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Created November 7, 2021 09:06
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(+ 1 (* 2 3 4
(import freja/new_gap_buffer :as gb)
(import freja/state)
# will contain the parsers for each line
(def cache @[])
(def gap-buffer (get-in state/editor-state [:left-state :editor :gb]))
(var buf "")
(def ast @[])
(defn build-ast
(fn [gb k line-i current-line]
(set buf (string buf current-line))
(let [parser (or (-?> (with-dyns [:out stdout]
(print "lul")
(def v (get-in cache [(dec line-i) :parser]))
# (pp v)
# (tracev v)
(def curr @{:parser parser
:line-i line-i
:line (string current-line)
:forms @[]
:states @[]
:symbols @[]})
(with-dyns [:out stdout]
(print "lul: " current-line))
(var curr-delim nil)
(array/push (curr :states) (parser/state parser))
(def curr-stack @[])
(loop [t :in (string/split " " current-line)]
(parser/consume parser (string t " "))
(def state (parser/state parser))
(array/push curr-stack state)
(unless (= curr-delim (state :delimiters))
# delimiters changed
(set curr-delim (state :delimiters))
(array/push (curr :forms) curr-delim)
(array/concat (curr :forms)
;(seq [f :in (state :frames)
#a :in (f :args)
:let [as (f :args)]
:when as
:when (not (empty? as))]
(f :args))))
(def vs (seq [v :iterate (parser/produce parser)]
(array/push (curr :forms) v)
(set curr-delim nil)
(array/clear curr-stack)
(when-let [err (parser/error parser)]
(print "error: " err)
(pp (parser/state parser))
(put curr :error err))
(array/push cache curr))))
# to recalculate all cache, we can clear lines
(array/clear (gap-buffer :lines))
# and say that it was changed
(put gap-buffer :changed true)
# line-i is the line index that is invalidated
# that means all following lines will be recalculated,
# so we remove those
(fn [gb k line-i]
#(print "removing from: " line-i " to " (length cache))
(when (< line-i (length cache))
(array/remove cache line-i (length cache)))))
(import freja/state)
(import freja/events :as e)
(use freja-jaylib)
(import ./freja/custom :as c)
(import freja/render_new_gap_buffer :as rgb)
(defn safe-slice
[s start stop]
(string/slice s start (min (length s) stop)))
(defn debug-string
(-> (string/format "%p" v)
(safe-slice 0 1000)))
(defn show-keys
[o ks]
(seq [k :in ks
:let [s (string/format "%p %p" k (get o k))]]
(safe-slice s 0 1000))
state/editor-state :right
(fn [{:left-state rs}]
(def {:editor editor} rs)
(def {:gb gb} editor)
[:background {:color :white}
[:padding {:all 10}
(fn [el]
(debug-string cache)
[0 0]))}]]]))
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