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Created January 3, 2022 01:15
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Tinyscript steganography tool implementing the Pixel Indicator Technique


This Tinyscript-based tool allows to apply steganography based on PIT (Pixel Indicator Technique) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image.

$ pip install tinyscript
$ wget && chmod +x && sudo mv /usr/bin/stegopit

This tool is especially useful in the use cases hereafter.

Retrieve hidden data from an image using PIT

$ stegopit -v -i G image.png -w secret.txt
12:34:56 [DEBUG] Image size: 1000x1000
12:34:56 [DEBUG] RMS:        8296
12:34:56 [DEBUG] N other:    IC=G
12:34:56 [DEBUG] Channels:   GBR
12:34:56 [INFO] Hidden data:
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from PIL import Image
from tinyscript import *
__author__ = "Alexandre D'Hondt"
__version__ = "1.3"
__copyright__ = ("A. D'Hondt", 2019)
__license__ = "gpl-3.0"
__examples__ = ["-v -i G test.png"]
__docformat__ = "md"
__doc__ = """
*StegoPIT* allows to apply steganography based on PIT (Pixel Indicator Technique) in order to retrieve hidden data from an image.
BANNER_FONT = "standard"
BANNER_STYLE = {'fgcolor': "lolcat"}
get2lsb = lambda n: ["00", "01", "10", "11"][n % 4]
parity = lambda i: ts.int2bin(int(i)).count("1") % 2
is_prime = lambda n: all(n % i for i in range(2, int(n**0.5)+1)) and n > 1
class PIT(object):
""" Base on the following paper:
def __init__(self, filepath):
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
raise ValueError("File does not exist")
self.__filepath = filepath
self.__obj =
logger.debug("Image size: {}x{}".format(*self.__obj.size))
def __read_len(self):
pixels = self.__obj.load()
t = []
for i in range(3):
t.append(ts.int2bin(pixels[i, 0][0]))
t.append(ts.int2bin(pixels[i, 0][1]))
t.append(ts.int2bin(pixels[i, 0][2]))
t.pop() # remove the 9th octet
self.__rms = ts.bin2int("".join(t))
logger.debug("RMS: {}".format(self.__rms))
def __select_sequence(self, ic=None):
l = self.__rms
if (ic is None and l % 2 == 0) or ic == "R": # if even: R..
self.__seq = "R" + ["BG", "GB"][parity(l)]
logger.debug("N even: IC=R")
elif (ic is None and is_prime(l)) or ic == "B": # if prime: B..
self.__seq = "B" + ["GR", "RG"][parity(l)]
logger.debug("N prime: IC=B")
else: # else: G..
self.__seq = "G" + ["BR", "RB"][parity(l)]
logger.debug("N other: IC=G")
logger.debug("Channels: {}".format(self.__seq))
def extract(self, ic=None):
# 1. extract length of hidden message from 8B (/8 pixels ?) of first row
# 2. copy into RMS (Remaining Message Size)
# 3. start from second row, select indicator channel from RGB channels
# 4. check 2 LSB's of indicator channel from RGB channels
# case 00 => next pixel
# case 01 => extract 2 LSB's from ch2, RMS -= 2, next pixel
# case 10 => extract 2 LSB's from ch1, RMS -= 2, next pixel
# case 11 => extract 2 LSB's from ch1 & ch2, RMS -= 4, next pixel
# if RMS > 0, goto 4.
data = ""
w, h = self.__obj.size
pixels = self.__obj.load()
i = w
ic, c1, c2 = map(lambda x: "RGB".index(x), self.__seq)
while self.__rms > 0:
x, y = i % w, i // w
pixel = self.__obj.getpixel((x, y))
lsb = pixel[ic] % 4
if lsb == 1:
data += get2lsb(pixel[c2])
self.__rms -= 2
elif lsb == 2:
data += get2lsb(pixel[c1])
self.__rms -= 2
elif lsb == 3:
data += get2lsb(pixel[c1])
data += get2lsb(pixel[c2])
self.__rms -= 4
i += 1 = ts.bin2str(data)
return self
def hide(self, data):
bin_data = ts.str2bin(data)
bin_len = ts.int2bin(len(bin_data))
return self
def write(self, filename=None):
if filename is None:
filename = os.path.basename(self.__filepath)
filename, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
filename = "{}-secret.txt".format(filename)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
return self
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser.add_argument("image", type=ts.file_exists, help="image file path")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--ic", choices=list("RGB"), help="force IC")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--write", help="write to a file")
p = PIT(args.image)
if args.write:
p.write(args.write)"Hidden data:\n" +
#TODO: implement hiding data (using PIT.hide(data))
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