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Perl CLI Calendar using DateTime
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#### Pure Perl implementation of a terminal calendar app ###
# #
# * by default produce a monthly calendar for current month #
# * if passed a number less than 12 produces a calendar for #
# that month in current year #
# * if passed two numbers and first is less than 12 then prints #
# corresponding month in that year #
# * if passed number greater than 12 prints the calendar for #
# the year in a grid form #
# * # #
# #
use DateTime;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;use warnings;
my $local_time_zone = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' );
my $VERSION=0.01;
our %colours=(black =>30,red =>31,green =>32,yellow =>33,blue =>34,magenta =>35,cyan =>36,white =>37,
reset=>0, bold=>1, italic=>3, underline=>4, blink=>5, strikethrough=>9, invert=>7,);
# usage
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "-h"){
print <<END;
$0 help|h|-h <-- this message
$0 <no parameter> <-- current month current year
$0 year1 <-- all months for year
$0 year1 year2 <-- all months for year span
$0 month <-- if less than 12, month this year
$0 month year <-- month of year
my ($yearStart,$yearEnd, @misc)=@ARGV;
our $today= DateTime->now;
my $dt = DateTime->now;
if ($yearStart && $yearStart<=12){
if ($yearEnd){
$dt= DateTime->new(year=>$yearEnd,month=>$yearStart);
else {
$dt= DateTime->new(year=>$dt->year,month=>$yearStart);
print drawGrid(monthGrid($dt));
elsif ($yearStart){
while ($yearStart<=$yearEnd){
print @{center($yearStart,35)},"\n";
print drawGrid(yearGrid($yearStart,{showWeek=>1,showYear=>0}));
print drawGrid(monthGrid($dt,{showWeek=>0,showYear=>1}));
sub drawGrid{
my $grid=shift;
#system($^O eq 'MSWin32'?'cls':'clear');
foreach my $line(@$grid){
foreach (@$line){print $_ if defined $_}
print "\n";
sub monthGrid{
my ($date,$options)=@_;
my $cal=[center($date->month_name. ($options->{showYear}?" ".$date->year:""),7+($options->{showWeek}?1:0))]; # Title
push @$cal,[($options->{showWeek}?(" w|"):())," Mo"," Tu"," We"," Th"," Fr"," Sa"," Su"]; # Header row
my $firstDay=DateTime->new(year=>$date->year,month=>$date->month); # date of first day of month
my $weekNo=int(($firstDay->doy+6)/7); # week number for first day of month
my @mDays=((" ") x ($firstDay->day_of_week-1), (1..$date->month_length));# list of days
@mDays=(@mDays,(" ")x(6-@mDays%7)); # pad out end if needed
foreach my $row (0..@mDays/7){
my @r=();
push @r,(length $weekNo<2?" ":"").$weekNo++."|" if $options->{showWeek}; # pad out weekNo
my $md=shift @mDays//""; # each date for the week
my $ptMd=($today->day eq $md && $today->month eq $date->month && $today->year eq $date->year)?paint($md,"invert"):$md;
push @r," " x (3-length $md).$ptMd; # padded out
push @$cal,[@r] unless ((($r[0] eq " ")&& ($r[6] eq " "))||($options->{showWeek} && ($r[1] eq " ") && ($r[7] eq " ")))
while (scalar @$cal < 8){$cal=[@$cal,[(" ")x($options->{showWeek}?8:7)]]}
return $cal;
sub yearGrid{
my ($year, $options)=@_;
my $rows=int 12/$options->{monthsPerRow};
my $grid=textGrid($options->{monthsPerRow}*(7 + ($options->{showWeek}?1:0))-1,$rows*(8+$options->{vPadding})-$options->{vPadding}-1);
my $ypos=0; my $month=1;
my $ypos=$_*(8+$options->{vPadding});
foreach my $col(0..$options->{monthsPerRow}-1){
my $mg=monthGrid(DateTime->new(year=>$year,month=>$month),$options);
insertBlock($grid,$mg,$col*(9 + ($options->{showWeek}?1:0)),$ypos);
foreach my $col(1..$options->{monthsPerRow}-1){ #put n the padding
insertBlock($grid,[([" " x $options->{hPadding}])x8],[undef,7,17,27,37]->[$col] + ($options->{showWeek}?1:0),$ypos);
return $grid;
sub center{ # a 3 character positioned in middle of other 3 character blocks
my ($text,$width)=@_;
$text=substr $text,0,3*$width; # truncate if bigger than the space allocated
my @split=$text=~/(.{1,3})/g; # split into 3 character blocks
$split[-1].=" "x(3-length $split[-1]); # pad out last block in neded
my $pre=int(($width-scalar @split)/2 + 0.5);my $post=$width-$pre-scalar @split;
return [(" ")x$pre, @split,(" ")x$post];
sub textGrid {
my ($width,$height)=@_;
my @grid;
foreach (0..$height){
return [@grid];
sub insertBlock{
my ($grid,$block,$xPos,$yPos)=@_;
my $blockWidth=length $block->[0];
foreach my $y (0..$#$block){
foreach my $x (0..$#{$block->[$y]}){
sub paint{
my ($txt,$fmt)=@_;
return "" unless $txt;
if ((ref $txt) && (ref $txt->[0])){
foreach my $row (@$txt){
return $txt;
return $txt unless $fmt;
return colour($fmt).$txt.colour("reset") unless ref $txt;
return [map {colour($fmt).$_.colour("reset");} @$txt]
sub clearScreen{
system($^O eq 'MSWin32'?'cls':'clear');
sub colour{
my ($fmts)=@_;
return "" unless $fmts;
my @formats=map {lc $_} split / +/,$fmts;
return join "",map {defined $colours{$_}?"\033[$colours{$_}m":""} @formats;
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