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Last active June 18, 2020 11:41
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Java static equivalent in kotlin using companion object instead of object declaration
* 6/16/2020
* `companion object` works like a `static` access of java.
* It is an `object declaration` inside a class.
* Note that the `const` keyword is applicable to primitive data types and String only.
* And We use `@JvmField` annotation for other (non-primitive) data types.
* @author srdpatel
* @since 1.0
class StaticInCompanionObjectClass {
* 6/16/2020
* An example of java `static` like variable in kotlin.
* Only one `companion object` is allowed per class.
* We can omit the name of the `companion object` [StaticInCompanionObject] in which case
* the name `Companion` will be used to access the members like:
* ```
* StaticInCompanionObjectClass.Companion
* ```
* [Reference](
* @author srdpatel
* @since 1.0
companion object StaticInCompanionObject {
* 6/16/2020
* By default, it is private and Unable to reach from Java!
* Check below, 2nd example, [jvmStaticExample] to expose a field to Java caller.
* @author srdpatel
* @since 1.0
var staticExample = "staticExample"
* 6/16/2020
* `@JvmField` to expose a field to Java callers. Available from Java!
* Use `@JvmStatic` to expose a static method to Java callers.
* @author srdpatel
* @since 1.0
var jvmStaticExample = "jvmStaticExample"
* 6/16/2020
* Using `@JvmStatic` to expose a static method to Java callers.
* @author srdpatel
* @since 1.0
fun jvmStaticMethod() = "jvmStaticMethod"
* 6/16/2020
* This method will not be available to java callers as it lacks `@JvmStatic` annotation.
* @author srdpatel
* @since 1.0
fun staticMethod() = "staticMethod"
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