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Forked from Weathergadget/ATmega_SPI_Master.ino
Created February 2, 2018 03:09
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/* SPI Master Demo written by Robert Mollik, 2016
* This demo uses the SPI protocol on a Arduino Uno R3 / ATmega8 controller
* The demo sends out a request ID depending, whether a temperature or humidity signal shall be obtained from the slave. Both signals
* are datatype float, however get received as 4 bytes and need to be re-assembled.
#define CS PC0 // Chip select pin, any vacant portpin can be used
float temp,hum; // Variables for the temperature and humidity, which will be recieved.
void initSPI(){
// initilize the SPI functionalities on the ATmega
DDRB |= 1<<DDB2; // SS Pin has to be an output!!!!
PORTB |= 1<<PB2; // SS Pin set to HIGH so that a connected Pin would deselected
SPCR |= (1<<MSTR); // Enable Master role
SPCR |= (1<<SPE); // Enable SPI
// To change the clock speed. See datasheet. I had to do this, with full speed I received a lot of wrong data.
// Can be slowed down and expedited everywhere in the code. So the communication to slave A could be slow at 16 MHz and the
// communication to slave B fast with 2 MHz:
SPCR |= ((0<<SPR1) | (1<<SPR0));
// Define SCK, MOSI and custom CS as output
DDRB |= ((1<SS) | (1<<DDB3) | (1<<DDB5));
float receiveFloat(const char reqID){
float ans=0; // target variable for requested signal
byte* ansPTR = (byte*)&ans; // byte pointer on the target variable
// Pull chip select pin down to tell slave that the communications starts
PORTC &= ~(1<<CS);
delayMicroseconds(20); // Give the slave some time to digest
// Send out the reqID
SPDR = reqID;
/* Wait for transmission complete */
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))
delayMicroseconds(20); // Give the slave some time to digest
// Receive 1st byte. The '11' is not considered from the slave, however this step is necessary to initiate the transmission.
SPDR = 11;
/* Wait for transmission complete */
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))
ansPTR[0] = SPDR; // put the byte index 0 of the 'byte array' = float
// Receive 2nd byte
SPDR = 11;
/* Wait for transmission complete */
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))
ansPTR[1] = SPDR;
// Receive 3rd byte
SPDR = 11;
/* Wait for transmission complete */
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))
ansPTR[2] = SPDR;
// Receive 4th byte
SPDR = 128;
/* Wait for transmission complete */
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)))
ansPTR[3] = SPDR;
PORTC |= (1<<CS); // Set chip select high and stop communication
return ans;
void setup (void)
Serial.begin(115200); // Serial transmission for demonstration puroses
DDRC |= (1<<DDC0); // datadrection for chip select is not in initSPI()
void loop (void)
temp = receiveFloat('T'); // See function definition
hum = receiveFloat('H');
// Print in serial monitor for demonstration
Serial.print("T = ");
Serial.print(temp, DEC);
Serial.print("H = ");
Serial.print(hum, DEC);
} // end of loop
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