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Last active January 15, 2022 18:17
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my Goku configs for Karabiner-elements
;; ! | means mandatory - modifier(s) alone when pressend change behavior
;; # | means optional - modifiers are optional (but atleast one necessary)
;; :!Ca is keycode :a and prefix a with !C
;; C | left_command
;; T | left_control
;; O | left_option
;; S | left_shift
;; F | fn
;; Q | right_command
;; W | right_control
;; E | right_option
;; R | right_shift
;; ## | optional any
;; !! | command + control + optional + shift (hyper)
;; to understand better how modifiers work in karabiner
;; karabiner definition of mandatory and optional
;; need to prefix C T O S F with ! or #
;; code for all this:
{:applications {:vim-mode-disabled-application ["^com\\.apple\\.Terminal$"
:profiles {:Default {:default true}}
:simlayers {:vi-mode {:key :spacebar}
:vi-visual-mode {:key :v :condi :!vim-mode-disabled-application}}
:main [{:des "map capslock-> command | "
:rules [[:##caps_lok :command nil {:alone :f15}]]}
{:des "Vi Mode [D as Trigger Key]"
:rules [;; arrow keys
[:##k :down_arrow :vi-mode]
[:##i :up_arrow :vi-mode]
[:##j :left_arrow :vi-mode]
[:##l :right_arrow :vi-mode]
;; delete & backspace
[:##h :delete_forward :vi-mode]
[:##n :delete_or_backspace :vi-mode]
[:##f :left_option :vi-mode]
[:##d :right_shift :vi-mode]
;; home/ end
[:##u :home :vi-mode]
[:##o :end :vi-mode]
;; window tabs
;; [:##slash :caps_lockw :vi-mode]
[:##period :!Ttab :vi-mode]
[:##comma :!TStab :vi-mode]
[:##m :!CSd :vi-mode]]}
{:des "right shift once -> f15 command pallet in vs code"
:rules [[:##right_shift :right_shift nil {:alone :f16}]]}
{:des "left shift once -> alfred"
:rules [[:##left_shift :left_shift nil {:alone :!Sf15}]]}
{:des "Vi Visual Mode"
:rules [[:##j :!Sdown_arrow :vi-visual-mode]
[:##k :!Sup_arrow :vi-visual-mode]
[:##h :!Sleft_arrow :vi-visual-mode]
[:##l :!Sright_arrow :vi-visual-mode]
[:##b :!SOleft_arrow :vi-visual-mode]
[:##w :!SOright_arrow :vi-visual-mode]
[:##0 :!SCleft_arrow :vi-visual-mode]
[:##4 :!SCright_arrow :vi-visual-mode]
[:##open_bracket :!SOup_arrow :vi-visual-mode]
[:##close_bracket :!SOdown_arrow :vi-visual-mode]]}]}
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