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Forked from mmourafiq/
Created April 16, 2014 17:13
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class DecisionTree(object):
A decision tree object
def count_results(data, item=True):
count the occurrences of each result in the data set
results_count = defaultdict(int)
if item:
for i in data:
results_count[i.value] += 1
results_count = Counter(data)
return results_count
def divide_data(data, column, value):
Divides a set of rows on a specific column.
#a function that decides if the row goes to the first or the second group (true or false)
spliter = None
if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
spliter = lambda item:item.scaled_coords[column] >= value
spliter = lambda item:item.scaled_coords[column] == value
#divide the rows into two sets and return them
set_true = []
set_false = []
for item in data:
if spliter(item):
return (set_true, set_false)
def gini_impurity(data, item=True):
Probability that a randomly placed item will be in the wrong category
results_count = DecisionTree.count_results(data, item)
len_data = len(data)
imp = 0.0
for k1, v1 in results_count.iteritems():
p1 = float(v1) / len_data
for k2, v2 in results_count.iteritems():
if k1 == k2: continue
p2 = float(v2) / len_data
imp += p1 * p2
return imp
def entropy(data, item=True):
estimate the disorder in the data set : sum of p(x)log(p(x))
results_count = DecisionTree.count_results(data , item)
len_data = len(data)
ent = 0.0
for v in results_count.itervalues():
p = float(v) / len_data
ent -= p * log2(p)
return ent
def variance(data):
calculates the statistical variance for a set of rows
more preferably to be used with numerical outcomes
len_data = len(data)
if len_data == 0: return 0
score = [float(item.value) for item in data]
mean = sum(score) / len(score)
variance = sum([(s - mean) ** 2 for s in score]) / len(score)
return variance
def build_tree(data, disorder_function="entropy"):
a recursive function that builds the tree by choosing the best dividing criteria
disorder_function :
for data that contains words and booleans; it is recommended to use entropy or gini_impurity
for data that contains number; it is recommended to use variance
if disorder_function == "entropy":
disorder_estimator = DecisionTree.entropy
elif disorder_function == "gini_impurity":
disorder_estimator = DecisionTree.gini_impurity
elif disorder_function == "variance":
disorder_estimator = DecisionTree.variance
len_data = len(data)
if len_data == 0: return Node()
current_disorder_level = disorder_estimator(data)
# track enhancement of disorer's level
best_enhancement = 0.0
best_split = None
best_split_sets = None
#number columns
nbr_coords = len(data[0].scaled_coords)
for coord_ind in xrange(nbr_coords):
#get unique values of the current column
coord_values = {}
for item in data:
coord_values[item.scaled_coords[coord_ind]] = 1
for coord_value in coord_values.iterkeys():
set1, set2 = DecisionTree.divide_data(data, coord_ind, coord_value)
p1 = float(len(set1)) / len_data
p2 = (1 - p1)
enhancement = current_disorder_level - (p1 * disorder_estimator(set1)) - (p2 * disorder_estimator(set2))
if (enhancement > best_enhancement) and (len(set1) > 0 and len(set2) > 0):
best_enhancement = enhancement
best_split = (coord_ind, coord_value)
best_split_sets = (set1, set2)
if best_enhancement > 0:
t_node = DecisionTree.build_tree(best_split_sets[0])
f_node = DecisionTree.build_tree(best_split_sets[1])
return Node(col=best_split[0], value=best_split[1],
t_node=t_node, f_node=f_node)
return Node(results=DecisionTree.count_results(data))
def prune(tree, min_enhancement, disorder_function="entropy"):
checking pairs of nodes that have a common parent to see if merging
them would increase the entropy by less than a specified threshold
if disorder_function == "entropy":
disorder_estimator = DecisionTree.entropy
elif disorder_function == "gini_impurity":
disorder_estimator = DecisionTree.gini_impurity
elif disorder_function == "variance":
disorder_estimator = DecisionTree.variance
if tree.t_node.results == None:
DecisionTree.prune(tree.t_node, min_enhancement)
if tree.f_node.results == None:
DecisionTree.prune(tree.f_node, min_enhancement)
# If both the subbranches are now leaves, see if they should merged
if (tree.t_node.results != None and tree.f_node.results != None):
# Build a combined dataset
t_node, f_node = [], []
for key, value in tree.t_node.results.items():
t_node += [[key]] * value
for key, value in tree.f_node.results.items():
f_node += [[key]] * value
# Test the enhancement
delta = disorder_estimator(t_node + f_node, item=False) - (disorder_estimator(t_node, item=False) + disorder_estimator(f_node, item=False) / 2)
if delta < min_enhancement:
# Merge the branches
tree.t_node, tree.f_node = None, None
tree.results = DecisionTree.count_results(t_node + f_node, item=False)
def classify(observation, tree):
Classify a new observation given a decision tree
if tree.results != None:
return tree.results
#the observation value for the current criteria column
observation_value = observation.scaled_coords[tree.col]
if observation_value == None:
t_results, f_results = DecisionTree.classify(observation, tree.t_node), DecisionTree.classify(observation, tree.f_node)
t_count = sum(t_results.values())
f_count = sum(f_results.values())
t_prob = float(t_count) / (t_count + f_count)
f_prob = float(f_count) / (t_count + f_count)
result = {}
for key, value in t_results.items(): result[key] = value * t_prob
for key, value in f_results.items(): result[key] = value * f_prob
return result
#with branch to follow
branch = None
if (isinstance(observation_value, int) or isinstance(observation_value, float)):
branch = tree.t_node if (observation_value >= tree.value) else tree.f_node
branch = tree.t_node if (observation_value == tree.value) else tree.f_node
return DecisionTree.classify(observation, branch)
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