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ve4ernik's short SEMI-SUBJECTIVE analysis of the 2022 Russia invasion of Ukraine (the 2022 Russia—Ukraine War)
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First of all, note that I am personally NOT a politician, I am also NOT a geopolitics expert, and I am NOT a government policymaker, so the below views are my personal opinions ONLY and may NOT be entirely true or 100% accurate or verifiable! So don't judge this text too harshly but do your own research from multiple sources from both sides of the conflict so as to form your own opinion & also understand your own biases & political bent regarding this war and how these shape your view of the war!!! And also note that I am excluding my personal 'covid-19'-scamdemic/pLandemic-related speculative conspiracy-theories and my secret-wars speculations from the below analysis of the 2022 war in Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine!!!
The war in Ukraine in 2022 is a war between two fractions of the illuminati: the West UN-USA&EU globalists {(after removing Donald Trump who is NOT a Putin asset but has links to Russia & China like all other USA presidents; Trump, like, Putin, represents a renegade split from the illuminati, &they both enforce more protectionist economy policies to counter China&show dislike for hyperleftie '1001 biological sexes&let feminism/feminazism&Jewish dumbing-down via fakenews mass media&Jewish Hollywood overprivileging minorities, women,& LGBTQ+&normalizing taboos&crimes&race-mixing, the lies that all humans are equal or should be made equal via government/culture of equalization-to-the-lowest-common-denominator-lowest-in-society-persons-or-the-most-degenerate-rich-or-lowkey-scumbag-losers' out-of-control globalist neoliberalism (not to be confused with market neoliberalism which is only the economy side of that!) & represent older more-masculine more-boomer-generation views of the geopolitical position & economy & warmachine and business realities of their respective countries & these often clash with the views of the majority of non-alpha-males beta-or-lower men of the younger generations who are more feminized&more autistic, more brainwashed by several generations of feminist mothers&Scandinavia-like welfare-state)}
Putin's '90s-2000s paramilitary-corporate oligarchs' Russian-federation 19th-c.-Russia-imperialism-expansion-into-Eastern-Europe self-defence against NATO/CIA expansion&conquering 1/3 of Ukraine (Eastern part, after Russia already got Crimea for trading/military sea-port) _so as to secure Russosphere Lebensraum food-production lands&factories - all desperately needed by Russia_ so as to stay relevant in the globalized markets&NOT just be a 'gas/petrol/nuclear-fuel/coalstation with nuclear nukes&20th-c. tech'...
(continued in the comments below)
The 2022 Russia—Ukraine War also is an illuminati plot to divert the attention of the general public non-superrich people away from the 'covid-19' scamdemic/pLandemic/global-PsyOps-coverup-by-evil-governments+superrich+massmedia-propaganda sponsored by the BigPharma&banksters&superrich's infiltration of all the planet's governments to serve BigPharma's moneygrabbing via 'vaccines' and pushed by rich DeepState international-mafia globalists to enforce microchipping and to limit 'human&civil rights and liberties' of the general population via deadly-too-long climate-related-lockdowns which enable the installation of the NWO's smart-grid of 5G-towers&satellites&smartphones+Internet and also the covid-19 poisonous/fake/dangerous-genetic-therapy 'vaccines' & 'covid-vax certificate/pass' (&related microchipping and enforcement of digital-only centrally-controlled digital currencies and too-mh faulty-A.I.-run society) - which is similar to 'the Mark of the Beast' from the Christian Bible!!!
So, the 2022 Russia—Ukraine War is also a way for the elites to divert attention from the too-many leaks against evil corrupt governments and super-rich people - leaked on the Internet and via books by 'crazy conspiracy theorists' and former illuminati-insiders and by smarter people who don't trust mass media and government and banksters and the corporations run by the super-rich!!!
Furthermore, 8 more important factors must be considered:
(1) late-2010s-2020s Europe and USA have been hit hard by low birthrates and by wage stagnation and by rampant social degeneracy and skyrocketing crimes due to poverty and feminismVSrapes and due to having large number of NEET non-alpha men being without work, homeless, and without hetero-sex - and having so many non-alpha-men out of work and not having sex IS extremely dangerous for society and feminism/feminazism&single-moms&female hypergamy&government-failing are largely to blame for this!!! Meanwhile, Russia, the Islamic world, and the PRC China still more or less maintain older more-masculine more-patriarchical societies and fight against globalization enforcing USA-Hollywood-Western feminism and childlessness onto their populations. So the West must re-adopt these more-masculine values of its 20th-century re-modernist past before the rise of post-postmodernism took control of all of the West via the collapse of all religious and moral metanarratives, leaving only money/wealth, sex, and power dynamics, and cultural taboos fetishism and religious-occult-(pseudo)guru farming/urban-dystopia communes - as the only values left to control the behavior of people in the West...
(2) The normalization of crimes, taboos, and the evil mad-science and violent crimes done by the super-rich smart evil elites - has leaked into the poor and the middle-class via the Internet, via videos of hardcore pornography and via videos and via whistleblowers and via 'conspiracy theorists' - exposing the amoral lawless crimes of the super-rich smart evil elites, and so the poor and the middle-class started adopting and mimicking the deprived amoral lawless mad-science&paramilitary&sexual-deviancy&violent-crimes&smart-outtricking scams practices of the elites from some years ago, thus changing the game for everyone!!! 🙄
(3) Putin knows that the West's soft-power cultural hegemony and technology has already won and the Western model has triumphed over almost the entire planet Earth... BUT he also knows that the final victory of the Western USA—Europe model over the entire planet also signals its collapse due to reaching its critical peak of riches and moral depravity and technological self-destruction!!! 🙄 So Putin knows that Russia, China, and Africa, and Asia have already adopted Westernization and the Western model but they have also modified it in their own native ways, while the decaying rich triumphant West has to adopt older more-masculine patriarchy values from its less civilized enemies - Russia and China and the petrol Islamists, and re-adopt older Christian male-centric values of working and of socio-sexual hierarchy, and Orban-like support for better birthrates among native white-race Europeans and white Americans and more restrictive but-not-totalitarian policies for illegal immigrants and for immigrants in general, while still supporting minimal social-welfare policies for everyone and also supporting better and more humane and good-paying jobs for most people in society!!! Putin's Russia felt that weakness in the West as the West is restructuring towards a more eco-oriented business&politics model centered around pleasure and minimal work needed to support all of society, so Russia attacked Ukraine thinking that Ukraine and Eastern Europe are still nostalgic about the communist era and are eager to go back to being part of (the restored) USSR! However, that badly backfired because Putin found out that ethnostate nationalism which hates both the USSR era and also hates the post-1990s Americanization&is skeptical to super-centralized EU while getting money from the EU to make mafia gangs rich and to feudalize Eastern Europe via these EU-sponsored mafia gangs which repress anti-government people who prefer the West but also care about Scandinavian&Switzerland&Japan more-democratic social-democracy/market-socialism minimum social-welfare for everyone due to the socialist era's similar-but-way-worse social policies...
(4) The West's too-strong sanctions against Russia due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 may drive Putin&Russia's oligarchs crazy due to the Western hegemony trying to overtake the remaining native Russian culture completely via corporate-brands expansion into Russia and China, so the West must pressure Russia BUT not too much, otherwise as a wounded cornered dog Russia may launch destruction over Eastern Europe and even nuclear war against the West, which ends up making things worse both for Russia and also for the West, while PRC China and India benefit from the war between the West and Russia while also suffering losses due to less profit gained from the trading with the West and with Russia!
(5) Ukraine has always been a buffer ex-USSR Russia-ified country with a local population of Old-Great-Bulgaria-genetics Ukrainians mixed with Russian Mongoloids, so it was inevitable that the more-Russia-aligned Crimea and Eastern Ukraine would split from the rest of Ukraine and be made into satellite countries of Russia or just be absorbed into Russia so as to secure its Russosphere Lebensraum against the West's NATO&CIA&Western-corporations&Western-IMF-UN-ECB-banksters expansion into ex-USSR and Russia, and it was all in order for Russia to conquer Crimea and to conquer Eastern Ukraine to get needed food-production lands and some factories without which Russia can't maintain its status as a Great Power against the West and against the PRC China and India...
However, Russia was mistaken that 2/3 of Ukraine will want back into the USSR after their nationalism and Westernization pushed them to want to join the EU while also avoiding joining NATO so as not to force Russia to launch total war to destroy Ukraine and then to invade Eastern Europe like how the USSR invaded Eastern Europe in 1944...
So Russia's miscalculation lies in the fact that Russian leaders have already been Westernized but are still Russophere-centric but they thought that Western Ukraine and Eastern Europe still have strong USSR-preference socialism-era nostalgia among its older population and among its younger population who are dissatisfied with post-1990s Westernization&Americanization and fake facade democracy and who didn't manage to get rich, famous, and strong since the 1990s till 2022!!! Yet the younger generations in Western Ukraine and in Eastern Europe have already been CULTURALLY WESTERNIZED&AMERICANIZED so they just can't accept going back to the USSR under Putin's Russia conquest of these countries, but these younger generations of dissatisfied people and older people brainwashed by USSR-era Russophilia still hold favorable sentiment towards Russia's 'tough military villain' public-image and towards men-first women-are-sex-servents natural male-centric socio-sexual corporate+farming+traders+paramilitary-spies patriarchy... but this just isn't enough for people to want to go back to the USSR in a new form under Russia's new possible leadership in Eastern Europe... Fatal miscalculation on Putin's part despite knowing how younger Europeans are all Americanized and globalized via Jewish Hollywood and via European cinema and via European&Asian pornography and very rarely watch Russian cinema and pornography due to its poorer and more dystopian and less liberal Russia realities...
(6) Despite the West's sanctions against Russian oligarchs in the West and against Russia in general, the West is still transitioning towards mainstream use of more hydroelectric power plants, more solar-panels farms and more biodiesel and more and more-secure multiple-failsafe-mechanisms nuclear power plants and geothermal power plants and some use of wood as a heating fuel for private homes, so the hypocrisy of the West about lying that the West can survive without any natural gas/LPG/LNG, petrol, nuclear fuel from Russia and without selling Western and Chinese tech to Russia - is just a big fat lie! It is just that right now, Europe and Russia and PRC China and even Trump's USA - are all adopting more protectionist economy policies towards a resources-oriented services-based economy, and are discarding the idealistic utopian vision that super-technology, the Internet, smartphones, and philosophical-religious deep thinkers and deep ecology - can fully replace the hard facts of sociology power dynamics in the males-centric socio-sexual hierarchy and the fights over sex with women, over resources and trade wars, and the fights for dominance&submission on a purely animal biological sociobiology violence level, and also the wars over cultural influence fought between different oligarchs' corporate-media-farming-paramilitary mafia gangs which are behind every government's politicians and policies...
(7) Imagine if you are a Ukrainian now living in war-torn Ukraine! How horrible it would be! You are forced out of your ancestors' lands in Eastern and Western Ukraine by invading Russian army and so you either submit and accept becoming a citizen of Russia due to its invasion of 1/3 of Ukraine (Eastern Ukraine) and of Crimea, or you fight the Russian army till you die or manage to defend your Ukraine land from Russian army at heavy losses and with West/NATO military support, or you just give up and move into Western Ukraine and become an EU-joining Ukrainian NeoNazi and demand a DMZ (demilitarized zone) between EU-joining EU-funded Western Ukraine and Russia-conquered Eastern Ukraine, while having NATO protect Western Ukraine without having NATO military bases in Ukraine so as not to disturb Russia and not to force crazy Russian leaders to destroy Ukraine completely or to conquer Eastern Europe like the USSR did in 1944...
(8) Remember that Islamic immigrants and African immigrants and even Asian immigrants are flooding white-race Europe and also the USA, so populist anti-immigrants pro-sexist anti-feminism pro-having-kids politicians with more alterglobalization patriotic more-protectionist political agendas are winning the support of Europeans and Americans, amidst hatred from poor and middle-class towards the globalist elites' luxury lifestyle, access to secret knowledge and mad practical skills, and access to all kinds of sexual deviancy taboos and access to dangerous military weapons and military bases and access to media-brainwashing and corporations—banksters—paramilitary—religions dominance over the general population!!! 🙄 People are just envious and will always be hateful towards those having more resources, more hetero-sex with younger more-beautiful fertile women, and with control over corporations and farmlands (large landowners) and control over mass media and 'government/institutions/(para)military' and money-control over famous influencers who steer the masses to mimick them and who serve the agendas of the evil smart super-rich paramilitary corporate-media oligarchs who money-sponsor and privilege these influencer celebrities [and these influencers then promote the political-ideological-economic-cultural agendas of their rich sponsors...].
(9) Globalization has peaked in 2019 and so the evil elites behind the NWO rushed to implement their ancient esoteric-agenda occult-doctrine NWO powered by technology and influencing occult magick via mass media and rituals (including wars - see: 'war is profiteering resources-grabbing racket by both sides of the war'!!! However, that rushing to fully implement the elites' NWO over the entire planet is what failed their plans cuz too many ordinary people woke up to the elites' evil technocracy plans due to Internet 'conspiracy theorists' and due to insider-leaks and due to sexual scandals and people being envious and violent and rebellions against people who are super-richer in comparison to them and who have harems of bitches to fuck and lots of resources, businesses/corporations, and lots of farming land, and lots of weapons and paramilitary armies and lots of drugs and lots of influence via their media pushing their economic-cultural-socialengineering agendas and views - onto the general population... Just look at how Kazakhstan's illuminati-NWO capital Astana is now hated by its Kazakh population due to the skyrocket corruption and crimes by its illuminati-NWO-complicit Kazakh elites and politicians! Even Bulgarian yellow-press reported how the Kazakhstan rebellions and protests 2019-2022 crushed by Russia army are all influenced by the protests and anti-government rebellions in Europe, Canada and in the West in 2019-2022 against the elites' engineered 'covid-19' scamdemic/pLandemic and the media leaks of super-rich people not obeying covid-lockdown restrictions and enjoying super-luxury lifestyle while poor and middle-class were crushed by totalitarianism enforced by evil governments and BigPharma!!! 🙄
(10) 2019-2022 is when the entire global System crashed and Jesus-like gurus and 'crazy conspiracy theorists' and people who hate their poor life crushed by evil government and crushed by USSR/Russia and then failed by Americanization/globalization/the West post-1990s - just said FUCK YOU to both evil government and to wage-stagnation/#HumansOfLateCapitalism heavy work for badly-run corporations and also said FUCK YOU to feminism and to female hypergamy and said fuck you to too much individualism or too much collectivism, fuck you to big government and also to no government and no social-welfare for everyone, and fuck you to globalization in favor of patriotic alterglobalism localism more-protectionism-in-economy-matters and more sexism and more racism and collapse of trust in mainstream medicine, mainstream religions and less trust in government-sponsored science&technology!!! 🙄
You could say that 2019-2022+ was the EndGame Apocalypse as predicted/engineered/prophecized by the Christian Bible!!! 🙄
After the collapse, there comes waking up to what really matters in every human's life, and after the big downfall, somewhat better times are coming for those who survive(d) the extremely bad 'good times make weak men, weak men make hard timed and feminism' bad timed!!! 🙄
(11) The extreme 'divide and conquer' polarization of the general population regarding their preference on whose side they are regarding the 2022 Russia—Ukraine War --- is exactly what the elites of the West, Russia, and PRC China wanted, and it helps them establish a reformed status-quo amidst the dumbfounded and scared by mass-media lies general population, which will be exploited and lied to once again, while economic-cultural spheres of influence and literal corporate-banksters-landowners' territories will be rearranged by the rulers of the West and of Russia and of PRC China --- in Ukraine and elsewhere! 🙄 What is mass media diverting your attention from via the war in Ukraine and forcing you to choose a side in that conflict, and what are your actions while they are playing us all for fools via this both deadly and also fakenews-from-both-sides war in Ukraine??? 🙄 Ask yourself these questions and then go follow your own personal&family survival-needs and non-essentials selfish desires, but know that we always pay in some way for all our actions&behavioral-patterns&daily-habits&personal view of life and of ourselves (not necessarily pay with money, but pay with our life's lifespan time and our work and investment/involvement in society)!... 🙄🧐
Energy flows where attention/focus/concentration/media-directed&government-directed focus goes, and we often suffer more in our imagination than in reality, and don't forget that every real violent war is pre-engineered by the people's imagination creating horrors and being scared of lack of sex&kids&love&care and by lack of resources/comforts, and lack of purpose/'meaning'/metanarrative, and fear of more heartbrakes and of aging, being misunderstood and being socially ostracized and neglected and isolated, and fear of death, so all wars beging first in people's imagination and are induced by resources supply-chains deficits, cultural rot and social decay due to rampant crime, and due to mass media&government inducing fear to enforce submission and obedience from the general population on the basis of scaring it and redirecting it to follow media's/government's blueprint on what people should do in a time of crisis (and it often benefits the economic-cultural and influencer goals of the elites behind government/media!!!)... Competing types of metanarrative/worldview madnesses as well as signs, symbols, memes, mythologemes, and utopia-selling gurus/religions - are what is directing most of human behavior, which is mostly emotions-based and needs-&desires-centric and rarely more rational and more down-to-earth logical and realistically practical-minded to what really works and what people can unite around to do organized work to achieve some practical goals! So you see, humans are programmable bio-animals like the 'Klaus Scwab/WEF/Bilderberg/illuminati/Davos/Club of Rome/CFR/Council of 300' cabal are saying openly in 2022 and we are God-theDevil which is just literally the eternal-energy-vibration-frequency---yet-everchanging YinYang-ouroborus Universe, but we are also just mortal bounded-rationality more-rational-than-humanoid-monkeys bipedal crafty tools-making signs&symbols-manipulating bio-animals who are just a walking crazy brain with a penis or vagina - looking to explore, to have creative fun, and to sociobiology---socio-sexual-hierarchy dominate and have sex and pile up wealth, weapons, tools, lands, and to exert influence and social-technoscientific-ideological power over other groups of people, to further our selfish needs&desires and crazy metanarratives/semi-historical agendas! 🙄 'Program or be programmed' and hackable people via mass rituals events and via mass-media and supply-chains deficits and via induced fear from evil scammy manipulative moneygrabbing what-else-is-there-to-do-that-is-experimental-hasn't-been-tried-by-me-yet-or-is-amoral&lawless-crimes self-serving governments!
Save yourself, man, by doing locally what you want do do while you are still alive, and replace images in your head about how things should be and how events must happen - with active imagination about what you want to happen and by direct actions towards experiencing/getting what you want our of life, while you are still not burnout and are still younger and are still physically capable&mentally-saner and still alive! 🙄! And form your tribe via propagating your public vibe and public acting image/actions/speech by being open about your needs, desires, and how you wish to self-improve yourself in the near future&act-towards-that!
Society is a scam, and survival&sex and the economy and politics are just work and outtricking and PR&marketing/acting and people-organizing/people -- to-do-work via rewards&punishments and lies&promises management
, so stop playing social games which you don't like or are not forced to play via direct survival&bio-reproduction reality-check and peer pressure, and divert/redirect your attention-focus-concentration-priorities to playing games which you like and which you can possibly realistically win with some luck and with some efforts and with me acting-skills on your part!
P.S. I hope that the West and Russia finally split Ukraine in half and end the war, otherwise the war will damage the West and Russia so badly that their economies will never recover in 20 years time and PRC China and Africans will conquer the West and Russia... if the USA and Russia still want to continue WorldWar4 (ColdWar2), let them fight that war in the geographic areas between Alaska and Russia and just end the Europe-theatre-of-war that includes 2022-Ukraine and possibly Eastern Europe...
P.P.S. No matter what I wrote above, the future is uncertain and undetermined so the combined actions, thoughts, and words, and preferences/alignment towards how people wish for things to go, will largely influence the way the present and future will mold the planet's geopolitics in 2022 and beyond! 🙄
P.P.P.S. Also note how the so-called The Great Awakening (&YouTuber gurus and also 'crazy conspiracy theorists' and also people getting crazy from too many new paradigm-shifting metanarratives from the Internet and from too many opinions in society forming enclaves of mutually conflicting-yet-complementary madness/psychotic-metanarrative-views-of-the-world!!!) AND the elites' reaction to it called illuminati/WEF's/Bilderberg's/Vatican's/Club of Rome's/Davos Summit's/super-rich corporate-media-government neofeudal globalists' --- are mutually influencing each other in unpredictable and often crazy ways, and how everyone keeps blaming everyone else while basic work is neglected in favor of fearmongering and violence and moneygrabbing scams so as to get sex from ever-more-nasty&manipulative&lying&hypergamous slut women!!! 🙄
Major cultural shifts right there, as well as some letting it all SEMI-collapse don't-care indulging-in-my-hobbies/farm/personal-sins&guilty-pleasures-desires YOLO lifestyle among many people, while some people are being influenced by semi-crazy speculative-knowledge people while forgetting hetero-sex-needs and basic survival-needs and basic communication/socializing face-to-face needs... 🙄
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