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Last active October 3, 2021 00:09
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certbot cheatsheet

Certbot cheatsheet

Deb/Ubuntu Install

$sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache

First Run

$sudo certbot run

Create a cron job to auto-renew

$sudo crontab -e

Add:MAILTO="" to the top of the cron script. It will disable a lot of annoying emails.

Then add this to the bottom of the script to run the renewal every 7 days:

0 5 */7 * * certbot renew --renew-hook "service restart apache2"

Manually renew/install multiple and have certbot create custom apache.conf files

certbot --cert-name yourcertificatename -d -d -d

Manually renew multiple with cert only (no config file changes). This is useful if you need to add or remove a domain.

certbot certonly --cert-name yourcertificatename -d -d -d

Run a cron script to renew certbot certificates automatically, every 2 months

First, follow instructions to install the certificate initially. Then:

Open crontab as admin user sudo crontab -e

Crontab will ask you to choose your editor. Nano is usually fine.

Crontab uses this pattern: {(minute) (hour) (day-of-month) (month) (day-of-week) (command)} all separated by a single space.

Add this line to the end of your crontab: * 1 10 */2 * certbot certonly --force-renewal --webroot -w /path/to/web/root -d

This tells crontab to execut the certbot command at any minute after 1am, on the 10th day of the month, any 2 months, any day of the week.

The certonly sub-command tells Certbot to simply renew the certificate and not modify the apache.conf file.

According to the Certbot documentation "If you don’t specify a requested behavior, Certbot may ask you what you intended." So to avoid asking questions in our automated process we use the --force-renewal option.

The --webroot option tells Certbot to use http-01 authentication type.

The -w flag sets the path to the webroot.

And finally the -d flag tells Certbot which domain to renew.

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