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Last active February 7, 2024 19:25
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  • Save saiashirwad/a3141c9826fbcc8165a65e1ca3378f53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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drop function if exists create_workflow(
name text, created_by varchar(24), workflow_type workflow_type, milestone_name text
create function create_workflow(name text, created_by varchar(24), workflow_type workflow_type, milestone_name text)
returns uuid
language plpgsql
workflow_id uuid;
root_id uuid;
tail_id uuid;
milestone_id uuid;
insert into workflow (name, created_by, milestone_name)
values (name, created_by, milestone_name)
returning id into workflow_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (workflow_id, 'root', 'root', -999999, '0 days')
returning id into root_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (workflow_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (workflow_id, milestone_name, 'milestone', 0, '00:00')
returning id into milestone_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (root_id, milestone_id, null),
(milestone_id, tail_id, null);
return workflow_id;
end ;
drop function if exists create_action(
name text, payload json, parent_id uuid, day integer,
"time" interval, type action_type, task_type action_task_type
create function "create_action"("name" text,
"payload" json,
"parent_id" uuid,
"day" integer,
"time" interval,
"type" action_type,
"task_type" action_task_type) returns uuid
language plpgsql
action_id uuid;
prev_child_id uuid;
p_id uuid := parent_id;
w_id uuid;
milestone_id uuid;
parent_day integer;
parent_time interval;
parent_execute_at interval;
prev_child_day integer;
prev_child_time interval;
prev_child_execute_at interval;
execute_at interval;
_time interval;
select time into _time;
select, a.time, a.workflow_id into parent_day, parent_time, w_id from action a where id = p_id;
select into milestone_id from action a where a.workflow_id = w_id and = 0 and a.time = '00:00'::time;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
select, a.time into prev_child_day, prev_child_time from action a where = prev_child_id;
select parent_time::interval + format('%s days', parent_day)::interval into parent_execute_at;
select prev_child_time::interval + format('%s days', prev_child_day)::interval into prev_child_execute_at;
select _time::interval + format('%s days', day)::interval into execute_at;
if execute_at < parent_execute_at or execute_at > prev_child_execute_at then
raise exception 'out of bounds';
end if;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, payload, day, time, type, task_type)
VALUES (w_id, name, payload, day, time, type, task_type)
returning id into action_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (parent_id, action_id, null),
(action_id, prev_child_id, null);
delete from action_child ac where ac.child_id = prev_child_id and ac.parent_id = p_id;
return action_id;
drop function if exists "update_action"("action_id" uuid, "name" text, "payload" json, "day" integer, "time" interval);
create function "update_action"("action_id" uuid,
"name" text,
"payload" json,
"day" integer,
"time" interval
) returns uuid
language plpgsql
_time time;
p_id uuid;
c_id uuid;
parent_execute_at interval;
child_execute_at interval;
execute_at interval;
_name text := name;
_payload json := payload;
_day integer := day;
select time::time into _time;
select parent_id into p_id from action_child where child_id = action_id;
select child_id into c_id from action_child where parent_id = action_id limit 1;
select a."time"::interval + format('%s days',
into parent_execute_at
from action a
where action_id = p_id;
select a."time"::interval + format('%s days',
into child_execute_at
from action a
where action_id = c_id;
select _time::interval + format('%s days', day)::interval into execute_at;
if execute_at < parent_execute_at or execute_at > child_execute_at then
raise exception 'out of bounds';
end if;
update action a
set time = coalesce(_time, a.time),
name = coalesce(_name,,
payload = coalesce(_payload, a.payload),
day = coalesce(_day,
where id = action_id;
return action_id;
drop function if exists create_branch_no_descendents(parent_id uuid, branch_type branch_type, branch_name text,
condition json);
-- There are no branches.
create function create_branch_no_descendents(parent_id uuid, branch_type branch_type, branch_name text, condition json)
returns void
language plpgsql
p_id uuid := parent_id;
prev_child_id uuid;
w_id uuid;
tail1_id uuid;
tail2_id uuid;
condition_branch_id uuid;
default_branch_id uuid;
branch_root_id uuid;
parent_day integer;
parent_time interval;
select workflow_id, day, time into w_id, parent_day, parent_time from action where id = p_id;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail1_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail2_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, branch_name, 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into condition_branch_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'Default branch', 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into default_branch_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, '', 'branch-root', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into branch_root_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (condition_branch_id, tail1_id, null, null),
(default_branch_id, tail2_id, null, null),
(branch_root_id, condition_branch_id, condition, branch_type),
(branch_root_id, default_branch_id, '{}'::jsonb, branch_type),
(parent_id, branch_root_id, null, null);
delete from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id and child_id = prev_child_id;
drop type if exists "move_descendents_to" cascade;
create type "move_descendents_to" as enum ('default', 'condition', 'join');
drop function if exists create_branch_move_descendents(parent_id uuid,
branch_type branch_type,
branch_name text,
condition json,
move_descendents_to move_descendents_to);
-- There already are actions below this, so the end user should pick
-- which branch, the default or condition branch, they want the
-- previous actions to go to
create function create_branch_move_descendents(parent_id uuid,
branch_type branch_type,
branch_name text,
condition json,
move_descendents_to move_descendents_to)
returns uuid
language plpgsql
p_id uuid := parent_id;
prev_child_id uuid;
w_id uuid;
parent_day integer;
parent_time interval;
condition_branch_id uuid;
default_branch_id uuid;
branch_root_id uuid;
tail_id uuid;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
select workflow_id, day, time into w_id, parent_day, parent_time from action where id = p_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, branch_name, 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into condition_branch_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'Default Branch', 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into default_branch_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, '', 'branch-root', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into branch_root_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (p_id, branch_root_id, null, null),
(branch_root_id, condition_branch_id, condition, branch_type),
(branch_root_id, default_branch_id, '{}'::jsonb, branch_type);
from action_child ac
where ac.parent_id = p_id
and ac.child_id = prev_child_id;
if move_descendents_to = 'default' then
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (default_branch_id, prev_child_id, null, null),
(condition_branch_id, tail_id, null, null);
elseif move_descendents_to = 'condition' then
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (default_branch_id, tail_id, null, null),
(condition_branch_id, prev_child_id, null, null);
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (default_branch_id, prev_child_id, null, null),
(condition_branch_id, prev_child_id, null, null);
end if;
return branch_root_id;
drop function if exists add_branch(parent_id uuid, branch_name text, branch_type branch_type, condition json);
-- Branch already exists. Add another branch to it.
create function add_branch(parent_id uuid, branch_name text, branch_type branch_type, condition json)
returns void
language plpgsql
p_id uuid := parent_id;
prev_child_id uuid;
w_id uuid;
parent_day integer;
parent_time interval;
condition_branch_id uuid;
unique_children integer;
tail_id uuid;
select workflow_id, day, time into w_id, parent_day, parent_time from action where id = p_id;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, branch_name, 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into condition_branch_id;
insert into action_child(parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (parent_id, condition_branch_id, condition, branch_type);
select count(distinct child_id) into unique_children from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
if unique_children = 1 then
-- all of the children have the same tail
-- TODO: make sure this condition is going to be enough!
sibling_id uuid;
c_id uuid;
select ac.child_id into sibling_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id limit 1;
if found then
select ac.child_id into c_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = sibling_id limit 1;
insert into action_child(parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (condition_branch_id, c_id, null);
end if;
-- the children do _not_ have the same tail
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00`')
returning id into tail_id;
insert into action_child(parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (condition_branch_id, tail_id, null);
end if;
drop function if exists assign_workflow;
create function assign_workflow(workflow_id uuid) returns void
language plpgsql
w_id uuid := workflow_id;
action_ids uuid[];
u_ record;
select array_agg( into action_ids from action a where a.workflow_id = w_id;
for u_ in select id from users offset 30
insert into action_instance(instance_of, assigned_to) values (unnest(action_ids),;
end loop;
drop function if exists assign_workflow_to_userlist(workflow_id uuid, userlist_id uuid, assigned_by varchar(24));
create function assign_workflow_to_userlist(workflow_id uuid, userlist_id uuid, assigned_by varchar(24)) returns void
language plpgsql
w_id uuid := workflow_id;
ul_id uuid := userlist_id;
action_ids uuid[];
u_ record;
select array_agg( into action_ids from action a where a.workflow_id = w_id;
for u_ in select um.user_id from userlist_members um where um.userlist_id = ul_id
insert into action_instance(instance_of, assigned_to) values (unnest(action_ids), u_.user_id);
end loop;
insert into workflow_userlist(workflow_id, userlist_id, assigned_by) values (w_id, ul_id, assigned_by);
drop function if exists create_action_before("action_id" uuid,
"task_type" action_task_type);
create function create_action_before("action_id" uuid,
"task_type" action_task_type) returns uuid
language plpgsql
prev_action_id uuid := action_id;
prev_action_day integer;
prev_action_time interval;
workflow_id uuid;
new_action_id uuid;
new_action_task_type action_task_type := task_type;
prev_parent_id uuid;
select, a.time, a.workflow_id
into prev_action_day, prev_action_time, workflow_id
from action a
where id = prev_action_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, payload, day, time, type, task_type)
VALUES (workflow_id, 'Action Name', '{}'::json, prev_action_day, prev_action_time - (1 * interval '1 second'),
'action', new_action_task_type)
returning id into new_action_id;
select ac.parent_id into prev_parent_id from "action_child" ac where ac.child_id = prev_action_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (prev_parent_id, new_action_id, null),
(new_action_id, prev_action_id, null);
delete from action_child ac where ac.child_id = prev_action_id and ac.parent_id = prev_parent_id;
return new_action_id;
drop function if exists create_action_after("action_id" uuid,
"task_type" action_task_type);
create function create_action_after("action_id" uuid,
"task_type" action_task_type) returns uuid
language plpgsql
prev_action_id uuid := action_id;
prev_action_day integer;
prev_action_time interval;
workflow_id uuid;
new_action_id uuid;
new_action_task_type action_task_type := task_type;
prev_child_id uuid;
select, a.time, a.workflow_id
into prev_action_day, prev_action_time, workflow_id
from action a
where id = prev_action_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, payload, day, time, type, task_type)
VALUES (workflow_id, 'Action Name', '{}'::json, prev_action_day,
prev_action_time + (1 * interval '1 second'), 'action', new_action_task_type)
returning id into new_action_id;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from "action_child" ac where ac.parent_id = prev_action_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (new_action_id, prev_child_id, null),
(prev_action_id, new_action_id, null);
delete from action_child ac where ac.child_id = prev_child_id and ac.parent_id = prev_action_id;
return new_action_id;
drop function if exists create_workflow(
name text, created_by varchar(24), workflow_type workflow_type, milestone_name text
create function create_workflow(name text, created_by varchar(24), workflow_type workflow_type, milestone_name text)
returns uuid
language plpgsql
workflow_id uuid;
root_id uuid;
tail_id uuid;
milestone_id uuid;
insert into workflow (name, created_by, milestone_name)
values (name, created_by, milestone_name)
returning id into workflow_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (workflow_id, 'root', 'root', -999999, '00:00')
returning id into root_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (workflow_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (workflow_id, milestone_name, 'milestone', 0, '00:00')
returning id into milestone_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (root_id, milestone_id, null),
(milestone_id, tail_id, null);
return workflow_id;
end ;
drop function if exists create_action(
name text, payload json, parent_id uuid, day integer,
"time" time, type action_type, task_type action_task_type
create function "create_action"("name" text,
"payload" json,
"parent_id" uuid,
"day" integer,
"time" time,
"type" action_type,
"task_type" action_task_type) returns uuid
language plpgsql
action_id uuid;
prev_child_id uuid;
p_id uuid := parent_id;
w_id uuid;
milestone_id uuid;
parent_day integer;
parent_time time;
parent_execute_at interval;
prev_child_day integer;
prev_child_time time;
prev_child_execute_at interval;
execute_at interval;
_time time;
select time::time into _time;
select, a.time, a.workflow_id into parent_day, parent_time, w_id from action a where id = p_id;
select into milestone_id from action a where a.workflow_id = w_id and = 0 and a.time = '00:00'::time;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
select, a.time into prev_child_day, prev_child_time from action a where = prev_child_id;
select parent_time::interval + format('%s days', parent_day)::interval into parent_execute_at;
select prev_child_time::interval + format('%s days', prev_child_day)::interval into prev_child_execute_at;
select _time::interval + format('%s days', day)::interval into execute_at;
if execute_at < parent_execute_at or execute_at > prev_child_execute_at then
raise exception 'out of bounds';
end if;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, payload, day, time, type, task_type)
VALUES (w_id, name, payload, day, time, type, task_type)
returning id into action_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (parent_id, action_id, null),
(action_id, prev_child_id, null);
delete from action_child ac where ac.child_id = prev_child_id and ac.parent_id = p_id;
return action_id;
drop function if exists "update_action"("action_id" uuid, "name" text, "payload" json, "day" integer, "time" time);
create function "update_action"("action_id" uuid,
"name" text,
"payload" json,
"day" integer,
"time" time
) returns uuid
language plpgsql
_time time;
p_id uuid;
c_id uuid;
parent_execute_at interval;
child_execute_at interval;
execute_at interval;
_name text := name;
_payload json := payload;
_day integer := day;
select time::time into _time;
select parent_id into p_id from action_child where child_id = action_id;
select child_id into c_id from action_child where parent_id = action_id limit 1;
select a."time"::interval + format('%s days',
into parent_execute_at
from action a
where action_id = p_id;
select a."time"::interval + format('%s days',
into child_execute_at
from action a
where action_id = c_id;
select _time::interval + format('%s days', day)::interval into execute_at;
if execute_at < parent_execute_at or execute_at > child_execute_at then
raise exception 'out of bounds';
end if;
update action a
set time = coalesce(_time, a.time),
name = coalesce(_name,,
payload = coalesce(_payload, a.payload),
day = coalesce(_day,
where id = action_id;
return action_id;
drop function if exists create_branch_no_descendents(parent_id uuid, branch_type branch_type, branch_name text,
condition json);
-- There are no branches.
create function create_branch_no_descendents(parent_id uuid, branch_type branch_type, branch_name text, condition json)
returns void
language plpgsql
p_id uuid := parent_id;
prev_child_id uuid;
w_id uuid;
tail1_id uuid;
tail2_id uuid;
condition_branch_id uuid;
default_branch_id uuid;
branch_root_id uuid;
parent_day integer;
parent_time time;
select workflow_id, day, time into w_id, parent_day, parent_time from action where id = p_id;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail1_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail2_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, branch_name, 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into condition_branch_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'Default branch', 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into default_branch_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, '', 'branch-root', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into branch_root_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (condition_branch_id, tail1_id, null, null),
(default_branch_id, tail2_id, null, null),
(branch_root_id, condition_branch_id, condition, branch_type),
(branch_root_id, default_branch_id, '{}'::jsonb, branch_type),
(parent_id, branch_root_id, null, null);
delete from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id and child_id = prev_child_id;
drop type if exists "move_descendents_to" cascade;
create type "move_descendents_to" as enum ('default', 'condition', 'join');
drop function if exists create_branch_move_descendents(parent_id uuid,
branch_type branch_type,
branch_name text,
condition json,
move_descendents_to move_descendents_to);
-- There already are actions below this, so the end user should pick
-- which branch, the default or condition branch, they want the
-- previous actions to go to
create function create_branch_move_descendents(parent_id uuid,
branch_type branch_type,
branch_name text,
condition json,
move_descendents_to move_descendents_to)
returns uuid
language plpgsql
p_id uuid := parent_id;
prev_child_id uuid;
w_id uuid;
parent_day integer;
parent_time time;
condition_branch_id uuid;
default_branch_id uuid;
branch_root_id uuid;
tail_id uuid;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
select workflow_id, day, time into w_id, parent_day, parent_time from action where id = p_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, branch_name, 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into condition_branch_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'Default Branch', 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into default_branch_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, '', 'branch-root', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into branch_root_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (p_id, branch_root_id, null, null),
(branch_root_id, condition_branch_id, condition, branch_type),
(branch_root_id, default_branch_id, '{}'::jsonb, branch_type);
from action_child ac
where ac.parent_id = p_id
and ac.child_id = prev_child_id;
if move_descendents_to = 'default' then
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (default_branch_id, prev_child_id, null, null),
(condition_branch_id, tail_id, null, null);
elseif move_descendents_to = 'condition' then
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00')
returning id into tail_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (default_branch_id, tail_id, null, null),
(condition_branch_id, prev_child_id, null, null);
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (default_branch_id, prev_child_id, null, null),
(condition_branch_id, prev_child_id, null, null);
end if;
return branch_root_id;
drop function if exists add_branch(parent_id uuid, branch_name text, branch_type branch_type, condition json);
-- Branch already exists. Add another branch to it.
create function add_branch(parent_id uuid, branch_name text, branch_type branch_type, condition json)
returns void
language plpgsql
p_id uuid := parent_id;
prev_child_id uuid;
w_id uuid;
parent_day integer;
parent_time time;
condition_branch_id uuid;
unique_children integer;
tail_id uuid;
select workflow_id, day, time into w_id, parent_day, parent_time from action where id = p_id;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, branch_name, 'branch', parent_day, parent_time)
returning id into condition_branch_id;
insert into action_child(parent_id, child_id, preconditions, type)
values (parent_id, condition_branch_id, condition, branch_type);
select count(distinct child_id) into unique_children from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id;
if unique_children = 1 then
-- all of the children have the same tail
-- TODO: make sure this condition is going to be enough!
sibling_id uuid;
c_id uuid;
select ac.child_id into sibling_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = p_id limit 1;
if found then
select ac.child_id into c_id from action_child ac where ac.parent_id = sibling_id limit 1;
insert into action_child(parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (condition_branch_id, c_id, null);
end if;
-- the children do _not_ have the same tail
insert into action (workflow_id, name, type, day, time)
values (w_id, 'tail', 'tail', 999999, '00:00`')
returning id into tail_id;
insert into action_child(parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (condition_branch_id, tail_id, null);
end if;
drop function if exists assign_workflow;
create function assign_workflow(workflow_id uuid) returns void
language plpgsql
w_id uuid := workflow_id;
action_ids uuid[];
u_ record;
select array_agg( into action_ids from action a where a.workflow_id = w_id;
for u_ in select id from users offset 30
insert into action_instance(instance_of, assigned_to) values (unnest(action_ids),;
end loop;
drop function if exists assign_workflow_to_userlist(workflow_id uuid, userlist_id uuid, assigned_by varchar(24));
create function assign_workflow_to_userlist(workflow_id uuid, userlist_id uuid, assigned_by varchar(24)) returns void
language plpgsql
w_id uuid := workflow_id;
ul_id uuid := userlist_id;
action_ids uuid[];
u_ record;
select array_agg( into action_ids from action a where a.workflow_id = w_id;
for u_ in select um.user_id from userlist_members um where um.userlist_id = ul_id
insert into action_instance(instance_of, assigned_to) values (unnest(action_ids), u_.user_id);
end loop;
insert into workflow_userlist(workflow_id, userlist_id, assigned_by) values (w_id, ul_id, assigned_by);
from action a
left outer join action_child p on p.child_id =
left outer join action_child c on c.parent_id =
where a.workflow_id = '83130715-62ca-4402-991c-bc25a770f183';
drop function if exists create_action_before("action_id" uuid,
"task_type" action_task_type);
create function create_action_before("action_id" uuid,
"task_type" action_task_type) returns uuid
language plpgsql
prev_action_id uuid := action_id;
prev_action_day integer;
prev_action_time time;
workflow_id uuid;
new_action_id uuid;
new_action_task_type action_task_type := task_type;
prev_parent_id uuid;
select, a.time, a.workflow_id
into prev_action_day, prev_action_time, workflow_id
from action a
where id = prev_action_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, payload, day, time, type, task_type)
VALUES (workflow_id, 'Action Name', '{}'::json, prev_action_day, prev_action_time - (1 * interval '1 second'),
'action', new_action_task_type)
returning id into new_action_id;
select ac.parent_id into prev_parent_id from "action_child" ac where ac.child_id = prev_action_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (prev_parent_id, new_action_id, null),
(new_action_id, prev_action_id, null);
delete from action_child ac where ac.child_id = prev_action_id and ac.parent_id = prev_parent_id;
return new_action_id;
drop function if exists create_action_after("action_id" uuid,
"task_type" action_task_type);
create function create_action_after("action_id" uuid,
"task_type" action_task_type) returns uuid
language plpgsql
prev_action_id uuid := action_id;
prev_action_day integer;
prev_action_time time;
workflow_id uuid;
new_action_id uuid;
new_action_task_type action_task_type := task_type;
prev_child_id uuid;
select, a.time, a.workflow_id
into prev_action_day, prev_action_time, workflow_id
from action a
where id = prev_action_id;
insert into action (workflow_id, name, payload, day, time, type, task_type)
VALUES (workflow_id, 'Action Name', '{}'::json, prev_action_day,
prev_action_time + (1 * interval '1 second'), 'action', new_action_task_type)
returning id into new_action_id;
select ac.child_id into prev_child_id from "action_child" ac where ac.parent_id = prev_action_id;
insert into action_child (parent_id, child_id, preconditions)
values (new_action_id, prev_child_id, null),
(prev_action_id, new_action_id, null);
delete from action_child ac where ac.child_id = prev_child_id and ac.parent_id = prev_action_id;
return new_action_id;
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