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Last active March 20, 2022 12:20
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import io.temporal.activity.ActivityOptions;
import io.temporal.common.RetryOptions;
import io.temporal.workflow.Saga;
import io.temporal.workflow.Workflow;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Objects;
public class FoodDeliveryWorkFlowImpl implements FoodDeliveryWorkFlow{
private final ActivityOptions options =
private final FoodOrderActivity foodOrderActivity = Workflow.newActivityStub(FoodOrderActivity.class, options);
public String orderFood(String food, String amount) {
final Saga saga = new Saga(new Saga.Options.Builder().setParallelCompensation(false).build());
try {
final String orderId = Workflow.randomUUID().toString();
final boolean isPaymentDone = foodOrderActivity.makePayment(amount, orderId);
saga.addCompensation(() -> foodOrderActivity.revert(amount, orderId));
if (!isPaymentDone) {
throw new RuntimeException("Payment Failed");
final boolean isCustomerNotified = foodOrderActivity.acknowledgeCustomer(orderId);
saga.addCompensation(() -> foodOrderActivity.acknowledgeCustomerForFailure(orderId));
if (!isCustomerNotified) {
throw new RuntimeException("Order creation Failed");
final boolean isRestaurantAcknowledged = foodOrderActivity.notifyRestuarantAndFetchAck(food, orderId, "1");
saga.addCompensation(() -> foodOrderActivity.notifyRestuarantAndSendFailAck(food, orderId, "1"));
if (!isRestaurantAcknowledged) {
throw new RuntimeException("Ack Failed");
final boolean amountSentToRes = foodOrderActivity.sendPaymentToRestaurant(amount, orderId, "1");
saga.addCompensation(() -> foodOrderActivity.revertPaymentToRestaurant(amount, orderId, "1"));
if (!amountSentToRes) {
throw new RuntimeException("Payment to Res Failed");
final String deliveryPartnerAssigned = foodOrderActivity.searchAndAssignDeliveryPartner(orderId, "1");
saga.addCompensation(() -> foodOrderActivity.noDeliveryPersonsFound(orderId, "1"));
if (Objects.isNull(deliveryPartnerAssigned)) {
throw new RuntimeException("No Delivery Partner Found");
return orderId;
catch (final RuntimeException activityFailure) {
return "FAILED";
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
public class FoodOrderActivityImpl implements FoodOrderActivity{
public boolean makePayment(String amount, String orderId) {" Transferring to FoodDelivery Global AC of Amount : {} from customer acc by payment Provider for Order Id : " + orderId, amount);
return true;
//return false;
public boolean acknowledgeCustomer(String orderId) {" Payment Done for $ 10 and your order is placed order Id : " + orderId);
return true;
//return false;
public boolean notifyRestuarantAndFetchAck(String food, String orderId, String restaurantId) {"Notifying Restaurant with Id : {} on Food : {} for OrderId : " + orderId, restaurantId, food);
return true;
//return false;
public boolean sendPaymentToRestaurant(String amount, String orderId, String restaurantId) {"Sending Amount : {} to restaurant : {} for the Food with orderId : " + orderId, amount, restaurantId);
return true;
//return false;
public String searchAndAssignDeliveryPartner(String orderId, String restaurantId) {"Searching Delivery Genie near to restaurant : {} for the Food Delivering with orderId : " + orderId);
return "ABC_DEL_GENIE_ID";
// Failure Scenario roll back above transactions
//return null;
public boolean revert(String amount, String orderId) {" Reverting Transferred to FoodDelivery Global AC of Amount : {} from customer acc by payment Provider for Order Id : " + orderId, amount);
return true;
public boolean acknowledgeCustomerForFailure(String orderId) {" Reverted your payment for $ 10 for your order due to technical Issues : " + orderId);
return true;
public boolean notifyRestuarantAndSendFailAck(String food, String orderId, String restaurantId) {"Notifying Failure that customer has cancelled the order Restaurant with Id : {} on Food : {} for OrderId : " + orderId, restaurantId, food);
return true;
public boolean revertPaymentToRestaurant(String amount, String orderId, String restaurantId) {"Reverting Amount : {} to restaurant : {} for the Food with orderId : " + orderId, amount, restaurantId);
return true;
public String noDeliveryPersonsFound(String orderId, String restaurantId) {"No Delivery Genie near to restaurant : {} for the Food Delivering with orderId : " + orderId);
return "FAILURE";
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