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Last active February 11, 2019 23:49
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Proto repl save functionality for ClojureCLR
(:require [clojure.walk :refer [postwalk]]))
(def ^:dynamic *max-saves* 1000000000)
(defn gensym? [s]
(re-find #"__\d+" s))
(defn fn->var
"Takes a function and returns a var. Works even on function objects."
(-> (str f)
(clojure.string/replace #"eval--\d+" "")
(clojure.string/replace #"--\d+" "")
(clojure.string/replace #"(/(?=[^/]*/))" ".") ;; replace all but last / with .
(#(eval `(var ~%)))))
;; Contains the saved local bindings of various vars and identifiers.
(defonce saves (atom {}))
(defn clear-saves! [] (reset! saves {}))
(defn new*
"Creates a new save at `var` and `id`, with `bindings`."
([var id]
(new* var id {}))
([var id bindings]
(swap! saves update-in [var id]
(fn [saves]
(-> (conj saves bindings) ;; put it on the stack!
(#(if (< (count %) *max-saves*)
(into '() (reverse (take *max-saves* %)))
(defn update*
"Updates a specific binding `k` using `f` for a `var` and an `id`entifier."
([sym id k val f]
(let [binding-list (get-in @saves [sym id])]
(if binding-list
(let [v (get (peek binding-list) k)
res (f v val)]
(swap! saves assoc-in [sym id] (conj (pop binding-list) (assoc (peek binding-list) k res)))
(let [res (f nil val)]
(swap! saves assoc-in [sym id] (list {k res}))
(defn save-fn
([bindings] (save-fn bindings :__default))
([bindings id]
(let [callee `(fn->var (second (last (sort-by first (filter #(re-matches #"fn__\d+" (name (key %))) ~bindings)))))] (save-fn bindings callee id)))
([bindings callee id]
(let [bindings `(into {} (remove #(gensym? (name (key %))) ~bindings))]
`(new* ~callee ~id ~bindings))))
(defmacro get-env
(into {} (for [k (keys &env)]
[`'~k k])))
(defmacro save
"Used to save all local bindings, takes an optional identifier as a parameter.
The identifier is used with `ld` in order to load the local bindings at a specific point.
If no identifier is provided, a default value is used instead."
[& args]
(apply save-fn
(into {} (for [k (keys &env)]
[`'~k k]))
(defn get-save
(get-save sym :__default))
([sym id]
(let [sym (cond (keyword? sym) sym
(var? sym) sym
(symbol? sym) (resolve sym)
:otherwise (fn->var sym))]
(get-in @saves [sym id]))))
(defn ld
"Loads the local bindings that have been saved in function `v` at point `id`.
If `id` is omitted, a default value is used instead."
([v] (ld v :__default))
([v id]
(let [locals (first (get-save v id))]
(when-not (nil? locals)
(println "Defining" (keys locals))
(doseq [[sym val] locals]
(eval `(def ~(symbol sym) '~val))
(catch Exception e (do (prn sym val))))))))))
(defn fld
"Loads the local bindings that have been saved in function `v` using save-func."
(let [locals (first (get-save v :__funcall))]
(when-not (nil? locals)
(let [lets (into {} (:lets locals))
args (into {} (:args locals))
locals (merge args lets)]
(println "Defining" (keys locals))
(doseq [[sym val] locals]
(eval `(def ~(symbol sym) '~val))
(catch Exception e (do (prn sym val)))))))))
([v & [extra]]
(let [pred (if (= extra :error) :error (constantly true))
locals (first (filter pred (get-save v :__funcall)))]
(when-not (nil? locals)
(let [lets (into {} (:lets locals))
args (into {} (:args locals))
all-lets (:lets locals)
error (:error locals)
locals (merge args lets {'all-lets all-lets} {'args_ args} (when error {'error error}))]
(prn (:error locals))
(println "Defining" (keys locals))
(doseq [[sym val] locals]
(eval `(def ~(symbol sym) '~val))
(catch Exception e (do (prn sym val))))))))))
(defmacro let-save-specific
[sym id bindings & body]
(let [bindings (->> (partition 2 bindings)
(map (fn [[k v]] [k `(update* ~sym ~id :lets ~v #(into [] (conj %1 ['~k %2])))]))
(apply concat)
(into []))]
`(let ~bindings ~@body)))
(defmacro save-func-specific
[id & body]
(let [env (into {} (for [k (keys &env)]
[`'~k k]))
callee `(fn->var (second (last (sort-by first (filter #(re-matches #"fn__\d+" (name (key %))) ~env)))))]
(new* ~callee ~id {:__args (into {} (remove #(gensym? (name (key %))) ~env))})
~@(postwalk #(if (and (list? %)
(symbol? (first %))
(= (resolve (first %))
(apply list 'let-save-specific callee id (rest %)) %)
(defmacro save-func
[& body]
(let [env (into {} (for [k (keys &env)]
[`'~k k]))
callee `(fn->var (second (last (sort-by first (filter #(re-matches #"fn__\d+" (name (key %))) ~env)))))]
(* ~callee :__funcall {:args (into {} (remove #(gensym? (name (key %))) ~env))})
~@(postwalk #(if (and (list? %)
(symbol? (first %))
(= (resolve (first %))
(apply list 'let-save-specific callee :__funcall (rest %)) %)
(catch Exception ~'e (do (update* ~callee :__funcall :error ~'e #(identity %2))
(throw ~'e)))))))
(defn inspect-map [map-to-print & {:keys [desired-level safe-count]
:or {desired-level 4 safe-count 10}}]
(binding [*print-level* desired-level *print-length* safe-count]
(clojure.pprint/pprint map-to-print)))
(defn print-saves
"Loads the local bindings that have been saved in function `v` at point `id`.
If `id` is omitted, a default value is used instead."
([v] (print-saves
v :__funcall))
([v id]
(let [v (cond (keyword? v) v
(var? v) v
(symbol? v) (resolve v)
:otherwise (fn->var v))
locals (take 10 (get-in @saves [v id]))]
(doseq [i (reverse (range (count locals)))]
(println "Entry no." i)
(inspect-map (first (drop i locals)))
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