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Last active November 21, 2015 16:31
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  • Save sagnitude/53c671f266ccfa8042f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sagnitude/53c671f266ccfa8042f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a simple mysql transaction wrapper for node.js using node-mysql.
var mysql = require('mysql');
var mysqlConfig = {
connectionLimit : 100,
host : 'hostname',
user : 'username',
password : 'password',
database : 'database',
acquireTimeout : 30000
var pool;
* TODO: consider to add a button to retrieve mysql connection on error or timeout
function handleError (err) {
if (err) {
if (err.code === 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST') {
} else if (err.code.toLowerCase().indexOf('timeout') != -1) {
} else {
console.error(err.stack || err);
function connect () {
//connection = mysql.createConnection(mysqlConfig);
//connection.on('error', handleError);
console.log('connecting to msyql...')
pool = mysql.createPool(mysqlConfig);
function process(sql, cb) {
pool.getConnection(function(err, connection) {
if (err) {
connection.query( sql, function(err, rows) {
// And done with the connection.
cb(err, rows);
function execute(sql_gen, callback) {
pool.getConnection(function(err, connection) {
if (err) {
if (connection && connection.query) {
connection.query(sql_gen(connection), function(err, rows) {
callback(err, rows);
} else {
callback(new Error('Connection to database lost'));
module.exports.query = process;
module.exports.execute = execute;
var T = require('./tables');
var H = require('../libs/utils');
var FieldTypes = {
"Number": 1,
"String": 2,
"Datetime": 3,
"CHARS": 4
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(s1,s2){
return this.replace(new RegExp(s1,"gm"),s2);
* You first need to create a formatting function to pad numbers to two digits…
function twoDigits(d) {
if(0 <= d && d < 10) return "0" + d.toString();
if(-10 < d && d < 0) return "-0" + (-1*d).toString();
return d.toString();
* …and then create the method to output the date string as desired.
* Some people hate using prototypes this way, but if you are going
* to apply this to more than one Date object, having it as a prototype
* makes sense.
Date.prototype.toMysqlFormat = function() {
return this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + twoDigits(1 + this.getUTCMonth()) + "-" + twoDigits(this.getUTCDate()) + " " + twoDigits(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + twoDigits(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + twoDigits(this.getUTCSeconds());
* SQL Insert Statement Generator
* fields
* 1. in `object`
* 2. in `table.fields`
* 3. in `fieldNames` if specified
* will be inserted in a proper way specified in table descriptors.
* @param connection: connection to use
* @param table: table descriptor from 'functions/tables'
* @param object: object to insert
* @param [fieldNames]: optional, allowed fields
function insert(connection, table, object, fieldNames) {
var h = "insert into `" + table.table_name + "` (";
var keysMatched = [];
H.each(object, function(v, k) {
if (table.fields[k] && k != "id") {
if (fieldNames && fieldNames.indexOf(k) == -1) {
var fields = "`" + keysMatched.join("`, `") + "`) values (";
var values = [];
H.each(keysMatched, function(k) {
if (table.fields[k] == FieldTypes.Number) {
values.push(connection.escape(object[k]) + "");
} else if (table.fields[k] == FieldTypes.String) {
} else if (table.fields[k] == FieldTypes.Datetime) {
values.push(connection.escape((new Date(object[k])).toMysqlFormat()));
} else if (table.fields[k] == FieldTypes.CHARS) {
values.push("CHAR(" + object[k] + ")");
var valuesF = values.join(", ") + ");";
return h + fields + valuesF;
* SQL Update Statement Generator
* fields
* 1. in `object`
* 2. in `table.fields`
* 3. in `fieldNames` if specified
* will be inserted using proper way specified in table descriptors.
* @param connection: connection to use
* @param table: table descriptor from 'functions/tables'
* @param object: object to insert
* @param condition: condition string after `WHERE`, no pending `;`
* @param [fieldNames]: optional, allowed fields
function update(connection, table, object, condition, fieldNames) {
var h = "update " + table.table_name + " set ";
var keysMatched = [];
H.each(object, function(v, k) {
if (table.fields[k] && k != "id") {
if (fieldNames && fieldNames.indexOf(k) == -1) {
var setters = [];
H.each(keysMatched, function(k) {
var pre = "`" + k + "`=";
var post = "";
if (table.fields[k] == FieldTypes.Number) {
post = connection.escape(object[k]) + "";
} else if (table.fields[k] == FieldTypes.String) {
post = connection.escape(object[k]);
} else if (table.fields[k] == FieldTypes.Datetime) {
post = connection.escape((new Date(object[k])).toMysqlFormat());
} else if (table.fields[k] == FieldTypes.CHARS) {
post = "CHAR(" + object[k] + ")";
if (post != "") {
setters.push(pre + post);
var valueF = setters.join(", ");
var where = "";
if (condition) {
where = " where " + condition;
} else if (table.condition) {
where = " where " + table.condition;
return h + valueF + where + ";";
* SQL Select Statement Generator
* @param table
* @param fieldNames
* @param condition
* @param limit: no prepending `limit`
* @returns {string}
function select(table, fieldNames, condition, limit) {
var f = "";
if (fieldNames == "*") {
f = fieldNames;
} else if (fieldNames.length) {
f = fieldNames.join(", ");
} else {
f = "*";
//filter fields from table.fields
var filteredFields = [];
if (f != "*" && table.fields) {
H.each(fieldNames, function(f) {
if (table.fields[f]) {
f = filteredFields.join(", ");
var pre = "select " + f + " from " + table.table_name;
var where = "";
if (table.condition) {
if (condition) {
if (condition.indexOf(table.condition) != -1) {
where = " where " + condition;
} else {
where = " where " + table.condition + " and " + condition;
} else {
where = " where " + table.condition;
} else {
if (condition) {
where = " where " + condition;
} else {
//where = "";
var filter = "";
if (limit) {
filter = " limit " + limit;
return pre + where + filter + ";";
* Custom Delete Statement: update valid -> 0
* @param table
* @param condition
* @returns {string}
function cdelete(table, condition) {
return "update " + table.table_name + " set valid=0 where " + condition + ";";
* SQL Remove/Delete Statement Generator
* @param table
* @param condition
* @returns {string}
function remove(table, condition) {
return "delete from " + table.table_name + " where " + condition + ";";
module.exports = {
insert: insert,
select: select,
update: update,
cdelete: cdelete,
"delete": remove
var Tables = {};
Tables.FileTable = {
table_name: "file",
fields: {
id: 1,
hash: 2,
size: 1,
id3: 2,
name: 2,
picture: 4,
picture_url: 2,
valid: 1
condition: "valid=1"
module.exports = Tables;
var SQLC = require('./sqlc');
var MYSQL = require('./mysql');
var TBS = require('./tables');
var TSC = {};
TSC.BasicTransacc = TSC.BTranscc = function(sql_gen, callback) {
MYSQL.execute(sql_gen, callback);
TSC.listFileInfo = function(callback) {
TSC.BTranscc(function() {
return, ['id', 'name', 'hash', 'size', 'id3', 'picture_url']);
}, callback);
module.exports = TSC;
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