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Last active March 7, 2020 22:02
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self modifying perl code
#!/usr/env perl
use strict;use warnings;
my %config;
loadConfig(); ##load config from __DATA__
foreach (sort keys %config){
print $_, " => ",$config{$_},"\n__\n";# display config
print "Enter new Value for $_\n>>"; # offer to modify it
chomp( $config{$_}=<>); # modify it
saveConfig(); #save new config
sub loadConfig{ # read keys and values from data
my ($key, $value);
while (my $line = <DATA>){
if ($line=~/\[([^\]]+)\]/){
elsif($key and $line!~/^\s*$/){
foreach (keys %config){
sub saveConfig{ # save config into data segment
open my $readFile, '<', $0 or die "can't open $0: $!";
open my $tempFile, '>', $0.".tmp" or die "can't open $0.tmp: $!";
while (<$readFile>){ # read own code
last if $_=~/^__DATA__/; # store everithing upto the data
print $tempFile $_ # segment into a temporary file
close $readFile;
print $tempFile "__DATA__\n"; # now create a new __DATA__ segment
foreach (sort keys %config){ # store everything from config
print $tempFile "[$_]\n$config{$_}\n\n";
close $tempFile;
unlink "$0.bak"; # delete previous backups
rename $0, "$0.bak"; # backup current file
rename "$0.tmp", $0; # make temp the new code
not much is known, but likes blue, has gertie for a best friend and is 7
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