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Forked from anaisbetts/example.html
Created December 22, 2015 21:45
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ExecuteJavaScript returning a result
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Electron boilerplate</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
<script> = {}; = {
baz: function(a,b) {
return a + b + 5;
bazAsync: function(a,b) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(a + b + 5);
}, 1000);
<div class="container">
<h1>Electron boilerplate</h1>
<section class="main"></section>
const electron = require('electron');
const app =;
const d = require('debug')('index');
import {getRemoteMethod} from './execute-js-func';
// report crashes to the Electron project
// adds debug features like hotkeys for triggering dev tools and reload
// prevent window being garbage collected
let mainWindow;
function onClosed() {
// dereference the window
// for multiple windows store them in an array
mainWindow = null;
function createMainWindow() {
const win = new electron.BrowserWindow({
width: 600,
height: 400
win.on('closed', onClosed);
win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', async function() {
try {
let m = getRemoteMethod(win, '');
let result = await m(5, 7);
m = getRemoteMethod(win, '');
result = await m(5, 7);
} catch (e) {
return win;
app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
app.on('activate', () => {
if (!mainWindow) {
mainWindow = createMainWindow();
app.on('ready', () => {
mainWindow = createMainWindow();
import uuid from 'node-uuid';
import {Observable, Disposable} from 'rx';
const requestChannel = 'execute-javascript-request';
const responseChannel = 'execute-javascript-response';
let isBrowser = (process.type === 'browser');
let ipc = require('electron')[isBrowser ? 'ipcMain' : 'ipcRenderer'];
const d = require(isBrowser ? 'debug' : 'debug/browser')('execute-js-func');
function listenToIpc(channel) {
return Observable.create((subj) => {
let listener = (event, args) => {
d(`Got an event for ${channel}: ${JSON.stringify(args)}`);
d(`Setting up listener! ${channel}`);
ipc.on(channel, listener);
return Disposable.create(() =>
ipc.removeListener(channel, listener));
function getSendMethod(windowOrWebView) {
return ('webContents' in windowOrWebView) ?
(...a) => {
d(`webContents send: ${JSON.stringify(a)}`);
} :
(...a) => {
d(`webView send: ${JSON.stringify(a)}`);
function listenerForId(id) {
return listenToIpc(responseChannel)
.where((receive) => === id)
.flatMap((receive) => {
if (receive.error) {
let e = new Error(receive.error.message);
e.stack = receive.error.stack;
return Observable.throw(e);
return Observable.return(receive.result);
.timeout(5 * 1000);
export function getRemoteMethod(windowOrWebView, pathToObject) {
return function(...args) {
return executeJavaScriptMethod(windowOrWebView, pathToObject, ...args);
export function remoteEval(windowOrWebView, str) {
let send = getSendMethod(windowOrWebView);
let toSend = { id: uuid.v4(), eval: str };
let ret = listenerForId(;
d(`Sending: ${JSON.stringify(toSend)}`);
send(requestChannel, toSend);
return ret;
export function executeJavaScriptMethod(windowOrWebView, pathToObject, ...args) {
let send = getSendMethod(windowOrWebView);
if (!pathToObject.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+$/)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('pathToObject must be of the form'));
let toSend = { args, id: uuid.v4(), path: pathToObject };
let ret = listenerForId(;
d(`Sending: ${JSON.stringify(toSend)}`);
send(requestChannel, toSend);
return ret;
function objectAndParentGivenPath(path) {
let obj = window;
let parent = obj;
for (let part of path.split('.')) {
parent = obj;
obj = obj[part];
d(`parent: ${parent}, obj: ${obj}`);
if (typeof(parent) !== 'object') {
throw new Error(`Couldn't access part of the object window.${path}`);
return [parent, obj];
async function evalRemoteMethod(path, args) {
let [parent, obj] = objectAndParentGivenPath(path);
let result = obj;
if (typeof(obj) === 'function') {
d("obj is function!");
let res = obj.apply(parent, args);
result = res;
if (typeof(res) === 'object' && 'then' in res) {
d("result is Promise!");
result = await res;
return result;
export function init() {
let listener = async function(e, receive) {
d(`Got Message! ${JSON.stringify(receive)}`);
try {
if (receive.eval) {
receive.result = eval(receive.eval);
} else {
receive.result = await evalRemoteMethod(receive.path, receive.args);
d(`Replying! ${JSON.stringify(receive)}`);
e.sender.send(responseChannel, receive);
} catch(err) {
receive.error = {
message: err.message,
stack: err.stack
d(`Failed! ${JSON.stringify(receive)}`);
e.sender.send(responseChannel, receive);
d("Set up listener!");
ipc.on('execute-javascript-request', listener);
return Disposable.create(() => ipc.removeListener('execute-javascript-request', listener));
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