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Created December 15, 2015 20:06
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  • Save sahrens/affa4461b992c231ca37 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sahrens/affa4461b992c231ca37 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
* @providesModule WindowedListView
* @flow
'use strict';
var React = require('React');
var ScrollView = require('ScrollView');
var Text = require('Text');
var View = require('View');
var ViewabilityHelper = require('ViewabilityHelper');
var clamp = require('clamp');
var deepDiffer = require('deepDiffer');
var invariant = require('invariant');
import type ReactComponent from 'ReactComponent';
var DEBUG = false;
class CellRenderer extends React.Component {
getChildContext(): Object {
return {recyclingKey: this.props.recyclingKey};
shouldComponentUpdate(newProps) {
return newProps.shouldUpdate;
render() {
var debug = DEBUG && <Text style={{backgroundColor: 'lightblue'}}>
Row: {this.props.rowIndex},
// var start =;
// while ( < start + 1000) {} // burn cpu to test perf effect.
return (
onLayout={(e) => {
this.props.onMeasure(this.props.rowIndex, e.nativeEvent.layout);
CellRenderer.propTypes = {
shouldUpdate: React.PropTypes.bool,
render: React.PropTypes.func,
CellRenderer.childContextTypes = {
recyclingKey: React.PropTypes.string,
* An experimental ListView implementation that only renders a subset of rows of
* a potentially very large set of data.
* Row data should be provided as a simple array corresponding to rows. `===`
* is used to determine if a row has changed and should be re-rendered.
* enableRecycling prop can be used to recycle components across rows within the
* React tree. This may help scroll perf and memory allocation performance in
* some situations, but currently introduces bugs with setState usage.
* Rendering is done incrementally by row to minimize the amount of work done
* per JS event tick.
* Note there is also a special provision for scrolling back to the top extra
* fast - the state is reset so that only a single story is rendered to minimize
* the time displaying blank rows.
class WindowedListView extends React.Component {
_rowCache: {[key: string]: mixed};
onScroll: Function;
_onMeasure: Function;
_viewableRows: Array<number>;
lastScrollEvent: Object;
enqueueComputeRowsToRender: Function;
computeRowsToRenderSync: Function;
scrollOffsetY: number;
height: number;
rowFrames: Array<Object>;
calledOnEndReached: bool;
willComputeRowsToRender: bool;
timeoutHandle: number;
incrementPending: bool;
constructor(props: Object) {
this.props.numToRenderAhead < this.props.maxNumToRender,
'WindowedListView: numToRenderAhead must be less than maxNumToRender'
this.onScroll = this.onScroll.bind(this);
this._onMeasure = this._onMeasure.bind(this);
this.lastScrollEvent = {rowFrames: []};
this.enqueueComputeRowsToRender = this.enqueueComputeRowsToRender.bind(this);
this.computeRowsToRenderSync = this.computeRowsToRenderSync.bind(this);
this.scrollOffsetY = 0;
this.height = 0;
this.rowFrames = [];
this.calledOnEndReached = false;
this.willComputeRowsToRender = false;
this.timeoutHandle = 0;
this.incrementPending = false;
this.state = {
firstRow: 0,
Math.min(, this.props.initialNumToRender) - 1,
firstVisible: -1,
lastVisible: -1,
getScrollResponder(): ?ReactComponent {
return this.scrollRef &&
this.scrollRef.getScrollResponder &&
onScroll(e: Object) {
this.scrollOffsetY = e.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y;
this.height = e.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement.height;
if (this.props.onViewableRowsChanged && this.rowFrames.length) {
var viewableRows = ViewabilityHelper.computeViewableRows(
if (deepDiffer(viewableRows, this._viewableRows)) {
this._viewableRows = viewableRows;
componentWillReceiveProps(newProps: Object) {
// This has to happen immediately otherwise we could crash, e.g. if the data
// array has gotten shorter.
if ( < this.rowFrames.length) {
this.rowFrames = this.rowFrames.splice(0,;
_onMeasure(idx: number, layout: Object) {
if (!this.rowFrames[idx] ||
layout.height !== this.rowFrames[idx].height ||
layout.y !== this.rowFrames[idx].y) {
// Check for bad layout updates. These typically happen when we recycle a
// row: we'll first get an update based on the move operation before the
// new layout is computed, so we want to throw that out, then we'll get
// the correct update for the new layout later. (#9070637)
for (let ii = idx - 1; ii > 0; ii--) {
const preceedingFrame = this.rowFrames[ii];
if (preceedingFrame) {
if (preceedingFrame.y > layout.y) {
DEBUG && console.log('bad frame: ', {idx, layout, rowFrames: this.rowFrames});
return; // Received frame that starts above a preceeding row
for (let ii = idx + 1; ii < this.rowFrames.length; ii++) {
const followingFrame = this.rowFrames[ii];
if (followingFrame) {
if (followingFrame.y < layout.y) {
DEBUG && console.log('bad frame: ', {idx, layout, rowFrames: this.rowFrames});
return; // Received frame that starts below a following row
this.rowFrames[idx] = {...layout};
enqueueComputeRowsToRender(): void {
if (!this.willComputeRowsToRender) {
this.willComputeRowsToRender = true; // batch up computations
this.timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => {
this.willComputeRowsToRender = false;
this.incrementPending = false;
}, this.props.incrementDelay);
componentWillUnmount() {
computeRowsToRenderSync(props: Object): void {
var totalRows =;
if (totalRows === 0) {
firstRow: 0,
lastRow: -1,
firstVisible: -1,
lastVisible: -1,
var rowFrames = this.rowFrames;
var firstVisible = -1;
var lastVisible = 0;
var top = this.scrollOffsetY;
var bottom = top + this.height;
for (var idx = 0; idx < rowFrames.length; idx++) {
var frame = rowFrames[idx];
if (!frame) {
// No frame - sometimes happens when they come out of order, so just
// wait for the rest.
if (((frame.y + frame.height) > top) && (firstVisible < 0)) {
firstVisible = idx;
if (frame.y < bottom) {
lastVisible = idx;
} else {
if (firstVisible === -1) {
firstVisible = 0;
this._updateVisibleRows(firstVisible, lastVisible);
if (this.state.firstRow > firstVisible) {
'First visible is no longer rendered - reset to only render the ' +
'firstVisible story.', {firstVisible, lastVisible}
this.setState({firstRow: firstVisible, lastRow: firstVisible});
this.enqueueComputeRowsToRender(); // Make sure an increment is queued
this.calledOnEndReached = false;
var numRendered = this.state.lastRow - this.state.firstRow + 1;
// Our last row target that we will approach incrementally
var targetLastRow = clamp(
numRendered - 1, // Don't reduce numRendered when scrolling back up
lastVisible + props.numToRenderAhead, // Primary goal
totalRows - 1, // Don't render past the end
var lastRow = this.state.lastRow;
// Increment the last row one at a time per JS event loop
if (!this.incrementPending) {
if (targetLastRow > this.state.lastRow) {
this.incrementPending = true;
} else if (targetLastRow < this.state.lastRow) {
this.incrementPending = true;
// Once last row is set, figure out the first row
var firstRow = Math.max(
0, // Don't render past the top
lastRow - props.maxNumToRender + 1, // Don't exceed max to render
lastRow - numRendered, // Don't render more than 1 additional row
if (lastRow >= totalRows) {
// It's possible that the number of rows decreased by more than one
// increment could compensate for. Need to make sure we don't render more
// than one new row at a time, but don't want to render past the end of
// the data.
lastRow = totalRows - 1;
if (props.onEndReached) {
// Make sure we call onEndReached exactly once every time we reach the
// end. Resets if scoll back up and down again.
var willBeAtTheEnd = lastRow === (totalRows - 1);
if (willBeAtTheEnd && !this.calledOnEndReached) {
this.calledOnEndReached = true;
} else {
// If lastRow is changing, reset so we can call onEndReached again
this.calledOnEndReached = this.state.lastRow === lastRow;
if (this.state.firstRow !== firstRow || this.state.lastRow !== lastRow) {
console.log('row render range changed:', {firstRow, lastRow});
this.setState({firstRow, lastRow});
if (lastRow !== targetLastRow) {
this.enqueueComputeRowsToRender(); // Make sure another increment is queued
_updateVisibleRows(newFirstVisible: number, newLastVisible: number) {
if (this.state.firstVisible !== newFirstVisible ||
this.state.lastVisible !== newLastVisible) {
if (this.props.onVisibleRowsChanged) {
newLastVisible - newFirstVisible + 1);
firstVisible: newFirstVisible,
lastVisible: newLastVisible,
render() {
DEBUG && console.log('render WindowedListView', {state: this.state});
this._rowCache = this._rowCache || {};
var firstRow = this.state.firstRow;
var lastRow = this.state.lastRow;
var rowFrames = this.rowFrames;
var rows = [];
var height = 0;
if (rowFrames[firstRow]) {
var firstFrame = rowFrames[firstRow];
height = firstFrame.y;
if (firstRow !== 0 && this.props.renderWindowBoundaryIndicator) {
height -= this.state.boundaryIndicatorHeight || 0;
rows.push(<View key="sp-top" style={{height}} />);
onLayout={(e) => {
const layout = e.nativeEvent.layout;
if (layout.height !== this.state.boundaryIndicatorHeight) {
boundaryIndicatorHeight: layout.height,
} else {
rows.push(<View key="sp-top" style={{height}} />);
for (var idx = firstRow; idx <= lastRow; idx++) {
var data =[idx];
var key = '' + (this.props.enableRecycling ? (idx % this.props.maxNumToRender) : idx);
shouldUpdate={data !== this._rowCache[key]}
null, data, 0, idx, key
this._rowCache[key] = data;
if (lastRow === - 1) {
if (this.props.renderFooter) {
} else {
if (this.props.renderWindowBoundaryIndicator) {
onLayout={(e) => {
const layout = e.nativeEvent.layout;
if (layout.height !== this.state.boundaryIndicatorHeight) {
boundaryIndicatorHeight: layout.height,
if (this.state.firstRow !== 0 && this.state.boundaryIndicatorHeight !== undefined) {
var contentInset = {
top: this.state.boundaryIndicatorHeight - rowFrames[firstRow].y
return (
ref={(ref) => { this.scrollRef = ref; }}
WindowedListView.propTypes = {
data: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object).isRequired,
renderRow: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
renderWindowBoundaryIndicator: React.PropTypes.func,
renderFooter: React.PropTypes.func,
onVisibleRowsChanged: React.PropTypes.func,
onViewableRowsChanged: React.PropTypes.func,
enableRecycling: React.PropTypes.bool,
incrementDelay: React.PropTypes.number,
initialNumToRender: React.PropTypes.number,
maxNumToRender: React.PropTypes.number,
numToRenderAhead: React.PropTypes.number,
WindowedListView.defaultProps = {
enableRecycling: false,
incrementDelay: 17,
initialNumToRender: 1,
maxNumToRender: 10,
numToRenderAhead: 4,
module.exports = WindowedListView;
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zhonshu commented Aug 10, 2016

my test WindowedListView, when scroll up error 'First visible is no longer rendered - reset to only render the firstVisible story.'

How to solve this problem?

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