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Created October 18, 2018 07:15
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Pair declaration in Scilla
contract Pairs()
field a: Pair (String) (Uint32) =
let c= "Hello" in
let d = Uint32 5 in
Pair {(String) (Uint32)} c d (*declaring variable a with no value*)
field b: Pair (String) (Option Uint32) =
let e= "" in
let f = None {Uint32} in
Pair {(String) (Option Uint32)} e f (*declaring variable b with fixed value*)
transition update_value()
h = let i = "Hello World" in
let j = Uint32 6 in
Pair {(String)(Uint32)} i j; (*declaring variable h with fixed value in transition*)
(*Updating variable a*)
a:= h;
(*Updating variable b*)
k = let l = "Hello again, World" in
let m = Uint32 7 in
let n = Some {Uint32} m in
Pair {(String)(Option Uint32)} l n;
b:= k
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