can successfully upload a new profile picture.
  2. The preview of the new picture is displayed before confirmation.
  3. Users can edit their profile bio within the character limit.


The introduction of these profile enhancement features is essential for SocialConnect to stay competitive in the market. By allowing users to update their profile pictures easily and edit their bios, we aim to improve user engagement and satisfaction. The success of these features will be measured through increased user engagement and positive user feedback, which aligns with our goal of providing a more personalized user experience.

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