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Created January 24, 2015 18:42
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#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <qmath.h>
// #include <QHash>
#include "perfecthash.h"
class PerfectHashBench : public QObject
PerfectHash<int,int, -1, -1, 10000> hash;
// QHash<int, int> qhash;
private slots:
void initTestCase();
void searching();
void searching_data();
void PerfectHashBench::initTestCase()
QVector< QPair<int,int> > items;
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
items.push_back({i*i, i});
// qhash[i*i] = i;
qDebug() << "Inserting" << items.count() << "items...";
hash = PerfectHash<int,int, -1, -1, 10000>(items);
qDebug() << "Inserted" << hash.count() << "items.";
qDebug() << "Hash capacity" << hash.capacity() << "items.";
qDebug() << "Hash utilization" << (double)hash.count()/hash.capacity()*100 << "%";
void PerfectHashBench::searching()
QFETCH(int, key);
QFETCH(int, value);
QFETCH(bool, exists);
QCOMPARE( hash.contains(key) , exists);
QCOMPARE( hash.value(key), value );
// QCOMPARE( qhash.contains(key) , exists);
// QCOMPARE( qhash.value(key), exists? value : 0);
// }
void PerfectHashBench::searching_data()
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
int s = qSqrt(i);
bool exists = s*s == i;
int value = exists? s : -1;
QTest::newRow(QString::number(i).toLatin1().data()) << i << value << exists;
#include "benchmark.moc"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QVector>
#include <QPair>
#include <qmath.h>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
template <typename K, typename V,
const K invalid_key, const V invalid_value,
const int n = 1000> // maximum allowed number of buckets
class PerfectHash {
PerfectHash( std::initializer_list< std::pair<K,V> > data )
m_count = 0;
m_rows = 0;
PerfectHash( const QVector< QPair <K,V> >& data )
m_count = 0;
m_rows = 0;
// How many (key,value) pairs could this list have taken
inline int capacity() const { return m_data.size(); }
// How many (key, value) pairs are present in this list
inline int count() const { return m_count; }
// Is there a (key,value) pair with this key?
inline bool contains(K key) const
const auto d = std::div(key , m_rows);
if(d.quot >= (int)m_rows)
return false;
const int offset = m_rowOffsets[d.quot];
if(offset < 0)
return false;
const unsigned int c = offset + d.rem;
return c < (unsigned int)m_data.size() && m_data[ c ].first == key;
// Return the value associated with this key
// If nothing found, this returns a default value
inline V value(K key) const
const auto d = std::div(key, m_rows);
if(d.quot >= (int)m_rows)
return invalid_value;
const int offset = m_rowOffsets[d.quot];
if(offset < 0)
return invalid_value;
const unsigned int c = offset + d.rem;
if((int)c < m_data.size() && m_data[c].first == key)
return m_data[c].second;
return invalid_value;
void clear()
m_count = 0;
m_rows = 0;
//Overloading value(K key)
inline V operator[](K key) const { return value(key); }
typedef QVector< QVector<K> > ScratchPad;
struct RowInfo { int index, count; };
bool initializeData(const QVector< QPair<K,V> >& rawData)
K kMax = std::max_element(rawData.begin(), rawData.end())->first;
m_rows = qSqrt(kMax) + 1;
//The 2D array for inserting the keys into
ScratchPad scratchpad(m_rows, QVector<K>(m_rows, invalid_key) );
QVector<RowInfo> rowInfo;
//No row is shifted at all
for(unsigned int r = 0; r < m_rows; r++)
rowInfo.push_back({r,0}); // Assume that each row has 0 keys
//Insert the keys into the Key Array
for(const auto element : rawData)
K k = element.first;
int r = k/m_rows;
int c = k%m_rows;
if(scratchpad[r][c] == invalid_key)
scratchpad[r][c] = k;
// Process the keys and populate the hashmap
return firstFitDescending(rawData, scratchpad, rowInfo);
bool firstFitDescending( const QVector< QPair<K,V> >& rawData,
ScratchPad& scratchPad,
QVector<RowInfo> &rowInfo )
// A temporary large array to hold all the keys being hashed
QVector<K> keys = QVector<K>(n, invalid_key);
// 0. Sort the Rows based on the number of elements they contain
std::sort(rowInfo.begin(), rowInfo.end(),
[](const RowInfo& A, const RowInfo& B){ return A.count > B.count; });
// For each non-empty row:
for(int r = 0; r < rowInfo.count() && rowInfo[r].count > 0; r++)
unsigned int row = rowInfo[r].index;
// 1. Shift the row right until none of its items collide with
// any of the items in previous rows.
for(unsigned int offset = 0; offset < n - m_rows - 1; offset++)
unsigned int y = 0;
for(y = 0; y < m_rows; y++)
if( (keys[offset + y] != invalid_key) && (scratchPad[row][y] != invalid_key) )
if( y == m_rows )
// 2. Record the shift amount in m_rowOffsets
//qDebug() << row << "--->" << offset << endl;
m_rowOffsets[row] = offset;
// 3. Copy the keys from this row into the keys already hashed
for(unsigned int x = 0; x < m_rows; x++)
if(scratchPad[row][x] != invalid_key)
keys[offset + x] = scratchPad[row][x];
//qDebug() << "Keys[" << offset + x << "] = " << keys[offset+x] <<endl;
//Move on to the next row
if(offset == n - m_rows - 1)
qDebug() << "Error::Failed to fit the Row " << row << " in hash table." << endl;
return false;
// Now copy the elements of rawData into their appropriate buckets
int capacity = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if(keys[i] != invalid_key) capacity = i + 1;
m_data = QVector< QPair<K,V> >(capacity, { invalid_key, invalid_value} );
m_count = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_data.size(); i++)
const auto currentKey = keys[i];
//Bother only if currentKey is a valid key
if( currentKey == invalid_key) continue;
for(const auto element : rawData)
if(element.first == currentKey)
//qDebug() << "Bucket " << offset + x << " :: " << element.first << "," << element.second << endl;
m_data[i] = element;
//qDebug() << i << "::" << m_data[i].first << "," << m_data[i].second << endl;
return true;
unsigned int m_count; // Total number of keys hashed into m_data
QVector< QPair<K,V> > m_data; // Actual data
unsigned int m_rows; // Number of rows in the scratchPad
QVector<int> m_rowOffsets; // Offset of each row in m_data
# Automatically generated by qmake (3.0) Sat Jan 24 06:11:57 2015
TARGET = benchmark
CONFIG += c++11
QT += testlib
QT -= gui quick qml
# Input
HEADERS += perfecthash.h
SOURCES += benchmark.cpp
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