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Created December 10, 2014 10:16
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PolyMoleculeCloud class creating instances of polyMolecule class
class polyMoleculeCloud;
Class polyMolecule Declaration
class polyMolecule
public particle
// Values of special that are less than zero are for built-in functionality.
// Values greater than zero are user specifiable/expandable (i.e. test
// special_ >= SPECIAL_USER)
enum specialTypes
//- Class to hold molecule constant properties
class constantProperties
// Private data
label nSites_;
List<constPropSite> sites_;
List<label> electrostaticSites_;
List<label> pairPotSites_;
diagTensor momentOfInertia_;
scalar mass_;
// Private Member Functions
void checkSiteListSizes() const;
void setInteracionSiteBools
const List<word>& siteIds,
const List<word>& pairPotSiteIds
bool linearMoleculeTest() const;
inline constantProperties();
//- Construct from dictionary
inline constantProperties
const dictionary& dict,
const reducedUnits& rU,
const labelList& siteIds
// Member functions
inline const List<constPropSite>& sites() const;
inline const List<label>& pairPotSites() const;
inline const List<label>& electrostaticSites() const;
inline const diagTensor& momentOfInertia() const;
inline bool linearMolecule() const;
inline bool pointMolecule() const;
inline label degreesOfFreedom() const;
inline scalar mass() const;
inline label nSites() const;
//- Class used to pass tracking data to the trackToFace function
class trackingData
public particle::TrackingData<polyMoleculeCloud>
// label specifying which part of the integration algorithm is taking
label part_;
// Constructors
trackingData(polyMoleculeCloud& cloud, label part)
// Member functions
inline label part() const
return part_;
// Private data
//- Be careful with the ordering of data.
// It has an impact on binary transfer:
// -# Put the largest data members 1st
// -# Pair up labels,
// -# Don't go scalar-label, scalar-label, because in 64bit mode,
// the labels will be padded by 4bytes.
tensor Q_;
//- linear velocity
vector v_;
//- linear acceleration
vector a_;
//- angular momentum
vector pi_;
//- torque
vector tau_;
vector specialPosition_;
scalar potentialEnergy_;
// - r_ij f_ij, stress dyad
tensor rf_;
// // - r_ij outer product f_ij: virial contribution
// tensor rDotf_;
label special_;
label id_;
scalar R_;
// - fraction of force potential contribution
scalar frac_;
//- each molecule will have a unique label
label trackingNumber_;
List<vector> siteForces_;
List<vector> sitePositions_;
// Private Member Functions
tensor rotationTensorX(scalar deltaT) const;
tensor rotationTensorY(scalar deltaT) const;
tensor rotationTensorZ(scalar deltaT) const;
friend class Cloud<polyMolecule>;
// Constructors
//- Construct from components
inline polyMolecule
// const Cloud<polyMolecule>& c,
const polyMesh& mesh,
const vector& position,
const label cellI,
const label tetFaceI,
const label tetPtI,
const tensor& Q,
const vector& v,
const vector& a,
const vector& pi,
const vector& tau,
const vector& specialPosition,
const constantProperties& constProps,
const label special,
const label id,
const scalar& frac,
const label trackingNumber
//- Construct from Istream
// const Cloud<polyMolecule>& c,
const polyMesh& mesh,
Istream& is,
bool readFields = true
autoPtr<particle> clone() const
return autoPtr<particle>(new polyMolecule(*this));
//- Factory class to read-construct particles used for
// parallel transfer
class iNew
const polyMesh& mesh_;
iNew(const polyMesh& mesh)
autoPtr<polyMolecule> operator()(Istream& is) const
return autoPtr<polyMolecule>(new polyMolecule(mesh_, is, true));
// Member Functions
// Tracking
bool move(trackingData&, const scalar& trackTime);
void transformProperties(const tensor& T);
void transformProperties(const vector& separation);
void setSitePositions(const constantProperties& constProps);
void setSiteSizes(label size);
void updateHalfVelocity
const constantProperties& constProps,
const scalar& trackTime
void updateAcceleration
const constantProperties& constProps
void updateAfterMove
const constantProperties& constProps,
const scalar& trackTime
// Access
inline const tensor& Q() const;
inline tensor& Q();
inline const vector& v() const;
inline vector& v();
inline const vector& a() const;
inline vector& a();
inline const vector& pi() const;
inline vector& pi();
inline const vector& tau() const;
inline vector& tau();
inline const List<vector>& siteForces() const;
inline List<vector>& siteForces();
inline const List<vector>& sitePositions() const;
inline List<vector>& sitePositions();
inline const vector& specialPosition() const;
inline vector& specialPosition();
inline scalar potentialEnergy() const;
inline scalar& potentialEnergy();
inline const tensor& rf() const;
inline tensor& rf();
// - Return virial contribution
// inline const tensor& rDotf() const;
// inline tensor& rDotf();
inline label special() const;
inline bool tethered() const;
inline label id() const;
inline label& id();
// - return shortest radius
inline const scalar& R() const;
inline scalar& R();
inline const scalar& fraction() const;
inline scalar& fraction();
// - return tracking number
inline const label& trackingNumber() const;
inline label& trackingNumber();
inline bool frozen();
//- Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a patch
// Executed before other patch-hitting functions
bool hitPatch
const polyPatch&,
trackingData& td,
const label patchI,
const scalar trackFraction,
const tetIndices& tetIs
//- Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a processorPatch
void hitProcessorPatch
const processorPolyPatch&,
trackingData& td
//- Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a wallPatch
void hitWallPatch
const wallPolyPatch&,
trackingData& td,
const tetIndices&
//- Overridable function to handle the particle hitting a polyPatch
void hitPatch
const polyPatch&,
trackingData& td
Class polyMoleculeCloud Declaration
class polyMoleculeCloud
public Cloud<polyMolecule>
// Private data
const polyMesh& mesh_;
const potential& pot_;
const reducedUnits& redUnits_;
List<DynamicList<polyMolecule*> > cellOccupancy_;
// InteractionLists<polyMolecule> il_;
List<polyMolecule::constantProperties> constPropList_;
//- measurement fields
polyFieldProperties fields_;
//- boundaries
polyBoundaries boundaries_;
//- controllers
polyControllers controllers_;
//- polyMolecule tracking
polyFaceTracker trackingInfo_;
trackingNumber moleculeTracking_;
cyclicBoundaries cyclics_;
cellInteractions<polyMolecule> iL_;
//- interaction particle list
List<DynamicList<polyMolecule*> > ipl_;
Random rndGen_;
int numThreads_;
// Private Member Functions
void buildConstProps();
void setSiteSizesAndPositions();
//- Determine which molecules are in which cells
void calculatePairForces();
// void buildCellOccupancy();
// void calculatePairForce();
// void calculateTetherForce();
// void calculateExternalForce();
void removeHighEnergyOverlaps();
void setTrackingNumbers();
void checkMoleculesInMesh();
void setMoleculesForDirectInteraction();
void computePairForces();
// void computePairForces2();
void accelerationUpdate();
void velocityUpdate(const scalar& trackTime);
void updateAfterMove(const scalar& trackTime);
//- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
polyMoleculeCloud(const polyMoleculeCloud&);
//- Disallow default bitwise assignment
void operator=(const polyMoleculeCloud&);
inline int getNumThreads() const;
// Static data members
// static scalar kb;
// static scalar elementaryCharge;
// static scalar vacuumPermittivity;
// Constructors
//- Construct for mdFoam
Time& t,
const polyMesh& mesh,
const potential& pot,
const reducedUnits& rU
//- General constructor
Time& t,
const polyMesh& mesh,
const potential& pot,
const reducedUnits& rU,
const word& option,
const bool& clearFields
// Static constructors
static autoPtr<polyMoleculeCloud> New
Time& t,
const polyMesh& mesh,
const potential& pot,
const reducedUnits& rU
static autoPtr<polyMoleculeCloud> New
Time& t,
const polyMesh& mesh,
const potential& pot,
const reducedUnits& rU,
const word& option,
const bool& clearFields
// Member Functions
void createMolecule
const vector& position,
const label cell,
const label tetFace,
const label tetPt,
const tensor& Q,
const vector& v,
const vector& a,
const vector& pi,
const vector& tau,
const vector& specialPosition,
const label special,
const label id,
const scalar& fraction,
const label trackingNumber
//- Evolve the molecules (move, calculate forces, control state etc)
void preliminaries();
void initialHalfVelocity();
void move();
void controlBeforeForces();
void updateAcceleration();
void controlAfterForces();
void finalHalfVelocity();
void postPreliminaries();
void evolve();
void evolveBeforeForces();
void evolveAfterForces();
void clearLagrangianFields();
void calculateForce();
// void calculateForce();
// void calculateForceOF();
// void calculateForceNew();
// void calculateForceIII();
void prepareInteractions();
void buildCellOccupancy();
void rebuildCellOccupancy();
inline void evaluatePair
polyMolecule* molI,
polyMolecule* molJ
inline bool evaluatePotentialLimit
polyMolecule* molI,
polyMolecule* molJ,
const scalar& potentialEnergyLimit
) const;
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