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Created February 29, 2016 09:37
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Client workflow
# to install xplenty python SDK run: pip install xplenty
# more info here:
from xplenty import XplentyClient
import time
account_id = "" # your account id (
api_key = "" # your api key (get it here
cluster_nodes = 1 # required number of nodes in cluster
client = XplentyClient(account_id, api_key)
# workflow overview
The workflow is comprised of steps which are run serially.
Each step contains one or more packages that are run in parallel.
All packages in a step must finish successfully in order for the workflow to continue to the next step.
The code below creates a cluster and starts running the workflow, one step at a time.
If a package fails, execution is stopped. No more jobs are executed and the cluster is terminated.
# workflow syntax
workflow = [
[{"id": package_id, "name": "your descriptive name", "variables": {"var_name": "expression(...)"}}] # this is step 1, it contains one package
,[{"id:package_id, "name":"step2pkg1","variables":{}}, {"id:package_id, "name":"step2pkg2","variables":{}} ] # this is step2, it contains two packages
# workflow example
workflow = [
[{"id": 12345, "name": "pkg 1", "variables": {"a": "UPPER('abc')"}}, {"id": 12344, "name": "pkg 2", "variables": {"a": "UPPER('def')"}}],
[{"id": 12444, "name": "pkg 3", "variables": {"a": "UPPER('ghi')"}}],
workflow = []
def GetExistingCluster():
clusters = client.clusters
for cluster in clusters:
if cluster.status in ['available', 'creating'] and cluster.nodes == cluster_nodes:
print '\nfound matching cluster\n\n'
return cluster
return None
def CreateCluster():
print 'Creating cluster'
return client.create_cluster('distributed', cluster_nodes, None, None, True, 600)
def RunFlow(cl):
for step in workflow:
for package in step: # start jobs in step
package['job'] = client.add_job(, package['id'], dynamic_vars=package['variables']) # run a job and store its details in the package obj
print 'Started job {1} for package {0}'.format(package['name'], package['job'].id)
while True: # poll job statuses
AllJobsInStepsCompleted = True
print "polling job statuses..."
for package in step: # poll job statuses
if package['job'].status != 'completed':
package['job'].status = client.get_job(package['job'].id).status
AllJobsInStepsCompleted = False
if package['job'].status in ['failed', 'stopped']:
print 'job {0} failed, stopping workflow'.format(package['job'].id)
return False # failure
if AllJobsInStepsCompleted:
return True # success
def main():
if account_id == "":
print "account_id required"
if api_key == "":
print "api_key required"
# get existing cluster or create
cl = GetExistingCluster()
if cl is None: # create cluster
cl = CreateCluster()
RunFlow(cl) # run flow on cluster
cl = client.terminate_cluster( # terminate cluster
if __name__ == '__main__':
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