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Last active November 9, 2021 09:40
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(def code
(+ 1 2
(+ 3 4))
(def token-peg
~{:tuple-start (/ (* ($) "(" ($)) ,(fn [start stop] [:tuple-start "(" start stop]))
:tuple-stop (/ (* ($) ")" ($)) ,(fn [start stop] [:tuple-stop ")" start stop]))
:symbol (/ (* ($) '(some (if-not :d (if-not :s 1))) ($))
,(fn [start s stop] [:symbol s start stop]))
:number (/ (* ($) ':d+ ($)) ,(fn [start i stop] [:number i start stop]))
:main (any (* :s*
(+ :tuple-start
(peg/match token-peg code)
# kind, token, start, stop
@[(:tuple-start "(" 0 1)
(:symbol "+" 1 2)
(:number "1" 3 4)
(:number "2" 5 6)
(:tuple-start "(" 10 11)
(:symbol "+" 11 12)
(:number "3" 13 14)
(:number "4" 15 16)
(:tuple-stop ")" 16 17)
(:tuple-stop ")" 17 18)])
(defn data->obj
[line-n kind value start stop]
# uncomment this for enlive style
# (will break examples further down though)
#{:value value
# :kind kind
# :start [line-n start]
# :stop [line-n stop]}
@[kind {:start [line-n start]
:stop [line-n stop]}
(defn parse
Parses line-by-line, returns state which
information of depth of delimiters,
current array one is pushing values to
e.g. a tuple, but if the code parsed looks like:
1 2 3
Then the is the "root node".
current line-number
[state line]
(pp line)
(def {:delimiter-stack delim-stack
:stack stack
:line line-n} state)
(loop [t :in line
:let [[kind value start stop] t]]
(case kind
:tuple-start (do
(array/push stack @[])
(array/push delim-stack (data->obj line-n ;t)))
:tuple-stop (if (= (get (last delim-stack) 2)
(let [ld (last delim-stack)]
(array/pop delim-stack)
(def ls (last stack))
(array/pop stack)
(array/push (last stack) @[:tuple
{:start-delim ld
:start (get-in ld [1 :start])
:stop [line-n stop]
:stop-delim (data->obj line-n ;t)}
(error "no match"))
# else
(array/push (last stack) (data->obj line-n ;t)))
(put state :column stop))
(update state :line inc))
(defn code->ast
(def lines (seq [l :in (string/split "\n" c)]
(peg/match token-peg l)))
(def state @{:line 0
:delimiter-stack @[]
:stack @[@[]]})
(parse state (first lines))
(parse state (lines 1)))
(def res (code->ast code))
(print "full parsed ast")
(print (string/format "%P" (res :stack)))
(defn spaces
"Used for indentation"
(string/repeat " " n))
(defn print-hiccup
"Prints hiccup style ASTs.
Just to more easily visualize."
[hc &keys {:indent indent
:rowbreak-end rb}]
(default indent 0)
(if (string? hc)
(prin " " hc)
(def tag (first hc))
(def props (hc 1))
(def children (drop 2 hc))
(def nof (length children))
(prin (spaces indent))
(prin "@[:" tag " ")
# can be modifed to print whole props
(prin (string/format ``
{:start %p :stop %p}
`` (props :start) (props :stop)))
# lets add a newline before children
(when (or (= :tuple tag)
(= :root tag))
(loop [i :range [0 nof]
:let [h (in children i)]]
(print-hiccup h
:indent (+ indent 1)
# don't rowbreak at end
# if final child
(= i (dec nof))
(prin "]")
(when rb (print)))))
# extract the ast, slap it into a :root node
(def hiccup
(let [tree (first (res :stack))]
# bogus numbers, should be taken from
# first and last children instead
{:start [0 0]
:stop [99999999999 9999999999]}
(defn find-tree-index
[hc line col &opt pos res]
(if (string? hc)
(def tag (first hc))
(def props (hc 1))
(def children (drop 2 hc))
(def nof (length children))
(default res @[])
(let [{:start start :stop stop} props
[start-l start-c] start
[stop-l stop-c] stop]
(when (and (<= start-l line)
(<= start-c col)
(>= stop-l line)
(> stop-c col))
(unless (nil? pos) # this is the root
(array/push res pos))
(unless (empty? children)
(loop [i :range [0 nof]
:let [c (in children i)]]
(find-tree-index c line col i res)))))
(defn pop-expr
Given hiccup-style AST and a line and a column
(e.g., where the caret currently is), find
the path to the innermost node wrapping
that line and column.
[hiccup l c]
(print "found path to line " l ", column " c)
(pp (find-tree-index hiccup l c))
(def [pi ci] (find-tree-index hiccup l c))
(let [p (get hiccup (+ 2 pi))
c (get p (+ 2 ci))
spat (array/pop c)]
(array/push p spat)))
(print "---------------------------------------------")
(print "before popping")
:rowbreak-end true)
(pop-expr hiccup 1 3)
(pop-expr hiccup 1 3)
(print "after popping")
:rowbreak-end true)
# old stuff
# old expected result, when I thoughtw of using enlive
(def expected-result
[{:kind :tuple
:start [0 0]
:stop [1 11]
[{:kind :symbol
:value '+
:start [0 1]
:stop [0 2]}
{:kind :number
:value 1
:start [0 3]
:stop [0 4]}
{:kind :number
:value 2
:start [0 5]
:stop [0 6]}
{:kind :tuple
:start [1 3]
:stop [1 10]
[{:kind :symbol
:value '+
:start [1 4]
:stop [1 5]}
{:kind :number
:value 3
:start [1 6]
:stop [1 7]}
{:kind :number
:value 4
:start [1 8]
:stop [1 9]}]}]}])
# prints enlive
(defn print-enlive
[e &keys {:indent i}]
(default i 0)
(if (= :tuple (e :kind))
(prin (string ;(map (fn [_] " ") (range 0 i)))
(when (e :children)
(let [f (first (e :children))
rest (drop 1 (e :children))]
(print-enlive f :indent 0)
(map |(print-enlive $ :indent (+ i 1)) rest)))
(prin (string ;(map (fn [_] " ") (range 0 i)))
(prin (e :value) " ")
(when (e :children)
(map |(print-enlive $ :indent (+ i 2)) (e :children)))))))
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