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Created December 15, 2015 21:56
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Helper class for WindowedListView
* Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
* @providesModule ViewabilityHelper
* @flow
'use strict';
const ViewabilityConsts = {
* A row is said to be in a "viewable" state when either of the following
* is true:
* - it is occupying >= half of the viewport
* - it is entirely visible on screen
var ViewabilityHelper = {
rowFrames: Array<Object>,
scrollOffsetY: number,
viewportHeight: number
): Array<number> {
var viewableRows = [];
var firstVisible = -1;
for (var idx = 0; idx < rowFrames.length; idx++) {
var frame = rowFrames[idx];
if (!frame) {
var top = frame.y - scrollOffsetY;
var bottom = top + frame.height;
if ((top < viewportHeight) && (bottom > 0)) {
firstVisible = idx;
if (this._isViewable(top, bottom, viewportHeight)) {
} else if (firstVisible >= 0) {
return viewableRows;
_isViewable(top: number, bottom: number, viewportHeight: number): bool {
return this._isEntirelyVisible(top, bottom, viewportHeight) ||
this._getPercentOccupied(top, bottom, viewportHeight) >=
top: number,
bottom: number,
viewportHeight: number
): number {
var visibleHeight = Math.min(bottom, viewportHeight) - Math.max(top, 0);
visibleHeight = Math.max(0, visibleHeight);
return Math.max(0, visibleHeight * 100 / viewportHeight);
top: number,
bottom: number,
viewportHeight: number
): bool {
return top >= 0 && bottom <= viewportHeight && bottom > top;
module.exports = ViewabilityHelper;
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