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Last active April 21, 2020 06:01
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let with return and error handling operators
(ns miracle.let
(:refer-clojure :exclude [let])
(:require [clojure.walk :refer [postwalk]]
[clojure.test :as t :refer [is deftest]]))
(defn in-form
[form pred]
(clojure.core/let [vars (transient [])]
(postwalk (fn [f]
(when (pred f)
(conj! vars f))
(persistent! vars)))
(defn used-returns
(in-form form #(and (symbol? %)
(= % '$return))))
(defn replace-in-form
[form pred replace]
(postwalk (fn [f]
(if (pred f)
(replace f)
(defn replace-return
[form replace]
(fn [f]
(and (seq? f)
(symbol? (first f))
(= '$return (first f))))
(defn has-return?
(seq (used-returns form)))
(defn cljs-env?
"Take the &env from a macro, and tell whether we are expanding into cljs."
(boolean (:ns env)))
(defmacro if-cljs
"Return then if we are generating cljs code and else for Clojure code."
[then else]
(if (cljs-env? &env) then else))
(def ops
;; trying to make clj-kondo happy
(def $ ::implicit-error-variable)
(def !! ::nil-or-err)
(def !nil ::nil)
(def !not ::false)
(def !all ::all)
(def !err ::err)
(defn is-op?
(get ops v))
(declare handle-do-form)
(defn handle-nil
[f err-f]
`(clojure.core/let [res# ~f]
(if-not (nil? res#)
~(if err-f
`(clojure.core/let [~'$ nil ;; $ means "the thing that triggered `err-f`
new-res# ~err-f]
(if-not (nil? new-res#)
(defn handle-false
[f err-f]
(clojure.core/let [res-sym (gensym "res")]
`(clojure.core/let [~res-sym ~f]
(if ~res-sym
~(if err-f
`(clojure.core/let [~'$ ~res-sym ;; $ means "the thing that triggered `err-f`
new-res# ~err-f]
(defn handle-err
[f err-f]
(catch ~(if-cljs js/Error Exception) e#
(clojure.core/let [~'$ e#] ;; $ means "the thing that triggered `err-f`
(defn handle-op
[f op err-f]
(condp = op
(handle-err f err-f)
(handle-nil f err-f)
(handle-false f err-f)
(handle-err (handle-nil f err-f)
(handle-nil err-f nil) ;; if an error was threwn, check err-f for nil afterwards
(handle-err (handle-false f err-f)
(handle-false err-f nil) ;; if an error was threwn, check err-f for nil afterwards
;; else
(throw (#?(:cljs js/Error.
:clj Exception.) (str "Operator " op " not handled.")))))
(defn return-wrap
[form opts]
(if (has-return? form)
(clojure.core/let [opts (assoc opts ::return-v (::return-sym opts))
f2 ((::replace-return opts) form)]
[f2 opts])
[form opts]))
(defn return-if-return-set
[opts form]
(if-let [return-v (::return-v opts)]
`(if (not= @~return-v ::not-set)
(defn handle-do-form
[[[k v] & forms] body opts]
(clojure.core/let [[[next-k next-v]] forms]
(nil? k) (cond
(not (seq? body)) body
(not (seq (drop 1 body))) (first body)
:else `(do ~@body))
(if (is-op? next-k)
(clojure.core/let [[form opts] (return-wrap
(handle-op v
next-k ;; op
next-v ;; err-f
`(clojure.core/let [~k ~form]
~(handle-do-form (rest forms) ;; we already took next-k and next-v
`(clojure.core/let [~k ~v]
~(handle-do-form forms body opts)))))))
(defmacro let
"Acts like `clojure.core/let`, and supports `$return` various operators such as `!!`.
`(let [a (/ 5 0) !! ($return :divided-by-zero)]
a)` ;;=> :divided-by-zero
`!err` catches errors, `$` is implicitly bound to the error
`!nil` catches `nil`, `$` is bound to `nil`
`!not` catches falsy values (`false` and `nil`), `$` is bound to the catched value
`!!` like `!err` + `!nil`
`!!all` like `!err` + `!not`
See more examples in the tests.
[binds & body]
(if (has-return? binds)
(clojure.core/let [return-sym (gensym "ret-v")
rep-ret (fn [form] (replace-return form (fn [[_ value]]
`(vreset! ~return-sym ~value))))]
`(clojure.core/let [~return-sym (volatile! ::not-set)]
~(handle-do-form (partition 2 binds) body {::return-sym return-sym
::replace-return rep-ret})))
(handle-do-form (partition 2 binds) body {})))
(deftest no-crash
(is (= 20 (let [a (get nil :a) !nil 20]
(is (= 1377 (let [a 10
b (= :cat :dog) !! ($return 20) ;; !! doesn't catch false
c 30]
(+ a (or b 1337) c))))
(is (= 20 (let [a 10
b (= :cat :dog) !all ($return 20) ;; !all does though
c 30]
(+ a (or b 1337) c))))
(is (= "crazy cat")
(let [_ (= :cat :hat) !not (println "that can't be right")
_ (#{:a} :a) !not (println "that can be though")
b (#{:b} :a) !not ($return "crazy cat")
b 1337]
(println "the end" b)))
(is (= "the end1337")
(let [_ (= :cat :hat) !not (println "that can't be right")
_ (#{:a} :a) !not (println "that can be though")
b 1337]
(str "the end" b)))
(is (= "the end1337")
(let [_ (= :cat :hat) !all (println "that can't be right")
_ (#{:a} :a) !all (println "that can be though")
b 1337]
(str "the end" b)))
(is (= 30 (let [a (/ 10 0) !! 20
b (/ 10 0) !! 30]
(is (= "wathej") (let [a (/ 5 0) !! "wat"]
(str a "hej")))
(is (= "screw this")
(let [a (* 5 5)
!! (println "wat")
a (get nil :kalle) !! 1337
_ (println "first a" a)
a (/ 5 0)
!! (do (println "!! Error" (-> $ Throwable->map :via first :message))
($return "screw this"))
_ (println "second a" a)
b 20]
(* a b)))
;; verify that there is a `vreset!`-call is generated
;; when there is a $return
(is (seq (in-form (macroexpand
'(let [a 10
b (/ a 0) !! ($return 20)
c 30]
(+ a b c)))
#(= % `vreset!))))
;; and vice versa
(is (empty? (in-form
(macroexpand '(let [a 10
b (/ a 0)
c 30]
(+ a b c)))
#(= % `vreset!))))
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