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Created October 5, 2018 21:33
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awk script to generation svg document with text inside rect
# GNU Awk 4.2.1, API: 2.0
# before run - set variable values, after
# awk -f generator_svg_with_rect_and_text.awk > document.svg
# after you can convert svg to png with inkscape
# inkscape --export-png=document.png document.svg
function print_start( page_width, page_height, unit_size) {
printf "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>"
printf "<svg"
printf " xmlns:dc=\"\""
printf " xmlns:cc=\"\""
printf " xmlns:rdf=\"\""
printf " xmlns:svg=\"\""
printf " xmlns=\"\""
printf " xmlns:sodipodi=\"\""
printf " xmlns:inkscape=\"\""
printf " width=\""page_width unit_size"\""
printf " height=\""page_height unit_size"\""
printf " viewBox=\"0 0 "page_width " "page_height"\""
printf " version=\"1.1\""
printf " id=\"svg8\">"
printf " <defs"
printf " id=\"defs2\" />"
printf " <sodipodi:namedview"
printf " id=\"base\""
printf " pagecolor=\"#ffffff\""
printf " bordercolor=\"#666666\""
printf " borderopacity=\"1.0\""
printf " inkscape:document-units=\""unit_size"\""
printf " inkscape:current-layer=\"layer1\""
printf " showgrid=\"false\""
printf " />"
printf " <metadata"
printf " id=\"metadata5\">"
printf " <rdf:RDF>"
printf " <cc:Work"
printf " rdf:about=\"\">"
printf " <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>"
printf " <dc:type"
printf " rdf:resource=\"\" />"
printf " <dc:title></dc:title>"
printf " </cc:Work>"
printf " </rdf:RDF>"
printf " </metadata>"
printf " <g"
printf " inkscape:label=\"Layer 1\""
printf " inkscape:groupmode=\"layer\""
printf " id=\"layer1\">"
function print_end() {
printf " </g>"
printf "</svg>"
function id() {
_id += 1
return _id
function gen_rect_with_text( i, j, text) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
if (color_trigger == 0) { color = color1; color_trigger = 1 }
else { color = color2; color_trigger = 0}
} else {
if (color_trigger == 1) { color = color1; color_trigger = 0 }
else { color = color2; color_trigger = 1}
x = i * width
y = j * height
printf "<rect style=\"opacity:1;fill:"color";fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:0;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1\" id=\""id()"\" width=\""width"\" height=\""height"\" x=\""x"\" y=\""y"\" />"
printf "<flowRoot xml:space=\"preserve\" id=\""id()"\" style=\"font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;font-size:"fontsize"px;line-height:"lineheight"px;font-family:sans-serif;text-align:center;letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;fill:"fontcolor";fill-opacity:1;stroke:none\"><flowRegion id=\""id()"\"><rect id=\""id()"\" width=\""width"\" height=\""height"\" x=\""x"\" y=\""y"\" /></flowRegion><flowPara id=\""id()"\">"text"</flowPara></flowRoot>\n"
_id = 0
color1 = "#f0f0f0" # first rect
color2 = "#a0a0a0" # second rect
color_trigger = 0
width = 10 # rect width
height = 10 # rect height
fontsize = 3
lineheight = height
fontcolor = "#505050"
left = 10
right = 10
page_width = width * left
page_height = height * right
unit_size = "mm"
print_start(page_width, page_height, unit_size)
for (i=0; i < left; ++i) {
for (j=0; j < right; ++j) {
t = i "." j
gen_rect_with_text(i, j, t)
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sagax commented Oct 5, 2018


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